/ Graffiti on the wall of the house and in the apartment. Street art and modern interior design

Graffiti on the wall of the house and in the apartment. Street art and modern interior design

Граффити добавляет любому жилому помещению особый charm, fills it with street energy and inexhaustible creative potential. Recently, an increasing number of people are trying to add colors and positives to their homes in this way. Most of them are young guys who live for today and are not afraid to experiment. Those who have just begun to learn the style of graffiti will need detailed information on how this art originated and what role it can play in the design of the apartment.

Graffiti history

The name of this style is translated from Italian.as “scratched”. At the very beginning of time, cavemen painted graffiti on the wall. They left rock inscriptions, which were the same way of expressing thoughts as modern graffiti. However, there is a huge difference in the drawings of bygone days and modern works on the walls. Their main difference lies in the motive. Ancient people wanted to leave knowledge for their ancestors, and modern art involves personal expression. Artists paint on the walls that resonate in their hearts.

graffiti on the door

Graffiti popularity

The origins of the modern form of graffiti originate inNew York. It was there that this art gained its popularity and from there began to spread throughout the world. For drawings, people used markers, paint sprays, as well as any other coloring compositions. Now graffiti is called any drawings on street buildings, inscriptions on surfaces, decorated with bright colors. Sometimes street artists create real masterpieces and works of art. Many of them leave inscriptions on the walls that carry an important message to the public. The graffiti on the wall has become a symbol of freedom of expression and extraordinary art, the desire to express its uniqueness and significance.

graffiti on the walls of houses

Graffiti or airbrush?

Thinking about the interior of your own home,many are beginning to confuse airbrushing with graffiti. But these are two completely different directions. Airbrushing is painting on the walls with paint. Perform the procedure using a special device - airbrush. Drawing put on a wall by one of methods of the fine arts. Airbrushing will help to recreate the perfect picture, which will appeal to any connoisseur of art painting.

Graffiti is the absolute opposite.airbrushing. It is the freedom to draw something that comes out of the depths of the soul, it is courage, a clot of energy and audacity. If you want to bring something new to your home, fill it with life and personality, you should pay attention to this type of wall covering. The graffiti on the wall can appeal to anyone, since it is not at all necessary to draw chaotic figures in your house that cause shock or to make provocative inscriptions. Due to the diversity of its styles, everyone can choose for themselves a suitable design.

graffiti on the wall in the bedroom

Loft style graffiti

Leafing through fashion magazines, you can see that the styleloft is at the peak of popularity. Indoors with this style of graffiti will look especially relevant. One of the highlights of this art is the ability to contrast with the walls on which it is made. From the style of the room where you plan to draw graffiti, depends on his message to others. Brick and steel in the interior of the room only emphasize the beauty and motive of the picture.

For applying graffiti on the wall canuse any kind of paint. Any color combination will look great on the brickwork. But the best is to play on the contrast. On black and white brickwork use bright colors, and on red and white - monochrome drawings.

graffiti on the wall in the apartment loft style

Fashionable graffiti bedrooms

Even a bed can look veryattractive with graffiti on the wall. Someone decides to decorate in such a way a drawing room or kitchen, and only the most courageous - own bedroom. This choice is due to the fact that each person seeks to express something personal in the place where he feels most secure.

graffiti on the wall in the apartment above the bed

In the modern interior of the bedrooms graffiti on the wallsas if come to life. This design will be appropriate in the rooms of creative people who are eager to explore new trends and are not afraid to be original. Graffiti will perfectly fit into the design of the room of teenagers who are fond of sports.

Variety of styles

Serious changes are difficult for some people.in the style of the interior. Bright colors and unusual forms of graffiti drawings may seem too outrageous for a living space. In such cases, you can give preference to the cozier styles of this art. Graffiti on the wall in the apartment can look bold and defiant, and sometimes, on the contrary, soft and calm. Much depends on the owner of the room, its temperament and taste preferences.

A variety of graffiti styles are always explained.characters of those who draw them. Therefore, a calm person, preferring the classics, but, nevertheless, deep down dreaming of shocking, can choose a drawing that will look like a picture. Such drawings do not have to be painted on the walls. They can be applied to any surface, frame and interior. Since they will be limited in space, the owner of the house will feel himself keeping up with the times, but at the same time will remain true to his preferences.

graffiti on the wall in the living room

Graffiti on a wall in an apartment may look likeunique and original works of street art. You just need to paint it on a white canvas and place it in one of the rooms. Placing such drawings, it is worth giving preference to passable rooms. The most profitable such a picture will look in the lobby, living room or dining room.

The purpose of graffiti in the interior

The main purpose of graffiti in the rooms of the house orapartments - this is not to pay tribute to fashion, but to express your feelings and show them to your close people. The drawings on the walls make the home bright and give joy to all the people living in it. Graffiti wall decoration allows you to expand the space of one room to infinity. Three-dimensional drawings can carry far forward, in the depth of their stories.

Graffiti in the interior becomes businesshost card. It reflects his vision of life, art, desires, shows strength of character or hints at his weaknesses. Everyone draws on the wall that reflects his thoughts, possibilities and even emotional experiences. A unique interior is more of a bonus than a goal. Before you draw graffiti on the wall, you should take a few lessons from an artist who specializes in this kind of art. He will not teach what you need to paint, but only tells you how to work with paint correctly and what materials are best for painting.

graffiti on the wall in the apartment

Important nuances of graffiti in the home interior

Before embarking on decorating your own home, you need to consider several important nuances:

  1. Catching paint canimagine exactly what you want to get the result. If you plan to draw on the entire wall, you must first cover it with white paint. With a smooth transition of the picture in the wall should also be painted in the appropriate tone.
  2. You can apply graffiti on a concrete, mirror, plaster, a wall painted with acrylic paint, a metal, wood or plastic surface.
  3. Large drawings will help mask the irregularities on the surface of the wall.

Street graffiti on the walls of houses is no longera rarity, now it migrated to the interior of city apartments. It brings dynamics and breathes life into any room. Most designers are increasingly beginning to use in their practice more modern and artistic forms of drawings. They tailor the graffiti to the individuality of each homeowner. The drawings look in the dwellings as extravagantly street-like, but at the same time they are more comfortable and not boring.