/ / How to get red color when mixing paints?

How to get red when mixing colors?

По мнению учёных, любой из цветов является an individual symbol and carries some meaning for the psyche. During the icy and freezing pores, the desire to somehow color the black and white world outside the window is particularly apparent. For example, in red, which is extremely common in nature. The word "red" comes from the old Slavic word "beauty" and originally meant "good, beautiful." This color was also called “scarlet” because the paint was obtained from a special type of worms. This word is also mentioned in the Russian Synodal Bible for the definition of the Red (Red) Sea. And only after the VI century, humanity became interested in how to get the red color. Already then they began to compare it with the brightest color in the color spectrum.

how to get red

Use of red in nature

В цветовом спектре он имеет множество оттенков и coincides with the minimum frequency of the electromagnetic field visible to the human eye. For example, printing uses only four colors, but there is no red among them. There is a logical question: how to get red? Very simple! It is enough to mix two colors: purple and yellow. To display images on a monitor, they mainly use RGB color modes. Instead of black - the background of the screen, which displays blue, red and green dots.

how to get red when mixing colors

Разнообразные оттенки этого цвета крайне часто named by their natural owners. These may be names: minerals, fruits, berries and flowers. The red range can be: crimson, cherry, wine, burgundy, pink, coral and ruby ​​shades.

If someone is interested in how to get redcolor in cooking, everything is simple here! It is enough to pay attention to the contents of the refrigerator. To get red or pink color, cooks use the juice of lingonberry, cornel, currant, cherry, strawberry, raspberry. However, such natural dyes need to be applied very carefully, as excessive saturation of color in food can ruin the appetite. And, for example, pigments that are extracted from special plants are used for dyeing fabrics.

Painting in bright red

Общеизвестно, что в окружающем нас мире имеется much more pastel colors and tones than rich colors. I wonder how to get a bright red color? The answer lies almost on the surface. Before drawing the picture, it is necessary to remember the elementary rules for mixing paints and take into account the mutual combination of elements of the palette.

how to get bright red

В круге цветового спектра красный располагается в very center of soft shades. Around them are warmer tones used in most cases for a more beneficial combination of colors. If you need to get a more dynamic and rich combination, use bright base colors and feel free to choose a suitable shade that is opposite to red.

We combine different shades

Now consider how to get red whenmixing colors. First of all, it is necessary to prepare an artistic palette (it can be replaced with paper or cloth) for mixing paints, a container with water and a brush. When drawing a picture, constantly look closely at what comes out on the canvas and on the working palette. Pay particular attention to the “temperature setting”, as the colors can also be warm or cold. Red and yellow shades are mainly used as warm colors. However, when comparing different shades of red and yellow will be in the cold range. For example, lemon yellow will be colder than cadmium yellow. The burgundy color is colder than alizarin red, although the latter will be warmer than blue.

Следовательно, чем ближе в цветовом круге друг к friend are located shades, the brighter and cleaner they are obtained by mixing. Accordingly, a less saturated tone can be obtained by mixing those colors that are located farther from each other and closer to the auxiliary shades. During the mixing of two warm shades, a warm color is always obtained. If you mix two cold colors, you get only a cold shade.

how to get red color from paints

Even a novice painter should try.use as few colors as possible to give the picture a multicolor. In addition, you need to know which colors can be mixed and which not. This is necessary to eliminate unstable inks - burnable, darkening, etc.

We fantasize

Now let's talk about how to get red.from paints? You may be disappointed, but this is impossible. The theory was described in the writings of Leonardo da Vinci. Along with blue and yellow, red is the primary color, and all others are the product of combination. Such shades are called compound or secondary. Shades obtained during the alignment of the three colors are called tertiary. When receiving a tone, it is important not to add too many different colors to the palette, otherwise it will turn out to be dirt.

Besides, white and black shades are also impossible.get when mixed with other colors. For example, black color should be applied very carefully. If when mixing paints on a white sheet, a brown or dark blue shade is clearly visible, this paint should not be used. As for the white color, it must be added to the palette more than black. However, to get a bright shade, do not add it too much.

how to get red when mixing

Computer graphics mismatch with painting

Итак, как получить красный цвет при смешивании?We already know the answer. Only in the RGB system when working with computer graphics. In wide format printing, there are only four primary colors: black, yellow, cyan and magenta. Red is achieved by overlaying one color over another, in this case magenta and yellow. The saturation of paints should be approximately equal.

В общем, мы выяснили, как получить красный цвет.Based on the knowledge gained, we learned that painting is based solely on the three primary colors. However, how many wonderful shades of red can be obtained in combination with auxiliary colors?

No need to despair

Even professional artists combinemultiple colors for a richer shade. The main thing is to always remember that in order to get the final bright result it is necessary to choose exceptionally bright basic colors.

Как получить красный цвет в мягких тонах?Use light base shades or slightly dilute them with white. The final result when mixing colors directly depends on the proportions used.

В конце хочется упомянуть о том, что в according to the acquired experience your knowledge in painting will constantly develop. But in any case, to find out more detailed information on how to get red color when mixing paints, and learn how to mix them correctly, be sure to read the special literature. Good luck!