/ / Samvel Garibyan: books and biography

Samvel Gharibyan: books and biography

Samvel Garibyan - author of books aimed at developing memory, a Russian entrepreneur, set two records listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Born in 1963, February 1.


samvel garibyan
Самвел Гарибян появился на свет в Грузинской ССР, Akhalkalaki city. In 1985 he graduated from Rostov State University, where he studied at the Faculty of Law. In Yerevan, he worked as a lawyer. Later he joined the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia. Since childhood, differed good memory. Engaged in the development of mnemonic techniques. The basis of the original technique developed by this author is emotionality and figurativeness, which are characteristic of the process of teaching children. He was able to master the technique of quickly memorizing large volumes of oral and printed information. Among its types are foreign vocabulary, scattered expressions, words and numbers. His abilities were twice recorded by the Guinness Book of Records. The first achievement was the following: memorization and reproduction of a thousand words, as well as their translation from 10 different languages ​​- Spanish, Arabic, Esperanto, Bengali, Pashto, Farsi, Dari, Urdu, German, English. Garibyan reproduced 960 units out of a thousand. The second record required memorization of 2000 words in Russian. When playing, he made 32 errors and several times used prompts that suggested choosing a word from three or four. Got into the book "Divo" (Records of the USSR). Awarded "Lefty." Had 2 children. Was married. He died in Moscow in 2014, on August 24.

Social activity

samvel garibyan english
Samvel Garibyan created the ideas on the basis of whichprepared a bill on the 100-fold penalty for corruption. He was introduced to the State Duma by the President. In 2012, Garibyan presented a comprehensive program aimed at introducing radical measures aimed at combating corruption at all levels, crime of any kind and a new approach to leading the country based on responsibility that state leaders must face to the voters. With the support of the Union of Armenians of the Russian Federation in the media led the fight against the plots of the project "Our Rush", in which the characters Ravshan and Dzhamshut participated. He believed that they have a xenophobic character, defame Russia, as well as the national dignity of the Tajik and Armenian peoples.


samvel garibyan school of memory
Samvel Garibyan in 1988 created work"Activation of memory and thinking." In 1990, the book “Memory Superactivation through Reviving Emotions” was published. The following two books that Samvel Gharibyan created are devoted to the methods of memorization. "School of Memory" appeared in 1993. In 2001, the second part of this work was published. The author has created a number of dictionaries. Now we will tell about the main ones. In 1996 came the work "My new Babylon". Its second edition appeared in 2000. In 2002, English without English was published. The second part of the book appeared in 2004. In 2008 “Armenian language” is published. In the same year, the Wonder Dictionary of Memorization Keys was published.


Samvel Garibyan School
We have already talked about who Samvel is.Garibyan "English. Key Memory Dictionary ”is one of his largest works. It includes 1500 of the most commonly used keys and English word-plots with highly emotional, sometimes shock associations. They are used as a basis for memorization. Information is easily stored in memory and allows you to solve the issue of mastering the necessary vocabulary in an incredibly short time. The author uses widely known popular expressions. To memorize in them, he replaces part of the Russian words with English. This book provides an opportunity for 2-3 weeks to master a solid stock of the 1500 most common language units, which is 85 percent of everyday communication. The book is suitable for everyone who suffers from a lack of time, as well as to those people who love unconventional, extraordinary ways of learning. Not less important work of the author is called "School of Memory". It is devoted to various techniques of rational thinking, as well as the development of imagery. The “School” of Samvel Garibyan is based on the use of the factor of extraordinary, non-standard situations that cause a person to have positive emotions. Mastering the skills outlined in the work will help improve communication skills, as well as the flexibility of thinking.