/ How to draw a wagon? Step-by-step instruction

How to draw a wagon? Step-by-step instruction

Furoy is called a car for transportation of largevolume of goods. They are used for intercity and international transportation. It's easy to portray transportation and it's very exciting. Beginners can be interested in how to draw a wagon. This question is discussed in more detail in this article.

How to get started

First you need to decide on the materials.An experienced artist can draw everything that is at hand. The beginner, of course, is better to choose on thick paper, a simple pencil or colored pencils. Also in the work may be useful ruler, eraser, watercolor or gouache.

Before you draw a real object,it makes sense to look at it live or in photos. This will allow to see the characteristic details and nuances. For example, when deciding how to draw a wagon, you should pay attention to the following features of this transport:

  • The truck can be with a trailer, and can be limited only to the driver's cab.
  • The cabin, trailer, wheels and everything else is large, as the truck carries heavy and large cargo.
  • The truck has more wheels than a conventional passenger car (there are 3 or 4 pairs).
  • The fuel tank is most often located just behind the cab.
  • Most often these cars have a bright color - to stand out and attract attention to the track.

how to draw a wagon

Stages of drawing

Understanding the question of how to draw a truck in pencil step by step, independently, you can face difficulties. Therefore, it is better to focus on proven steps:

  • Identify the square (cabin).
  • Mark the rectangle (body).
  • Draw a side window in the cockpit and the driver's door.
  • Mark the location of the wheels - one in the center of the cabin, two - closer to the rear edge of the trailer.
  • Make a sketch of the front and rear bumper.
  • Find a place for the fuel tank.
  • Add details - a handle on the door, a sun visor on the cockpit, wheels and holes on wheels, lights and parking lights.
  • Erase the eraser superfluous lines of construction.

how to draw a pile in pencil step by step

How to complete a picture and how to complete it

Considering how to draw a wagon, you canto think that it is very easy. However, it is possible not to dwell on the schematic image, the truck needs to be supplemented with details and give it volume. The simplest thing is to put a picture or an inscription on the tarpaulin to which the trailer is fitted. Here opens up space for imagination and creativity. Bringing the drawing to realism, you can focus on mud stains on the entire surface of the wagon. You can also draw warning signs, sketch the driver. In addition, smoke can escape from the exhaust pipe, and light may fall from the headlights.

 how to draw a truck with a pencil and a trailer

When the question of how to draw a wagon is almost solved,It is worth giving the object and the work as a whole volume and space. To make the cargo van look bulky, you need to put your own and falling shadows. Also it is necessary to make at least an outline of the earth or road markings near the wheels. As a background, you can outline a forest, trees, sky with clouds or other machines (they are better represented by a light contour). Thus, it becomes clear how to draw a truck with a pencil (with a trailer). The drawing is alive and filled with details.