/ / Terry Balsamo: Biography and Creativity

Terry Balsamo: Biography and Creativity

Terry Balsamo is an American musician, guitarist of the band "Evanescence", the author of several songs of this collective. Known as a former member of the Limp Bizkit group. By education Balsamo is an electrician.

Terrance Patrick David Balsamo (better knownas Terry Balsamo) was born on October 9, 1973 in the south of the United States, in Florida. From about thirteen years old, he began to take an interest in music and learn to play the guitar. By the time he was sixteen, he had mastered this instrument. At this age Terry was very famous among the youth of his town, because he played the guitar very well.

Balsamo tried himself in several teenagegroups. They performed at school grounds, performing popular rock hits of that time. They were invited to play at various parties, graduation school balls. So the guitarist got his first experience of performing before the public.

terry balsam

Carier start

In 1994 he was invited to the collective "LimpBizkit. "However, the young man could not fully open up there and left about a year later.As the musician recalled, the band was just starting out and working on their first studio album., To fame was still very far away." From 1996 to 1999, he played in the group "Shaft", being there as a permanent guitarist.In the ninety-nine year he joined the band "Cold." In this band he spent several years and left his mark in her work, composing music and lyrics for the songs.

Постепенно группа начала распадаться и терять its popularity. In 2003, "Cold" acted as the opening act for the "Evanescence" collective. Terry Balsamo, whose photo you can see in this article, got to know the musicians. And already in January 2004 he was officially invited to join "Evanescence and take the place of a permanent guitarist.


At the end of next year, during recordingthe next album, the guitar had a stroke. It happened because of the rupture of the cervical artery. He himself recalls that he went to bed on Sunday without experiencing health problems. And already on Monday morning I was ready to go into the studio and continue working, but suddenly his body paralyzed.

terry balsamo pictures

Terry had to spend some time inhospital. The left side of his body was paralyzed. As it turned out, the stroke was due to the fact that Terry Balsamo constantly shook his head at concerts, like many other musicians. His hand was paralyzed, and the doctors were convinced that this was the end of the musical career. Even if the body can recover, the hand can not move the guitarist. In their opinion, the situation was irreversible.


However, Terry Balsamo put up with this situationdid not want. For a year he worked hard on himself and was observed by physiotherapists. The doctors were shocked, the will of the musician helped him to recover almost completely and immediately go on tour with his band. Unfortunately, now his hand can not work as before, but the members of the "Evanescence" team are happy that he was able to recover and return to the group.

The team was not looking for a new guitar player and in every possible waysupported Terry. The group was lucky that before the stroke Balsamo managed to record almost all the guitar parts for the new album. What the group had left, the group completed by means of the services of a temporary guest musician.

terri balsamo American musician

Leaving the group

Все последующие годы Терри Бальзамо продолжал record albums and touring with the band. But the stroke, which had been carried out before, made itself felt. The guitarist often complained of pain and numbness of the left arm. And so, in August 2015, he announced that he was leaving the collective. As for the further career, the musician does not particularly apply. He believes that you need to arrange a great vacation, take care of your health and rest morally.