/ / Break before singing for children

Raspevka before singing for children

Our today's theme is singing before singing forchildren. This phenomenon can be compared with a warm-up that takes place before training. In the vocal folds are the muscles, they are called muscular vocalis.


Raspevka before singing is needed for warming up andprecedes the main vocal work. Prepared vocal cords are more pleasantly controlled, so they become more obedient. In addition, chanting before singing protects the voice device from possible injuries. In fact, we are talking about a set of vocal exercises. They can also solve a variety of vocal tasks. The main task of such training is to expand the range. To low and high notes need to be approached consistently.

chanting before singing

A breakup before singing for children of 7 years allows inearly age develop a musical ear ability to coordinate it with voice. The child develops vocal skills, such as cantilena and evenness of the range. As a result, you can work through various techniques and strokes. The child, through training, can concentrate, concentrate, tune in, prepare psychologically.

Fundamental rules

Raspevka before singing begins with the middleaccessible range - primary zone. First you should go up the chromatic scale. Then comes down. At the beginning of the exercise have a small range. You can start from one note or a third range. Then follows the fifth. In the end, we reach the octave range.


However, the child may not be able to cope with the latterpart, so you should evaluate his skills. The set of exercises and duration is determined based on certain tasks. First exercises constitute a significant part of the entire vocal lesson. If the voice does not sound, chant should be more accurate. With this preparation, you should give your full voice. You can use the same favorite exercises. Replacement and alternation can also be very effective.

Height of voice

The raspevka before singing is practically independent ofthis characteristic. You can use the same exercises. Begin, regardless of the height of the voice, it follows from the center. In the case of lyric-coloratura soprano, the first place should be given to exercises at a fast pace. They are aimed at developing mobility and ease of voice. At low frequencies, work on cantilena and ductility is actual. Such tasks are solved with the help of slow tempos. If we are to work with the choir, it becomes more standardized.

chanting before singing for children

For the youngest

In this case, extremely gentlehandling of the voice device. Special control is needed during the mutation period. Raspevka before singing "do-re-mi" is universal and suitable for any age. In addition, you can use comic texts. First, use exercises with a small range. One or more neighboring notes can be used as a basis. In the end, you can grab a fifth. Avoid high intensity and long duration of the session. Teaching your child a vocal must necessarily take place under professional control. Note that the common expression "chanting for the voice" is incorrect, because it is a tautology. Do not use this phrase.

singing before singing for children 7 years old


You already know the role played by the chant beforesinging. Notes are an integral part of such gymnastics, as the child will have to focus on music. For beginners, the option "mi-ma-ma-mo-mo" is suitable. Vowels here are arranged in sequence from light and close to dark and deep. It is convenient to work out the vowels - their shape. In the initial stage, this exercise allows you to explain the concepts of cantilena and legato. This raspevka is convenient because it is built on one note. The task is to lead to the last note and sing the whole phrase. To lead the vocal through the consonants and pronounce the "m" should be very soft and fast, filling with voices and voices every vowel.

The vowel "and"

Sometimes a more complicated version is usedof the following form: "brie-bra-bro-bro-brou". The thirds range is convenient for the beginning of chanting. The vowel "and" is used frequently in raspevki. It makes the sound brighter. When "and" appears in the exercise basic, it is necessary that it is not flat and sharp. The last note is substituted neatly. Raspevka can be slightly simplified. The main thing is not to tear off notes. With the help of exercises you can work out cantilena.

singing before singing

Sound "a"

Explain the concept of yawning easiest, performing "a".To add the singing of confidence, you should make a crescendo on the first note. Must the child open his mouth. Then a yawn is made. The first note is taken carefully. After gaining confidence, a crescendo is made. In the end, you should sing as loud as possible. Lower notes should not sound heavy and rough. The exercise can be complicated. To do this, add a higher second note. Then follows the downward movement. On the second note, we increase yawn and volume. You can also practice singing with a closed mouth. Although its effectiveness is lower.


It is useful and convenient to work on the sound of "l".Pronounce it at the beginning gently, then instantly open your mouth. Quickly and freely lower the lower jaw. We sing: "oh-oh-oh." If you sing fairly actively, you can feel the movement of the diaphragm. Before each 16th note you can make a short pause. Rapeski at a fast pace perfectly expand the range. As soon as the top note is reached, immediately lower the jaw down. There are exercises that are used specifically for the larynx. At the initial lower note, we drop. And then we leave the larynx in one position.

best chant before singing

To complicate the exercise, do not dopause. You can use a fast tempo in a song. We sing upstairs in one motion. Also we go down. Before the top note, add the volume. We preserve the integrity of the notes. This is especially true of the top. You can easily change syllables. There are vocal exercises for ease. They allow you to develop a range. In this case, all notes, except the last one, should be played staccato.

The best singing before singing most oftenis particularly active. However, everything depends on the tasks. In any case, activity allows you to feel the movement of the diaphragm. Exercise, which develops cantilena, can be complicated by using different vowels. To alternatives aimed at improving ease, you can add alternating strokes. Depending on the pace of performance, tasks that can be solved with the help of raspevka also change. Cantilena will be produced at slow execution. To develop mobility, you must increase the rate to the limit. Avoid glissanding. It's about slipping, when the notes are incomprehensible, only the direction of the melody is clear. Special care is needed. This mainly applies to the execution of the penultimate lower note. It is not necessary to change the vocal position at the end.

Raspevka teacher can come up with on the go, ifwe are talking about an individual lesson, and the teacher has the proper experience. However, most of the vocal exercises are generally accepted, because such options have passed the test of time. To create a chant, the main thing is to choose the appropriate range.