/ / "Sivka-burka", a brief content - the search for the most valuable and genuine folk retelling

“Sivka-burka”, a brief content - the search for the most valuable and genuine folk retelling

Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev was one of the folklorists who introduced the Russian public to the wealth of Russian fairy tales.

sivka burka summary
In three varieties he published a workwhich went among the people as oral creativity - "Sivko-Burko". In brackets it must be said that the variant, which is known to everyone as the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”, is not the people, but the author A.N. Tolstoy.

The work of Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy

He set himself an enormous task:retell Russian fairy tales mainly for children. That would be the beginning of a great deal of work. A.N. Tolstoy approached work very responsibly. He collected several variants of the same tale. He took the best as a basis, added details from others. So after processing appeared "Sivka-Burka". The tale recreated by A. N. Tolstoy is known to many generations of children.

Sivka Burka fairy tale
But the basic version is a folk work,which listened for centuries and recorded folklorists. Big enthusiasts worked in this area and collected a huge amount of material bit by bit. And for the readers of our time, the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka” was written by the author Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy. All his works on artistic execution and penetration into the recreated epoch (for example, “Peter the Great”) are magnificent. In the same row is "Sivka-burka" (fairy tale for children).

The beginnings of the tale

The tale begins with a description of the peasant family.He has two successful sons, and the third - more and more sits on the stove and goes to the woods for mushrooms. Nothing else needed, does not. The old man before his death gives orders to his sons for three nights in a row to go to his grave, to bring bread.

sivka burka by
Go to the cemetery is necessary, as in folkIt was believed that if the deceased person remains hungry, it will become a ghost that will revive and return to the white light. Such a beginning in the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”, a brief summary of which will be given, will tell the readers what kind of old man the sons were. But at night in the cemetery is scary, and the eldest son asks the foolish brother to go instead of him and feed his father. So did Vanya. The same story repeated with the middle son - he did not go, but sent Vanya. Ivan fed his father with bread and returned home in the morning. And on the third night - his turn to go. Went the youngest, fed the father, said that everything was calm in Russia, and his father praised him for not being afraid, he came to calm him down and feed him, and taught his younger son how and why to call a horse named Sivka-Burka. The summary of the tale will show that the horse turned out to be magical and rendered Ivan good service.

Not a simple horse

The horse on Slavic beliefs was a link between the world of the living and the realm of the dead. He appears extraordinary. At the same time, the earth trembles, everything sparkles with fire, smoke is around.

Heroes Sivka Bourke
And the color of the horse is unusual. Gray - means white, burka - auburn, kaurka - chestnut. And he is also prophetic, that is, he knows how to guess what will happen next.

Summon King

The king wanted to marry his daughter to a daredevil,who jumps on a horse to the upper window of the tower, where the princess of incomparable beauty will sit, and will kiss the girl. For this he will give up his daughter, and half the kingdom as a dowry. Older brothers gathered, younger did not want to take. Left alone. And Ivan took the bridle, which he received from his father, went out into the field and called, as his father taught, a horse. That's how Sivka-burka. The summary is presented to the reader, as the horse instructs, how impatiently he digs the ground with his hoof, how instantly magically transforms Ivanushka from a peasant son into a written handsome. The horse runs so that the earth begins to tremble, its tail sweeps the mountains and down.

At the royal court

A large crowd has gathered.Who is just to gape, who jump on a horse to the twelfth crown, where the princess sits at the height of the window. And they began to ride, but barely jump to the middle. Hard test gave the king great. Then Ivan broke up his horse and flew past the window from the third time, kissed the princess, and she put a stamp on his forehead.

Russian tales
And he instantly disappeared, just as he had not.Carried Ivan Sivka-burka. Summary will show what secret our protagonist will hide. Seal in the forehead shines, it must be carefully for the time being hidden. And from the first sight, he is again the usual Vanyusha, who only knows how to sit at the stove. But he was not afraid to go to his father’s grave, which means that his reward is waiting somewhere.

At the feast of the king

All the people, both rich and poor, began to gather toto the king. Older brothers, too, but did not take Vanya. But he went on foot, came and sat in a far corner. The princess bypasses all - it looks who has the seal. I got to Vanya, and he is covered in soot, his hair is tousled and his forehead is tied. The princess untied the rag - and under it the seal shines: bright light spread over all the royal chambers. The princess learned her betrothed.

Royal feast
The king didn’t like the future son in law - it’s very scary.But Ivan asked permission to wash. In the courtyard I clicked Sivku-burka, who made our hero such a good man, for whom it is not a shame to give the royal daughter. It was then that the brothers realized what it was like to not be afraid and go to their father’s grave, what reward could have awaited them. Yes, and the people gathered in the yard, zahal and sighed. Never seen such miracles.

But what is there to talk a lot to talk. It is necessary to cook a cheerful feast and play a wedding.


In this tale, as in many others, briefly andThe human characters — lazy and arrogant elder brothers, an active and kind Ivanushka — are amply portrayed. These are the main fairy tale characters. Sivka-burka, who brought victory to Ivanushka, is also a hero, and a very active, real heroic horse. Thus ends the fairy tale, with confidence and hope that the king will notice the brave man, and happiness and luck will be available to the common man.