Yuri Krasnozhan is a famous Soviet andRussian footballer, who played in the positions of midfielder and defender. Also this person is a good coach. In general, he has a very interesting life and career, so it is worth telling about it in detail.
80s and 90s
Yuri's playing career was much lessrich than coaching. Nevertheless, in the early 80s he was a player in Nalchik “Spartak”. Four years Yuri Krasnozhan spent in the team and entered the field 76 times, for all the time scoring only one goal. Over the years, he also participated in the youth team of the RSFSR. Yuri successfully managed to combine his studies with a football career. In 1985, he received a diploma of higher education. After graduating from the Faculty of Physical Education at KBSU, he began to teach physical education at the local Nalchik school.
And then, in the early nineties, already being quitean experienced teacher, Yuri Krasnozhan began to take part in the formation and development of FC “Etalon” (it was later renamed “Avtozapchast”). He also began to play there - in three seasons he entered the field 89 times and designed six goals. Thanks to his active participation in the life of the team, the club acquired a professional status and became a member of the Second League of the Russian Championship. And when in 1996 the Russian Cup was held, the “Etalon” did pass in the 1/8 final. By this year, Yuri Krasnozhan decided to enter the High School of Football Coaches, which he did. A year later, he successfully graduated from it, having received a license.
Further career
In 1999, Krasnozhan Yuri Anatolyevich became a coachPFC “Spartak” from Nalchik. The first time he dealt with the double. But already in 2004, he was appointed head coach of the main team. With the arrival of this specialist in the team, the club began to fight for leadership positions in the ratings. As a result - 2nd place in the championship and exit in the Premier League. There, in the top division, the players under the leadership of Yuri manage to maintain a decent position. Interestingly, in 2006, Krasnozhan was recognized as the “coach-discovery”.
His next club was the capital “Locomotive”.But it seemed to Olga Smorodskaya, the president of the Moscow team, that Yury made serious mistakes in the preparation of players, in the formation of the starting lineup and the rest. So on June 6, 2011, the coach was dismissed.
Last years
However, Yury Anatolyevich Krasnozhan, biography andwhose career is very interesting, is an excellent coach, so immediately after the “retirement” from the Moscow club he was appointed head coach of the second Russian national team. The team under his leadership played six matches, of which five were won. Also in the winter he was appointed coach of Anji, although Yuri did not stay there for long and resigned himself.
В 2012-м стал руководить краснодарской “Кубанью”, but after six months, the main investor of the team said that cooperation with this specialist will be terminated. Therefore, Krasnozhan quickly invited to his “Terek”. However, the management of this team decided to terminate the contract with Yury ahead of schedule, since the club did not rise above 14th place after 14 rounds (considering that in the previous RFPL tournament of 2012/2013, the team was in 15th place at all).
From 2014 to 2015 Krasnozhan was the maincoach of the national team of Kazakhstan. However, they did not renew the contract, since the national team was again in the penultimate place in the group. So at the moment, Yuri does not hold the post of coach, but you can be sure that soon he will definitely receive any suggestions. After all, Krasnozhan is not only a coach, but also an economic director, a “breeder”, a manager and a guarantor of stability in one person.