/ / How to draw 3d drawings: secrets of skill.

How to Draw 3d Figures: Secrets of Excellence.

3D drawings are a new direction instreet painting (graffiti). Fantastic illusions underfoot stunning imagination, erasing the line between image and reality. Not surprisingly, this contemporary art has so quickly gained a wide circle of fans. It is popular not only among astonished observers, but also among novice amateur artists, each of whom probably wondered: how to learn to draw 3d drawings. Here it is worth remembering the first important rule - even the most impressive masterpieces of 3d painting appeared first on paper, and only after that they found their place on city streets.

how to draw 3d drawings
To learn how to create volumetric imagesfigures on a flat surface, knowledge from the school curriculum on visual geometry will be useful, and this article will help you, from which you will learn how to draw 3d drawings on two types of surface: on paper and on asphalt.

1.We take a regular sheet of paper, HB-pencil, eraser.On the sheet we draw for the beginning the simplest geometric shapes, for example, let it be a triangle, a circle and a square. Now, recalling the lessons of geometry (by projecting drawings in three axes of coordinates), we transform these figures into geometric bodies: a cone, a sphere, and a cube, respectively.

how to draw 3d drawings on asphalt

2The second rule that needs to be learned in order to understand how to draw 3d drawings is a game of light and shadow. First of all, the shadow cast by the figure makes this figure visually voluminous. Now, using the second rule, choose the side from which the light will fall on our painted objects. And, based on this, we begin to shade them, remembering that the side of the figure that is closer to the intended light source will be lighter than the opposite. In the process of shading we move from the dark side to the light. If you decide to direct the light source in front of the drawing, then leave the middle of the object light, gradually, uniformly shading the shape to the contours. After that draw shadow casting. The shadows of the figures will always fall from the opposite side of the light.

3.Having mastered these first lessons and having explained how to draw 3d drawings using the example of simple three-dimensional shapes, you will gradually move on to create more serious and complex three-dimensional images. And you can already try to dilute the color black and white drawings.

4.Having learned the technique of spatial thinking and having mastered the necessary skills of three-dimensional drawing, you can easily figure out how to draw 3d drawings on other surfaces. To do this, use colored chalk and spray paint. The prepared sketch on paper is best divided into small equal squares. So it will be more convenient to draw, and the grid will allow you to transfer the image from paper to asphalt as accurately as possible.

how to learn to draw 3d drawings

There are a few tricks to remember in order to understand how to draw 3d drawings on asphalt:

- The space for drawing should be as even and prepared as possible (carefully cleared of possible small debris).

- Work on the image is best in cloudy or cloudy weather.

- And yet, because you will have to rub the chalk with your fingers (for fastening), arm yourself in advance with plastic bags to protect the finger pads from abrasion.

- In the process of working on the picture to moveneed top to bottom. It is necessary to avoid drawing clear, even contours, and the background color of your picture should, if possible, coincide with the color of the road surface on which you will work.

- It is also very important to guess the sizeoccupied space, since. 3d drawings have elongated proportions and impressive scales. And, of course, do not forget that the image will appear three-dimensional with only one position you specify.

So, now you know how to draw 3d drawings on paper and asphalt, and we can only wish you good luck in this interesting business!