/ / What is symmetry, or how nature helps the inhabitants of the planet

What is symmetry, or how does nature help the inhabitants of the planet

We all know that symmetry is stillsince school years. Primary geometry teachers explained this concept to us in detail using examples of a circle, a square or a less symmetrical triangle and an oval. However, in addition to the dry definition, symmetry along with the golden section occupies an important place in nature. The existence of its bilateral value in living organisms has been noted for a very long time. Now we consider how the existence of symmetry helps us.

what is symmetry
What is symmetry?The word itself came to us from the Greek language, and it means proportionality. Dictionaries interpret this meaning differently, but the essence is the same. Symmetry - the location of one or more items in proportion or harmoniously to each other. As a rule, in order to determine whether the parts of the whole are symmetrical, they build an imaginary mirror plane between them. It can be unique, as well as grow in quantity. Parts of the object should be mirror images of each other in these planes. If they ideally correspond to this statement, then you can clearly see what symmetry is.

Most accurately identifies the item in question.the study of crystals, since they are all perfectly symmetrical. In addition, symmetry is found in the structure of plants, mirror planes are divided into several identical parts of branches, flowers, their organs and parts. Animals and people are also not deprived of it, but to a lesser extent, and it is called bilateral, that is, bilateral. For example, if you hold a vertical mirror plane (it can only be the only one here), then the two parts will be symmetrical. Thus, symmetry in nature and in practice, and not only in geometry, has become quite widespread.

symmetry in nature and in practice

Discoveries of paleontologists forced scientistsrevise your previous opinions. The fact is that the appearance of bilateral symmetry is noted 40 million years earlier than expected. This suggests that nature created more adapted multicellular creatures long before the first makings of man appeared. It cannot be said that the latter acquired all the positive elements that bilateral symmetry could give him, but without them he could not have survived.

bilateral symmetry

Consider, for example, two eyes.Thanks to them, a person and an animal can look at the world around them as if they are three-dimensional space. They can determine how close or far a particular item is from them. It is impossible not to note how useful binocular vision is for predators, because without it, they will not be able to catch prey, which means that their survival will remain in question. Herbivores do not stand aside, their eyes are located on both sides of the head, which allows them to fully explore the terrain around them. This greatly reduces their chances of becoming prey for a predator. Two ears allow not only to hear the sound, but also to determine its source. Two legs help to move easily, without losing balance.

Thus, speaking of what symmetry is, one cannot ignore its useful qualities. After all, if nature had not rewarded us with them, then our existence would have long ceased.