A.S.Pushkin has repeatedly turned to the fairy tale genre, as exemplified by his works such as The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, the Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs, and the Golden Cockerel. In 1831, the poet wrote one of his most famous works in this genre - "The Tale of Tsar Saltan and his son, the glorious and mighty bogatyr Prince Guidon Saltanovich and the beautiful princess Swans."
The first stage of drawing up a plan: the allocation of semantic parts of the tale
In order to make a plan of the work, you needcarefully read the tale, highlight its semantic parts - the elements of composition: introduction, introduction, development of action, culmination and denouement, and also make a description of the main and secondary characters. The entry point should briefly indicate the first events: meeting the sisters and the marriage of Saltan to the younger one.
Next, you must specify the outlook:the departure of the king and the betrayal of the sisters. In terms of it is important to show the development of actions: this is the court of the boyars and the discharge of the queen with her son into the sea. A continuation should serve as a point about the adventures of Prince Guidon on a mysterious island: a meeting with a swan, his magical journeys and wonders of an enchanted princess.
At drawing up the plan it is necessary to pay attentionon the culmination of a fairy tale: this is the transformation of the swans into a beautiful princess. Here you need to indicate the arrival of Saltan on the island and his meeting with his wife. Finally, at the junction, you need to write about a general reconciliation and feast.
The second stage of writing a plan: drawing up names for its parts
Plan items should display main storylines.fairy tale lines. Titles need to be made not very long, however capacious, so that they convey the main content of the selected semantic parts. It is appropriate to include in the names the names of the main and minor characters, as well as to note the key moments of the tale. It is possible to list in the same row several events that are interconnected or occurred one after another.
Plan "Tales of Tsar Saltan"
1. Introduction: the wedding of the king and the envy of the sisters.
2. The plot of the work: the departure of Saltan and the deception of the Weaver, the Cooks, the matchmaking of the woman of Babarikh.
3. The development of action: the adventures of Prince Guidon on the island and the wonders of the princess Swans.
4. The culmination of the tale: turning the Swans into a princess and the arrival of Saltan in the kingdom of Guidon.
5. The outcome of the work: the meeting of the king with his wife and a solemn feast.
Summary of "Tales of Tsar Saltan"
Произведение начинается со знакомства главного a hero with three sisters, each of whom in his own way wants to make him happy in the event of marriage. The king chooses the youngest, marries her, and soon the couple have a son. Envious sisters, together with Baba Babarikha, with treachery, seek the expulsion of the queen with her son from the kingdom.
However, both manage to find a haven on the island,where Guidon is assisted by the Swan Princess, rescued by him from an evil wizard. At the request of the prince, she performs various miracles and at the end reveals the main secret to him: she is an enchanted princess who is ready to become his wife. In parallel, King Sultan, who had heard about Guidon’s Island, arrives there, despite all the sisters ’tricks, and again connects with his wife.
Images of sisters
To write an essay on this topic firstit is necessary to draw up a plan "Tales of Tsar Saltan". The plan should begin with the characteristics of the three sisters, the description of which is a kind of introduction to the work. The author in short, but very expressive remarks immediately marks the differences between them, which should explain to the reader the choice of Saltan the Younger. The latter is interested in the continuation of the royal family, which in the eyes of the ruler was much more important than practicality and ability to manage the economy.
The tale in verse gives a very vivid idea ofthe characters of the sisters: the elders, the weaver and the cook, are envious, proud, arrogant and cunning, while the younger one is honest, open and simple-minded. Nevertheless, in the harsh time of the test, she showed firmness of character and courage, which, it seemed, could never be expected from this fragile young woman abandoned with her young son to the mercy of fate.
King description
Characteristics of the main character should also beIncluded in the plan "Tales of Tsar Saltan." The plan provides for an analysis of his personality, because it is this that will allow to understand the reason that he so easily deceived, did not dare to go to Prince Guidon’s island, and eventually did forgive the cunning sisters and their accomplice.
The image of Prince Guidon
Описание царевича Гвидона также необходимо include in the plan "Tales of Tsar Saltan". The plan shows his growth, upbringing and growing up on a mysterious island, as well as the struggle for the return of his father and his happiness. Prince Guidon is smart, determined, courageous and active. He was not taken aback in a difficult moment and, forgetting about his own constrained circumstances, saved the princess Lebed. The prince sincerely loves his mother and cares primarily about her. In addition, the young man constantly thinks about meeting his father, for which he embarks on dangerous adventures.
Prince Guidon is extremely curious:He is interested in everything miraculous and mysterious. Hearing about some strange thing, he immediately wants to see it and take possession of it. The young man is very enterprising: it is not for nothing that he is ready to embark on a long journey in order to see his father or get what he wants. In the image of Tsarevich Pushkin once again embodied the favorite type of knight-knight, which can be seen in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and Seven Heroes".
The wonders of the swan princess
A writing on the theme “Pushkin.“The Tale of Tsar Saltan” ”pays great attention to the description of the bride of Prince Guidon, with whom the romantic line in the poet's work is connected. The swan princess appears under very dramatic circumstances: just at the time Prince Gvidon appeared on the island with her mother, an evil kite almost killed her, and only thanks to the protection of the young prince she remains alive.
In gratitude for the rescue, she makes Guidothe ruler of the island and fulfills his wishes, not only showing him wonders, but also giving to his possession the magic squirrel and sea knights. To draw up this point of the plan, the following key points should be highlighted: Guidon’s flights to the kingdom of Saltan, where he learns about miracles, and the fulfillment of his desires that they should appear on his island.
