/ / The device of the universe - in plain language. "The shortest history of time." Stephen Hawking

The device of the universe is a simple language. "The shortest history of time." Stephen Hawking

To the common man our planet Earth often seemscalm and contemplative. Sometimes even the impression of stability, immobility is created. Deeper looks at phenomena and objects British scientist Stephen Hawking. "The History of Time" - two of his best-sellers friendlessly and simply (without formulas) introduce readers to the fundamental theses of astrophysics and quantum physics.

At the beginning of the book, reading about the Earth, as a tower,installed on turtles (ironically), at the end of it we see another picture: a giant ball rotating around an axis at a breakneck speed of 1.5 thousand km / hour and speeding around the Sun at a speed of 100,000 km / hour. And all this flows in a non-linear, mutable space and time!

Book 1. "A Brief History of Time"

the shortest history of time steven hawking
В 1988 году выходит в свет «Краткая история time. " Stephen Hawking, her author, introduces the most diverse readers with the views of modern astrophysics on the Universe. He managed to awaken the imagination of people, to interest them.

Is there time?What global processes drive the universe? Are past and future related? Gradually, in three semantic parts of the book, he writes: first, about astrophysical views of Einstein's theory, then generalizations along the lines of Einstein's general theory, and finally, microtheory, namely, quantum mechanics.

Gradually increasing its level of abstraction.book "The shortest history of time." Stephen Hawking, however, maintains the popular style necessary for understanding by a non-professional reader. They are given a clear explanation of things unusual for our life: the curvature of space, the curvature of rays of light, the expanding Universe. The thoughts of the scientist are original, and at the same time - understandable. He consistently leads us to the conclusion that the Universe exists and evolves according to the principle of the arrow of time (the direction of development that ensures a constant increase in entropy).

Book 2. "The shortest history of time"

In 2005, scientists wrote a new work - "The shortest history of time." Stephen Hawking in this capacious and exciting book also talks about the "mechanism of the universe."

a brief history of time steven hawking
Was her writing a banal "sequel"? Not!After all, literally on the eve, in 2004, its author made a revolution in astrophysics, changing the principles of the basic theory of “black holes” (extinct stars compressed to the limit degree - singularity). Therefore, the model of the world presented to scientists has changed. A new chapter, in comparison with the previous book, is about the Big Bang, black holes, and also the evolution of the Universe. The very structure of the black hole in a different way shows the "shortest history of time." (Stephen Hawking proved with mathematical equations that the horizon of a black hole’s events is much wider and it has entropy manifested in radiation.) The presentation of the material not only included the ideas of the previous book, but also greatly enriched the theory of the origin of the Universe, the relationship of space and time. Here you can find a synthesis of scientific experiments using the COBE satellite and the Hubble Space Telescope. “String theory” is quite clearly disclosed, the value of which is assumed in an extremely wide generalization: to characterize all elementary particles at once. At an understandable level, the latest conclusions of mathematical modeling (the principle of wave-particle duality) are shown.


steven hawking time history
Who is he - Stephen Hawking?Professor of Astrophysics, father of three children. His theory of black holes was a breakthrough in quantum physics. The venerable scholars consider him "number one" in this area. And Stephen Hawking has been virtually immobilized for over 20 years. Moreover, amyotrophic sclerosis is constantly progressing. In addition, due to a complication after inflammation of the lungs, a part of the trachea was removed from him, which completely prevents the scientist from speaking. He drives to Cambridge in a wheelchair with batteries. His brain works powerfully and systemically. Using sensitive sensors using a computer, the professor types phrases that are then voiced by a speech synthesizer built into the chair. His whole life is thoughts intangible by others, and decrypted by a computer, and their vivid expression is the book The Shortest History of Time. Stephen Hawking is one of the most respected people in Britain. More precisely, he is the third after the world rugby champion Wilkinson and football player Beckham. The courage and intellect of this person really cause admiration.