/ / Zhenya Belousov: biography and creativity

Zhenya Belousov: biography and creativity

One of the most popular personalities in the world of Russian pop music of the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century is singer Zhenya Belousov. The biography of this artist is not known to many.

Life path singer

Zhenya Belousov biography
Zhenya Belousov comes from a simple family from Kharkov.But, despite its origin, the boy wanted to be the first in everything. At school, he was not an excellent student. But not because he studied poorly, but rather because he loved to gossip. His musical career began with participation in the school band, where the boy played the bass guitar. Later, the singer began to engage in amateur, improved his skills, participated in the vocal-instrumental ensemble. So the famous singer Zhenya Belousov appeared. His photo can often be seen on the stands near the concert halls. He was flattered by fame and female attention. Although the weaker sex, he rarely took seriously.

Marriage of Zhenya Belousov

Despite the fact that women singer most oftensaw an object for entertainment, he nevertheless was married several times. Two times officially. And the last two times he lived with civil women. That was the singer Zhenya Belousov, whose biography can hardly seem boring. The first marriage was rather short - only eight days. Belousov married singer Natalia Vetlitskaya in the New Year, the first of January.

Marrying Belousov photos
But on the ninth I could not bear anymorefamily life and left home. The second time Belousov married in the early 90s. His wife was a Simferopol girl named Elena Khudik, who gave birth to a singer of his first child - a daughter named Christina. But this marriage did not last long. Belousov was carried away by a girl from his group who played the "keyboards". Her name was Oksana. The girl gave the spouse a son Roman. The singer's next wife was Elena Savina.
singer zhenya belousov biography
All his spouses were madly in love with our hero. And he always insisted that there should be patriarchy in the family, and the wife should obey her husband without question.

Finale of life

Our hero was very popular - Zhenya Belousov.The death of this man was a blow to many. This happened in early June, in 1997. The singer was given the most complicated operation to remove the aneurysm for 7 hours. But she was not successful enough. Belousov fell into a coma. He never woke up. At that time he was 32nd year. Doctors were convinced that the aneurysm was a consequence of drinking too much alcohol and two car accidents experienced by the singer. So died Belousov Zhenya. The funeral took place at the Kuntsevo cemetery. His admirers wear flowers there today.

Fans and Fans

It's no secret how popular Eugene was.Belousov. Photos from his concerts, excerpts from his presentations and even video clips are still being reviewed by his fans. Created many fan sites of this great artist. Probably, their merit is also in the fact that Zhenya Belousov is still popular. Biography of the singer filed as detailed as possible. For example, the fact that the father taught him to the music of our hero remained obscure. In childhood, Eugene was a very naughty boy. But dad loved him so much that he didn’t want to punish him. Therefore, in order to somehow take a tomboy, he sat him to learn the notes. Music classes attracted the attention of girls. That is why Zhenya began to attend school ensemble. But all this does not mean that he did not have talent. First of all, he said that music is his life. 9 years after the death of Belousov, a personal museum was opened in his native vocational school.

wife belousov biography date of death

The image of the "sweet" boy

Most fans of Belousovmake up the representatives of the weaker sex. Zhenya saw this as a reward and a punishment. And all because he was afraid to be held hostage to his own appearance, he was afraid to become a puppet. He was frightened by the life of the idol, as it could mean that people would not see him, admiring only the appearance of the singer. His image was created by numerous works of love. How can you not remember the hit "Girl-girl"? The musical album with the same name was released in 1993 and became extremely popular, especially among young people. And in 1992, the singer gave 14 concerts in Luzhniki. It seemed that the performer could no longer rise.

Film about cult performer

In memory of the hero of our article was shot"The Life and Death of Zhenya Belousov." The main purpose of the tape was the disclosure of this "star boy", as he was then called. To do this, the director held long conversations with his mother, brother, sister, beloved women and singer's friends. The pictures from Belousov’s last vacation he spent in Thailand will be invaluable. They were made by Eugene's old friend and depicted the happy, almost carefree days that our hero spent. He went on a safari, walks on a yacht, fishing, but, most importantly, realized a long-standing dream - flew over the sea.

Just a few days after this paradiseA well-known artist will go to the hospital, from which he will never leave. So Zhenya Belousov left this world. The biography (the date of death of the singer - June 2, 1997) is over. Although he himself believed in recovery to the last and even promised Bari Alibasov a musical duel with the group Na-Na. But not destiny. Although many colleagues were jealous of Belousov, and some of them often scolded him, but all participants of the Russian show business were at Zhenya’s funeral. They came to say goodbye to him and go on his last journey.

Belousov wife funeral

Songs of Zhenya Belousov

As we have already mentioned, Belousov was fond of music.since childhood. His favorite band was The Beatles. He also listened to rock, jazz and disco. Later in the interview, the singer often stressed that with his songs he wanted to distract the listeners from their everyday worries and give them a holiday. His first real musical "baptism" took place on the program "Morning Post" in 1988, where the singer performed the song "Alushta". The next hit was the composition “My blue-eyed girl”. These two songs and “Night Taxi” he performed not only as a vocalist, but also played the bass guitar. It was then that a new star rose to star Olympus - Zhenya Belousov, whose biography is full of concerts and tours.

Then there was a performance on “Ogonyok” with Pugacheva andParticipation in the song festival of the year. It was there that he was awarded a prize. Then again began touring, performances on television and radio. 1990 became a valuable year for Belousov, since his hit “Golden domes” led the charts. Eugene's creativity in 1992 was marked by such hits, as “Girl-girl”, “You come” and “Alyoshka”, as well as numerous concerts in Luzhniki.

wife of belousov death
His latest album is titled "Againof love. " And this is not surprising. After all, it is with love that the work of our hero is associated with the majority of fans. This is who Zhenya Belousov really was, whose biography proves that the singer’s life was not boring.