/ / "Mummy-2": actors of the popular sequel

"Mummy-2": actors of the popular sequel

Приключенческий сиквел «Мумия возвращается» (2001 ) was created by the plot lines of the original tape of 1999 by the director and script writer Steven Sommers. Among the merits of the film critics were the appearance of new characters, the disclosure of the characteristics of the main characters and the story of the King of Scorpions, organically intertwined in the narrative. All the actors of the film "Mummy-2", including the champion of fights without rules Duane Johnson and the highly intelligent Briton John Hannah, with pleasure embodied the idea of ​​the director.

Single Team

Producer Stephen Sommers, giving in to the generalenthusiasm, appeared in the role of a man taking a bath outdoors, in the movie "Mummy-2." Actors-professionals, inspired by such dedication, demonstrated impressive skill.

mummy 2 actors

The ensemble was preserved in its entirety fromof the previous section. This, of course, went to the film for good, because sometimes the replacement of performers is extremely unfavorable for the quality of the sequel. The tape "Mummy" (film 1999), the actors of the 2 parts reviewed repeatedly, before starting work on the sequel.

Arnold Voslow (Imhotep)

Как и в оригинальной ленте, на высоте оказался Arnold Woslow, who again embodied the image of Imhotep. The artist, familiar to the viewer on the tape "Hard target" and a lot of serials, amazes with the ability to present his hero. The character changes a little, still personifying universal evil, but in the sequel it seems more human. In the culmination scene, the actor creates the impossible with his character: his gaze, cast for the last time on the happy spouses of O'Connell, is more eloquent than any phrases. He reveals the soul of Imhotep, still loving the perfidious girlfriend, but already resigned himself to the fateful inevitability. His penetration was surprised during the filming of the final episode of the picture "Mummy 2" actors who were at that time on the set.

Patricia Velasquez (Ankh-Su-Namun) and Rachel Weiss (Evelyn)

Love Imhotep and, as it later turned out,The culprit of his death Ankh-Su-Namun, played by the beautiful Patricia Velasquez ("Jaguar", "Hunters behind the mind"), captivates with a demonic twinkle in the eyes and graceful predator. It's a pleasure to watch her play. The character is very important for the overall story. Her act in the finale reveals the true value of feelings for Imhotep. The love of the characters goes to the background, giving way to the instinct of self-preservation, which can not be said of her opponent Evelyn (Rachel Wise).

actors movie mummy 2

Rachel literally re-created her imageheroine, flawlessly transferring all the changes that have occurred to her since the first part. The actress is known to the audience on the ribbons "Enemy at the Gates", "Constantine", "Deep Blue Sea". In the movie "Mummy-2" the actors made a screen excursion into the past of their characters. Wise, for example, had to play in parallel Nefertiti, whose reincarnation was, as it turned out, her Ivi O'Connell.

Brendan Fraser (Richard O'Connell) and Oded Fer (Ardeth Bay)

Brendan Fraser, the performer of the role of RickO'Connell, brilliantly managed to retain all the features inherent in his character, adding a lot of new halftones and colors. In the sequel, the image of the hero is much more complicated. Now he is not just a fearless warrior, awesome mummies, but also a caring father and beloved husband, which makes the image of the hero more complete and complete. The filmography of the actor contains such popular films as "Blast from the Past", "Collision", "Blinded by Desires", so his experience and professionalism did not fall into question.

mummy movie 1999 actors 2

The only one who remained beyond the control of the sandstime, - Ardeth Bay performed by Oded Fera ("Resident Evil 2,3", "Black Mark", "Medium"). Perhaps this is the character who appeared in the sequel without much change.

Duane Johnson (The Scorpion King) and Freddie Boat (Alex O'Connell)

Because of the introduction of new characters in the narrativeappeared in the cast of the movie "Mummy-2" actors Freddie Boat and Duane Johnson. The young performer who embodied on the screen son of the O'Connell couple, managed to do almost impossible: Freddie overshadowed his screen parents. Given the fact that the sequel was the debut picture of young talent, Boat contrived to draw on himself a blanket of sympathy for the audience. His hero attracts attention due to the tremendous organic and photogenic.

mummy 2 actors

Duane Johnson ("Walking Wide", Doom, "G.I.Joe: Cobra roll - 2 ") this time played the role of the King of Scorpions, and all his few phrases the performer pronounces exclusively in the ancient Egyptian language. During the filming process, the actor received a sunstroke and suffered from food poisoning, but did not stop filming.