The image of a young beauty is quite touching and togetherso mysterious: every time with its appearance on the island, something wonderful happens. To draw up a plan for a fairy tale, one should emphasize the culmination of the work: the transformation of a swan into a beautiful princess.
Когда речь зашла о возможности брака царевича с her, she showed some confusion, but in the end, defeated by assurances of allegiance to Gvidon opened to him. This moment completes the main love line, which is depicted so touchingly by the “Tale of Tsar Saltan”. Swan becomes the wife of Prince Guidon, which precedes the happy meeting of his mother with her husband. Saltan’s arrival on the island of his son is the next important point of the plan, since it shows the culmination of the tale and at the same time serves as a pretext for a happy ending: forgiveness and feast.
Secondary Characters
The tale in poems is interesting and the heroes of the secondof the plan, which appear in a number of scenes of episodes, but are remembered for their bright characteristics and images. Here, first of all, we should mention our woman Babariku, an accomplice of the evil sisters, endlessly spinning intrigues. Despite the fact that she is not spelled out by Pushkin as eloquently as a weaver with a cook, nevertheless, Babarikha’s woman organically fit into the plot.
Other minor characters includefamous merchants who traveled the world: they served as a kind of link between Saltan and Prince Guidon. It is from them that the king learns about the mysterious island in the ocean, the stories about the wonders of which eventually lead him to embark on a long-conceived journey, which ended in a happy meeting with his wife and son.
Кроме того, нельзя забывать о волшебной белочке, sea knights guarding the property of Guidon, their leader, Uncle Chernomore. These heroes do not move the plot, but they create a very colorful, fantastic background of the story. The characteristic "Tales of Tsar Saltan" ends with a description of nature, palaces, costumes that create a festive mood in the reader.
Fairy tale motifs in the work
In order to divide into parts the "Tale of the KingSaltan ”, it is necessary to highlight the cultural and historical layers. Pushkin knew the old Russian folklore, folk songs, legends, tales, elements of which were often included in his compositions. In this work he widely used images of Russian folk tales: knights, enchanted princess, fairy squirrel, sea ruler, etc. He revived the phenomena of nature: for example, the sea wave, at the request of the queen mother, throws ashore a barrel in which she languished with her son.
Transformations play a large role in the tale:so, Prince Guidon became either a mosquito or a bumblebee in order to fly over the ocean and see his father. The swan princess turns into a beautiful girl, and the predatory kite turns out to be an evil wizard. In the fairy tale, all sorts of other miracles take place: so, Prince Guidon grew up overnight, and on the deserted island, where he found himself with his mother, a wonderful kingdom suddenly appears. All these elements create a fabulous atmosphere of narration that makes the work so fascinating.
Historical background tales
For a better understanding of the content of the workit is necessary to show the presence in it of the realities of a particular epoch, which should reflect the plan "Tales of Tsar Saltan". The plan shows the features of the time of Medieval Russia, which served as the background for the fairy-tale plot.
First of all it concernssocial and political structure. The tale shows the state of Tsar Saltan, the description of which is very similar to the life and rule of the Moscow kings of the 15th – 16th centuries. The same can be said about the social stratification of society: among the heroes, the reader sees representatives of various classes of Medieval Russia: boyars, tsar’s advisers, who made up his close Duma, palace servants, in whose images servants, stewards, and cups, who served Moscow kings in this era.
However, there are some borrowings fromthe history of ancient Russia: for example, sea knights are a clear reference to Old Russian legends. Merchants who traveled from one end of the world to another - a collective image of Russian guests who from the earliest times were trading with countries in different parts of the world. The above-mentioned realities from the past of Russia give an additional tale to the fairy tale: tying the plot to the historical ground makes the characters of the heroes and the surrounding everyday life more reliable.
Comparison of the work with other fairy tales of Pushkin
In his work the poet very often turned tothemes of ancient Russian folk tales. In order to divide into parts the tale of Tsar Saltan, it is necessary first of all to compare this work with the other tales of the author.
According to the complexity of the plot “The Tale of the KingSaltan ”can only be compared with“ The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights ”. Otherwise, it is perhaps different from other Pushkin's fairy tales with a detailed composition, colorful characters, and dynamic action. All this, of course, does not in the least detract from the literary significance of Pushkin's other fairy tales, but it is the work in question that is most popular among the rest of the author’s works of this genre.
For drawing up the plan "Tales of Tsar Saltan"it is necessary to break the work into semantic parts. In accordance with the storyline, the main compositional elements should be highlighted: the introduction (match of the king to the younger sister, their wedding, the birth of a son), the plot (deception of the sisters, the adventures of Guidon and the queen at sea and on the island, miracles of the swan princess), the culmination (turning the swans to the damsel, the arrival of Saltan on the island of Guidon), the denouement (the meeting of the king with his wife and the general celebration). In subparagraphs, you can specify additional details of the plot and characterization of the characters.
The value of "Tales of Tsar Saltan" in Russian culture
Pushkin's work had a great influence onart of our country in the late XIX – early XX centuries. In 1900, the famous composer N. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote a wonderful opera of the same name, which was firmly included in the repertoire of leading theaters and is still popular not only among adults, but also children.
The plot of the tale inspired by artist I.Ya.Bilibin to create beautiful illustrations for this work in 1905. M. Vrubel in 1900 created sketches of scenery for the production of the opera; The most famous was the painting "The Swan Princess". In 1966, a well-known Soviet director made a film on this work of Pushkin, and in 1984 a cartoon appeared on the screens. So, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” had a significant impact on Russian culture, not to mention its literary merits, thanks to which it remains a favorite reading for children.