Getting acquainted: the Simpsons characters

A plain story about weekdays and holidaysAmerican family - the basis of the animated film "The Simpsons". The series went and goes on the screens of different countries and on different channels for more than ten years. Here is an indicator! Who are they, funny cartoon characters, The Simpsons? Get to know them better!

The cartoon features many other characters not from the Simpsons family, however, we will be interested in the main characters wearing this proud famous surname.

Homer and Marge Simpsons

Let's start to get better at the Simpsons cartoon.Characters whose names are known to two generations of viewers are an important component of the series’s success. And Homer Simpson is perhaps the most picturesque character. He represents the image of such a spilled father of the family.

Laughter arouses his ideas, his actions withinperforming the role of the father. The logic of Homer's reasoning is also quite remarkable and amusing. In such ridiculous situations that arise in the life of Homer Simpson, you need to get talented. This is what is remarkable hero. Well, two hairs, coquettishly combed at the top.

characters simpson

Marge Simpson is an incredibly patient womanHomer's wife. Differs peaceful view of the world and stunningly blue hair in a high hairstyle. It only remains to be amazed how she takes down all the antics of her husband, remaining a good mother of equally cheerful children.

The first generation that the Simpsons characters represent is the family mom and dad. We now turn to the younger generation.

Bart, Fox and Little Maggie

The children of the Simpsons are extremely interesting heroes.Let's start with the only son, Bart. He is a hooligan boy with a hedgehog haircut (his hair is vaguely guessed in the drawing of a cartoon). His life is a constant protest and a search for something new and interesting.

Fox Simpson is cute, but too "correct"girl. Naturally, she is an excellent student. Ambition affects behavior and relationships with others. However, it must be said that it does not reach the point of absurdity, and it remains a pleasant, interesting character. We will continue to recall the cartoon "The Simpsons", characters, names and character features of these cute characters.

The youngest of the Simpsons kids is Maggie.She says nothing, but with gestures makes it clear what she means. From the side it looks very interesting. The special charm gives the nipple, with which the baby does not part.

simpson characters names

So we see the children of the Simpsons family.Different in their life positions, they give each series a dynamic and unpredictable. But mom, dad and children are not all characters Simpsons. The oldest generation also deserves a separate discussion.

Eccentric Grandpa

The plot of our picture would be incomplete without the verysenior character in the animated series - Abraham Simpson (Abe's grandfather). His adventures in the past would be envied by every young lover of a joyful life. At the time of the events of the series, he lives in a nursing home, where his son sent (Homer, very unfairly doing with his father).

Of the most interesting facts about Abe’s biographyRecall of his presidency in the Association of People with Nontraditional Orientation, participation in the Second World War, for which he received the title of veteran. By the way, Abraham Simpson loves to tell everyone who has his ears about his life. All the characters in the cartoon "The Simpsons" came across his long stories.

Simpsons cartoon characters

As a pensioner, Abe loves to watch TV andsend angry letters to various instances. Eccentricity of Grandpa Simpson has no limits. Old age takes its toll: the grandfather more and more falls into senile insanity ... Long years of life for grandfather Abe and more of his unusual stories to us. Let fictional.

Such is the Simpson family (not fully assembled, but inthat appears on the plot of the animated series). Let us remember that it would not be so fun to watch them if it were not for the other heroes: friend Bart Milhouse, neighbor Needvard, evil businessman Charles Burns, bartender Morris and many other Simpsons characters. They, like Grandpa Abe, are not constantly acting heroes, unlike other family members.


cartoon characters simpson

Let the special meaning in the series "The Simpsons"It will not be possible to find it, even if the cartoon is alien to our worldview, however, it is ridiculous. And what else is needed for good mood after hard everyday life?

We were introduced to the characters of the cartoon "The Simpsons", old and young members of the little family. We are sure that we all had fun with them. And may these painted yellow little people delight us for a long time!