March 22, 1949 in UkrainianDnepropetrovsk was born an outstanding public figure of Russia, writer, publicist, politician Yuri Mukhin. As the author of widely discussed books and documentaries on the history of society and political issues, he has many followers and like-minded people both in Russia and in foreign countries.
In the late 80s and until the mid-90s he workedFirst Deputy General Director at the Yermakovsky Ferroalloy Plant, where he proved himself a talented inventor, rationalizer and well organized production. Yuri Mukhin was awarded the sign "Inventor of the USSR" for more than thirty implemented inventions, he published a number of scientific articles. His fundamentally new managerial concept, called “Delokratia”, is considered among the organizers of production to be very promising and promising.
And in 1995, this plant was sold to Japaneseindustrialists. With the new leadership, Yuri Mukhin, naturally, had conflicted and moved to the capital of Russia, where he became the founder of the Duel newspaper and was its regular author until the moment when the newspaper ceased to exist (banned in 2009). After that, he worked as chief editor of the newspaper "To the barrier!" (also prohibited). After 2010, the newspaper "His Names" was published.
Numerous articles in the magazine "For the familyWith seals "and in the newspaper" Tomorrow ", which the publicist Yuri Mukhin offered his reader, provided the author with both recognition and repression. But the series of books about the war in the publishing house" Eksmo ", founded by him, enjoys the invariable interest of both supporters and opponents of the world who sees and demonstrates in his works Yuri Mukhin. His biography is the richest.
Был основателем и главой "Армии Воли Народа" - social movement, which was banned on the territory of our country in 2010. The organization came up with proposals for the adoption of laws, which spelled out the direct responsibility of both the President and the Federal Assembly for the activities they carry on, that is, the direct responsibility of the current government to their people.
It would be logical, but not everyone thought so.Although the representatives of this organization were delegated to the National Assembly of the Russian Federation, the “Army of the Will of the People” was recognized as extremist and banned (2010). Then Mukhin Yury Ignatievich headed another community - the Initiative Group for the referendum "Call" (For Responsible Authority). As a result of this, on July 29, 2015, he was detained. He was charged with continuing the activities of the AMS.
Yuri Mukhin represents Yevgeny YakovlevichDzhugashvili in the courts, defending the honor and dignity of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Yevgeniy's grandfather. And Evgeny Yakovlevich himself is not so simple as to choose an unworthy person for such an important matter. Dzhugashvili - Candidate of Historical and Military Sciences, Professor. Resigned Colonel of the Soviet Army. For twenty-five years he taught history of wars and military art at the Voroshilov Military Academy, and also worked with SP Korolev, was engaged in rockets and their carriers, launched them at Baikonur.
Writer Yuri Mukhin - not onlyhighly educated historian, but also a talented "syskar", he found many proofs. For example, that Joseph Stalin died while refusing help from a stroke, and Lavrenty Beria was simply shot dead, without waiting for the court or the investigation. In his writings, the author notes that this was the result of the conspiracy of Nikita Khrushchev himself and his closest persons.
In the book "The Murder of Stalin and Beria" by YuriMukhin described in detail everything “accumulated” in this case: that the so-called personality cult was created by the nomenklatura in their own interests, and in fact the entire cult rested on the authority of the leader, deserved, by the way, both by intelligence and hard work that the repressions did occur, although not to the extent that Stalin was imputed to after his death, and that these persecutions were absolutely justified.
Мухин отмечает, что приказ советским войскам о Stalin gave full readiness before the fascist attack on time — June 18 — but the generals sabotaged him. Moreover, historian Yuri Mukhin found evidence that Joseph Vissarionovich was preparing the communist party for removal from power, he wanted to turn it into a kind of social organization like a spiritual order with educational functions.
For public appearances with extremistappeals through the media Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich was convicted by the Moscow court of the Savyolovsky district. The crime provides in part 2 of article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with a penalty of two years imprisonment and a total prohibition of work in the position of editor-in-chief. Punishment assigned conditionally. This is for work in the newspapers "Duel" and "To the barrier!" (year 2009). Newspapers were forbidden, some books are included in the federal list of prohibited extremist materials, such as, for example, the six-page "brick" repeatedly reprinted "For a Power Is Insulting".
