/ / The amazing biography of Vera Alentova

Awesome biography of Vera Alentova

According to polls, one of the most favorite moviesOur compatriots is "Moscow does not believe in tears." The main role in this picture was played by the talented Vera Alentova, whose biography will be highlighted below. She is a people's artist of the Russian Federation, and not every actress earns this title.

biography of the Alenta faith

Biography of Vera Alentova. Childhood

She was born in Kotlas on February 21, 1942. Her parents - Valentine and Irina - were actors. It is known that Vera's mother managed to work in many theaters.

The early years of Alentova cannot be called happy.When she was only four, her father passed away. Soon, he and his mother moved to Ukraine. After the cold Siberian city, life here was better, but Vera still lovingly recalls her homeland.

Mother and daughter lived in the basement of onefrom the theaters. They felt the need not only for clothes, but also for food. Little Vera didn’t have real toys - only those that were made from paper by mom.

After some time, another family entered their family.the man is Irina's new husband. Fortunately, with Vera, he developed warm, friendly relations. And when the girl after school decided to work in the same theater as her mother, her stepfather fully supported her. But Irina, despite the fact that she loved her daughter, was very displeased with this fact.

faith alentova biography

Biography of Vera Alentova. Youth

As a result, Alentova did not become an actress of localTheater and all year after graduation worked at the melange plant. And next autumn, she went to Moscow to enter the Studio School at the Moscow Art Theater. She wanted to prove to her mother that the desire to become an actress is not just a whim, and that she does have talent.

So Vera Alentova successfully became a student of the 1st course. A year later, she married her classmate - then still unknown to anyone and not giving any hope to Vladimir Menshov.

When the spouses graduated from the university in 1965, during the distribution, it turned out that, unlike most students, they were not “needed” by any of the theaters. And the couple made the following decision:
Vladimir went to Stavropol - there he later practiced as a director, and Vera did enter the Moscow Theater.

films with alenta faith

Biography of Vera Alentova. The heyday of career

Despite the fact that in college yearsThe beginning actress did not impress anyone with her talent; in the theater she was finally noticed. She played many roles in the productions of classical works. Her most vivid and memorable work was the role in the play “I am a Woman”.

In 1967, a daughter was born to Vera and Vladimir.

In parallel with the work in the theater, Vera starred ina few pictures. Although early films with Vera Alentova (for example, “Days of Flying”) few people remember today. The first memorable work of the actress was the role in the mini-series "Such a Short Long Life", which was released in 1975.

Настоящий триумф в кино состоялся лишь в 1979 year, when Vladimir Menshov removed "Moscow does not believe in tears." Since then, there have been a lot of good roles, but we remember most of all she is a strong woman Katerina. This film was awarded an Oscar.

Such is the biography of Vera Alentova - one of the most talented and beloved actresses of our country.