/ / Why was the book called a great miracle? The book as an antidote to the "clip thinking".

Why was the book called a great miracle? The book as an antidote to "clip-art thinking."

This article is dedicated to the main fetish of allreading and writing people - the book. This small note will try to answer the question why the book was called a great miracle, moreover, why it still remains so. The history of the emergence of the book as a cultural artifact will not be presented here. The topic is very interesting, but unfortunately, inexhaustible, like Baikal, so we will limit ourselves to analyzing why the book has been called a great miracle at the present time, and what important functions the book still performs.

Confrontation screen and books

Now in the world dominated by high technology.Accordingly, the speed of life is not the same as before. Everything is appreciated fast, that is why present, fundamental education is replaced by courses, the task of which is to give "only the main thing", "necessary for practice". Benefit became the queen of reality. In this world, the greatest miracle - the book still has to justify its right to exist. Why? Because people value their time too much, and they consider reading to be a useless exercise, because it does not bring an instant result. You need to read a lot of books, spend a huge amount of time to open up the ability to think in yourself. Everyone knows how to think, but not everyone knows about it.

The screen is to blame for everything, namely film and television.

TV, film and book

why was the book called a great miracle

Television and movies kill the ability to think.Of course, there are excellent analytical programs or a wonderful “smart” movie, but few reach it. Television and cinema in their mass expression fool the population and do it with fantastic speed. It is unlikely that someone will become smarter if they watch “Dom-2” or “Let them talk” by Andrei Malakhov. True, these programs look:

1. Housewives, in which the world is stretched and revolves around three points: husband - child - kitchen.

2. People who turn on the TV, like a radio, for the background, their level of development may be different.

3. Uneducated pensioners.

Why was the book called a great miracle?Because this is a completely different way of researching reality than television - a picture. When a person reads a book, he does not use ready-made recipes and images. Someone from the classics said that reading is also creativity. The author and the writer create a work of art together. Each reader has his own version of the appearance of the characters of any classic literary masterpiece.

Reading / writing a book is meditation, contemplation of your inner world, it is a reason and an excuse to talk with yourself about yourself, a reason to think.

Of course, all this is true only in relationgood books, if a woman or a man read literary consumer goods, it is unlikely that they tower above those who watch “House-2”. But a popular book still has one advantage over a popular program: if you read well-publicized but superficial authors, the consumer, at least, will not forget the letter. He will be more competent that he does not think of life without a blue screen.

What is dangerous TV?

the greatest miracle book

It is, above all, dangerous brainwashing, asV. Pelevin said: “Nowadays, people will learn about what they think on TV.” The telewalker turns a person into the personification of public opinion. From the viewer-consumer make a herald, uttering the quintessence of the main social, political and economic trends, speaking in any state of affairs: “All is for the better”

Следующее:watching commercials, not only does it turn a person into a manageable consumer of brands, but also cuts thinking in small pieces. A man cannot think out a long thought. He thinks with rollers and clips.

The book as an antidote to the "clip thinking"

book the greatest wonders of the world

Now I understand why the book was called great.by miracle And even now you can subscribe to these words. The book saves humanity from the mass idiocy. From turning into simple ruminants, which are the only ones that digest, defecate and watch Malakhov and partners. Truly, only for this it is necessary to put a monument to the book in each city or even in each yard of all cities. And cast in granite phrase: "The book, the greatest wonders of the world together forever."