Detained Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich(together with colleagues) on the same charge - for the continuation of the activities of the AVN group in the form of initiative groups to hold a referendum on amending the current Constitution and adopting a new law designated as “For Responsible Authority”. Investigators believe that the goal was criminal: the swinging of the political situation in the country, which could lead to instability and change of power by illegal methods. So far, the court goes. Yuri Mukhin (his photo is present in the article) is currently in places of deprivation of liberty.
Main ideas
Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich criticizes in his worksmany generally accepted provisions - both historical and philosophical, and public. Most often it looks like an ideological reaction to a certain social inequality, that is, the concept of conspiracy theory is often included.
For example, Delocracy - in peak of bureaucracy.Mukhin Yury Ignatievich is sure that there should be no chiefs over the executor, only the consumer correctly assesses the work. On such a principle a contract method is built - this is the option when authority is delegated. For more on this, see Mukhin’s book Science to Manage People: a Statement for Everyone, published by Folium in 1995 in Moscow.
On the war and the Poles
Much attention is paid by Yuri Mukhin to the policy of Poland- both past and present. It is this country that he regards as one of the main culprits at the beginning of World War II: anti-Russian and aggressive policies are traditional for the governments of Poland, and at that moment, incited by Britain, played the role of a catalyst.
Yuri Mukhin is also confident that the captured Poles inKatyn killed in 1941 by the Nazis. And he quite coherently proves it in his work "Katyn Detective". There are also many other refutations made by Mukhin regarding established false opinions about the course of the first half of the Great Patriotic War.
Communication and frames
One of the main ills due to which wereconsiderable losses were made in the Red Army in the summer of forty-one, this is a bad connection. So says Mukhin (the Wehrmacht was strong in this regard). And the training of army personnel before the war was weak, which also significantly affected the number of initial defeats and increased losses until the very end of the war.
From the pleasant: Goebbels and German aces-pilots successfully falsified most of the victories, our pilots were much better. About all this and about many other things Mukhin wrote the book "War and we."
The best books and films of Yuri Mukhin
1. Ed. 2014Victims of the Blitzkrieg - 320 pages of exciting research on this formidable strategy. The practice of "lightning war" is radically revised. Yuri Mukhin explains the phenomena of triumphs not by the force of the aggressor’s armies, but by the meanness or cowardice of the elites, and there were also obviously weak militarily countries.
For example, Poland had an army, almost noinferior to the Wehrmacht, and "merged" after two weeks of war. Weak Denmark lasted one day - why? It is interesting and bitter to read the book, especially the chapters concerning the reasons why the enemy seized half of the vast country. What should be done so that the forty first year would not be repeated? Yuri Mukhin knows the answer.
2. Ed. 2013“The General Mafia: from Kutuzov to Zhukov” - 352 pages about Russian wars in Russia - both in the first, in 1812, and in the second, in the Great War. It is considered the most controversial and in some places "politically incorrect" of the books of Yuri Mukhin, the complete forbidden truth and refutations of historical myths. Without regard to censorship, untouchable pseudoheroes are exposed, answers to uncomfortable questions are given.
Who framed our troops at Borodino,ruining the army of Bagration? Why, say, uncle, surrendered Moscow to the Frenchman without any need? Who is to blame, that Napoleon escaped Russian captivity? What is common between Kutuzov and Zhukov? How to expose the general mafia, replacing the history of pure propaganda? Zhukov under Yelney - failure or feat? And Kutuzov on the Berezina?
3. The film "Katynskaya meanness", 2005, 3 series.Very strong work. With facts against which there are no arguments. The film was created to attract attention to the blatant falsification of history. The Red Army is coming. 1943 Hitler needs the support of Europe, and for this you need to piss her off. Hence the order: to dig up the graves of 1941, where the Polish officers shot by the Germans did not rest in peace, and then tell the world that, under Smolensk, the NKVD assassin killed them in 1940 by order of the "Moscow Jews".