At the time of this poem, MarinaTsvetaeva was about 30 years old. She rethought her achievements for the current period. It was a time of summing up the first results, building further plans. Youth always passes unexpectedly, and the coming understanding that the best time of life has passed is, as a rule, experienced by any person very painfully and crushingly, striking a heavy blow to self-esteem.
Many people in this difficult period beginfeverishly consider their victories, trying to prove to themselves that they lived not in vain. Analysis of the poem "Youth" Tsvetaeva emphasizes the depth of these experiences, taking place in a poetic, restless soul. What does the heroine feel? Let's try to understand.
Composition of the poem
Tsvetaeva's analysis of the poem Molodostthe plan can be divided into two important components. By structure, the lyric work consists of two parts. And at the time of writing, they are divided into two separate days. In the first composition part we see the expression of discontent with a part of his life, which hides behind ridiculous images. The heroine perfectly understands that the past can not be corrected, and there is some regret in her lines. In the second composition part, there is an unexpected way out of this difficult situation - it's to bless everything that happened.
There is already the adoption of past mistakes,the desire to live differently, to set realistic goals. The lyrical heroine calls youthful dreams "shalym", a gentle "dove," she gradually passes dissatisfaction and condemnation. Instead, true acceptance is born. An analysis of the poem Tsvetaeva "Youth" emphasizes the need for such a degeneration of the heroine.
The state of the lyrical heroine
She says goodbye to herself, her youthdreams and impulses. Apparently, the heroine does not consider the young years to be successful and bright, they brought her a lot of suffering. Of course, they were good and bad, but all feelings are already experienced and released. There is nothing to grieve, but to rejoice too.
Analysis of the poem "Youth" by TsvetaevaIt involves a reassessment of ideals through which every personality passes at a certain age. The phrase "Soon from the swallow - in the witch" symbolizes being at a crossroads, the line where one ends and another begins. The lyrical heroine is ready to make mistakes of its own, it does not regret the past, but it is not ready to go forward to the fullest. Its condition is partly conditioned by internal contradictions: one does not want life to be so rapid, an understanding of the necessity of a real growing up comes.
Transformation of consciousness occurs gradually andaccompanied by a bright soreness. It is very difficult to understand that some mistakes can not be corrected, but you can only do new ones. Analysis of Tsvetaeva's poem "Youth" shows a difficult choice that takes place in the soul of the lyrical heroine.
Means of artistic expressiveness
Lyrical heroine Marina Tsvetaeva callsyouth "stranger", "unpaired boot", "leaf calendar", "burden and burden". It seems that the time of youth was lived in vain, but it is not so. In the second part of the lyrical work the heroine will begin to remember that she was brought good this time. An analysis of the poem by Marina Tsvetaeva "Youth" abounds with contradictory images, behind which intense emotions are hidden.
Common sense
Despite many mistakes that we have eitherotherwise we do it in our youth, it still needs to be valued. Youth is something that is never repeated twice, and every person must realize this unquestioning truth. Some values are replaced by others, tasks are also transformed throughout life, and this is a normal phenomenon, confirming the need for development and progress. Analysis of the poem "Youth" Tsvetaeva reflects the essence of the throwings and emotions of the lyrical heroine, which is at an important crossroads of its path.
The phrase "I'm touching your hand, as withlover, I'm saying goodbye to you "says that in the life of the poetess there has come a difficult moment of choosing and releasing the past, but this sadness is already light. There is no universal sorrow, although there is still a tear, a heavy note.
Thus, the analysis of the poem "Youth" by Tsvetaeva allows connoisseurs of poetry to better understand the essence and meaning of this lyrical work.