The best Thai lacquers (list)

Lacorns are Thai, less commonly Filipino dramas,i.e. Asian television series. They can be based on the plot of a popular anime or manga, but mostly they are full-fledged independent creations. In contrast to the well-known Brazilian soap operas, Thai lacornes are intended primarily for young people. Most fans of this genre are young girls under 25 years old. Thai television series are released in different genres: fantasy, mysticism, drama, but most often it is romantic comedies or melodramas. The length of such a TV project traditionally does not exceed fifty episodes.

Required Thai evening ritual

Thai lacorni
It should be noted that Thai lacornes in theirMotherland more than popular. They are watched every day everywhere: during dinner, in cafes, at train stations, in workshops and from shop windows. For a long time TV shows have been an obligatory ritual in the life of the local population. More recently, Thai "soap operas" became popular in Europe and Russia, because among the Russian-speaking population there are many ardent fans of Asian art. The first to risk conquering the world blue screens were dramas, that is, Chinese, Korean and Japanese TV shows. Now lacornes are not far behind them.

Some patterns and features

Thai varnishes have a number of distinctive features that are unique to them and distinguish them from other TV shows:

  1. Thailand Thai lacorn
    None of these offspring of Thai cinemathe viewer will not see scenes with passionate kisses, since in this state it is not accepted to parade their feelings. On one of the local channels such scenes are officially banned for broadcast.
  2. However, the best Thai lacorn have a lotscenes showing violence, including rape. It’s impossible to say that local directors relive all the eerie and repulsive details with delight, but simply include them with enviable regularity in the plot of each project. You should not try to understand it, you should not analyze it, you can just try to accept it.
  3. You will recognize the main antagonist immediately from the disturbing music and a firm sly grin (these two features will accompany the villain throughout the timekeeping).
  4. The emotions of the main characters are very hypertrophied, but then it is immediately clear where the grief is, and where the joy is. This is Thailand! Thai lacornas are simple and easily perceived.
  5. The central characters always have one or more friends who in every way contribute to their early joint happiness.
  6. The main characters always talk about themselves in the third person, for example, not “I want”, but “Race wants.” Among the fans of this genre is considered very cute.

best thai lacornas

All Western in price

It is also a strange fact that allWestern, appearing in the frame, is considered incredibly prestigious. If the clothing brand is only “Dior” and “Chanel”. If you show the house of a wealthy family, then its arrangement will be carried out strictly according to European standards. If the characters speak English - this is positioned as a special advantage. All the rich and respected heroes on the script just returned from the United States or Europe. And so on...

For advanced fans

It’s no secret that such Asian creationscinema is very popular with adolescents, so you can find and view them in popular social networks, where modern young people become frequent users. Of course, finding such a “soap” with a decent voice acting in Russian is quite difficult. However, the Thai lacorns "In Contact" are offered for viewing with Russian subtitles, which is quite interesting, because the original voices and intonations of the actors remain.

 thai lacorn list

With what to begin?

If you have a desire to joinfans of this heat, you can consider two options. The first is to watch classic samples like “Abandoned Paradise” or “Pin Anon”, the second one involves studying the classification in order not to spoil the first impression and guess at least with the genre of the series. Thai lacornes, the list of which will be presented below, will be a good choice for both the novice spectator and the fanatically loyal fan.

Classics of the genre

In 2014, the Thai lacorn came out.“Hate in spite of”, which, thanks to plotting, intrigue and casting, can be considered the benchmark of this genre. Its duration is only 15 episodes, the plot is built on a mixture of romance, love and revenge. The protagonist Keen - the president of a large corporation - leads his beloved Kanok to the crown, with whom he has met for 7 years. But the bride on the eve of the wedding night decides to run to her home in order to pick up one of the forgotten wedding gifts.

At this time, the beautiful Tavan escapes from the groom, breaks the engagement, having learned that he shamelessly changes her for two years now, and his mistress is pregnant.

Kanok, taking a gift, hurries to her husband for rainythe streets in his car and, without noticing upset Tavan, knocks her down. After the accident, Kanok dies, Tavan gets into intensive care. Unhappy Keen in despair in a hurry to the hospital to find out who is responsible for the death of his young wife, and, recognizing the name Tavan, vows revenge on her. Here is such a famously twisted plot characteristic of most Thai TV series.

Thai lacorns in contact

Classification by genre

Absolutely all Thai TV shows can be divided bygenre groups. However, it is worth considering that there are practically no purely genre film projects. In each film, and especially the series, you can always find a close interweaving of several subgenres:

  1. Melodrama (she's a romance).The prominent representatives of this section are: “Heart of Akkani”, “Golden Trinity”, “Bewitched Vayapak”, “Patapi's Love Trap”, 4 love stories - “Himalayas of Tara”, “Pin Anon”, “Taddao Bussaya” and, of course, "In the shine of the sun."
  2. Comedy. These series will make you not just smile, but also burst out laughing: “The maid with the bells and whistles”, “The deadline ... to get married” and the classics of the genre - “Restless girl”.
  3. Especially youth lacorn: "Baby" and "Kun Chai Ronnapi."
  4. Horror / horror. In this direction, quite a few paintings have been produced, of which we can name the Silk Footprint.
  5. Mysticism (not horrors!) - “Bewitched Vayapak.”
  6. Fantastic (fantasy). This section presents a picture with an interesting name for fantasy - “Love never dies”.

thai hate lacorn in spite of

Categorization by subject and meaning

Thai Lankor mostly exacerbate burning topics, leading among them are:

  1. All varieties and consequences of marriage of convenience: “Vanida”, “One hundred ways of the cunning temptress”, “Mad wedding”.
  2. Главный герой преднамеренно или по ошибке ворует the main character: “In captivity of love”, “Pin Anon”, “How to get married”, “Abandoned paradise”, “Ties of love”, “A thief who stole my heart”, “Cupid's network”, “Passionate, beautiful and lonely” , “The Law of Honor”, ​​“Bitter Honey”, “Wild Heat of Love”, “Rainbow Flame”, “Under One Sky”, “One Hundred Ways of the Cunning Seducer”.
  3. Revenge, vengeance, etc.: "And tomorrow I will still love you," "In the glow of the sun."
  4. Separately allocate series, in which there arescenes of cruelty and violence. Nervous and impressionable are not recommended. Among them are: “Turn of Love”, “Bitter Honey”, “Law of Honor”, ​​“Abandoned Paradise”, “Incredible Bo”, “Captive Love”, “One Hundred Ways of a Treacherous Seducer”, “A Thief Who Stole My Heart”, “ Rainbow flame.

Enjoy watching!