/ / Kungurov Alexey, "Distortion of history as a method of mind control"

Kungurov Alexey, "The distortion of history as a method of controlling consciousness"

Who and why need the distortion of human history? What is this phenomenon that has been spoken about quite often lately?

The story is as we know it.

If you were in school, then surely you hadsuch a thing as a story. It does not matter how good or bad you were, in any case, you can imagine what was in the recent past and in the past more distant.

distortion of history

Also, for sure you have your own idea of ​​where people came from, our monkey ancestors, and so on. And now, attention - are you sure that what you know is true?

Of course, you are sure of it.Why not, because history is taught more or less equally in all schools of the world (with a deviation in favor of the state, within whose borders instruction takes place). Very few people are willing to question the truthfulness of what they were told at school. If you dare to do it - well, then a surprise will await you! It turns out that there are a lot of books and video investigations in which archaeologists, geologists, biologists, and historians have turned against the existing system of knowledge and present real evidence of what we know, to put it mildly, not the whole truth. Is there a distortion of history and why is it needed?

Who we are, where we came from and where we are going

История важна с точки зрения осознания смысла life and existence on earth. After all, this science, if it were reliable, would give answers to the most important questions for a person. Where did we come from? Did the creator have a person? What is the meaning of life? .. Alas, modern history, which we study it in school, is not able to answer this question.

distortion of history as a method

Instead, we study in fairly generaloutline what was before Christ, in more detail - by centuries, according to modern times. Life on the planet and the course of events seems to us in motion from the simplest to the most complex. We consider ourselves highly developed beings - in comparison with our ancestors. We can roughly imagine what path a person took, how from a monkey we gradually turned into erect-walking creatures with high intelligence. True, there is already a discrepancy with the Christian Bible, but religion is not an obligatory subject, but history is. And have you ever wondered if a deliberate distortion of history occurs in our education?

Who needs it and why

In his programs, Alexey Kungurov talks aboutthat at the government level deliberate misrepresentation of historical facts. What for? The distortion of history as a method of control is a very effective console to the consciousness of every person, the author believes. Not knowing their roots, not knowing historical reality, people form a wrong idea about their lives and about modern reality. We live according to the laws, favorable to the state, and behave accordingly. The distortion of history is a reality about which most of us do not even suspect.

What does the author say

Kungurov talks about such a phenomenon asdistortion of the history of Russia (compared with the information that we can find in modern textbooks) and the whole world. The artifacts we inherited from our ancestors, the megaliths, testify to the incompatibility of their technical characteristics with the possibilities of the time when they were manufactured. Here, as the author explains, there are only two options.

distortion of history as a method of control

The first is the unlimited number of fakes,created to mislead people. The second variant indicates that the artifacts are genuine, but the “history” that we associate with their appearance is incorrect. This once again confirms Kungurov’s theory that there is a worldwide distortion of history - as a method of governing nations.

Distortion of Russian history

Alexey Kungurov affects in his programsdifferent territories of the globe. His discoveries and achievements are a real shock, which causes mistrust in everyone who attended school and firmly believes in what is written in textbooks and books. Meanwhile, besides Kungurov, there are many other historians who are ready to refute the data that we used to believe. They post their own results of work in the network and make them open to all interested.

distortion of the history of Russia

What does the work of Kungurov testify to?

After watching his transfer, we can conclude thatprevious civilizations were exactly as developed as we are. To date, we can hardly imagine what happened two hundred years ago, what can we say about more remote processes?

There is no need to go "over the sea", for example to Egypt,admire the pyramids - in our country there are many magnificent and no less mysterious structures and artifacts, whose authorship is unknown. These are the Hermitage, the Alexandrian Column in St. Petersburg, the St. Isaac's Cathedral. Kungurov cites interesting facts about the possible non-participation of Tsar Peter I in the construction of the city of St. Petersburg.

A very interesting point about which Kungurov talks about a possible nuclear war on the territory of Russia only a few centuries ago.

Reviews watched videos

If you examine the comments of those who watched the videoAleksey Kungurov, it turns out that conditionally they broke up into three camps. There is a group of people who believe in the distortion of history. The shock and psychological shock that these programs have on them make it necessary to study the available information on the alternative history more carefully. There are also those who doubt - such citizens take a neutral position, but enjoy watching videos. And there is a third group of citizens who speak of a new negative version for themselves, accusing the author of ignorance and stupidity. Such people are quite convincing evidence that the author misleads his viewers.

distortion of the history of Russia

Anyway, Alexey Kungurov's videos are very popular, the number of views is growing, and discussions encourage viewers to be interested in our history, which is not bad at all.