/ / Poem Nekrasov "Grandfather": analysis and summary

Poem Nekrasov "Grandfather": analysis and summary

Poem Nekrasov "Grandfather" was written in 1870year In this article we will describe its brief content, tell you about the interesting history of the creation of the work. We will also analyze the poem "Grandpa" Nekrasov. So let's start with a brief content.

Poem "Grandpa" (Nekrasov): a summary

Little Sasha once saw in his father’s officea portrait of some young general and decided to ask who it is. The father replied that this man was his grandfather. But in detail about him did not tell. So begins the poem Nekrasov "Grandfather".

poem grandpa Nekrasov

Sasha then ran to his mother andhe began to ask her where this man was now, and why the boy had never seen him. The mother had tears in her eyes, she sadly replied to her son that he will know everything when she grows up. Soon this mysterious grandfather came to visit the boy's family. Everyone greeted him, they were happy. Sasha decided to ask his grandfather why he had not been in the house for so long, and where his uniform was. But he answered, repeating the words of the mother: "If you grow up, you will know."

Поэма Некрасова "Дедушка" продолжается следующим in a way. Sasha quickly made friends with the main character, they spent a lot of time walking together. Grandfather made an impression of a very wise and experienced person. He was slim and stately, with a gray beard and white curls. By nature, this man seemed simple, no work frightened him. He talked a lot about the village of Tarbagatai, located somewhere behind the Baikal. Sasha could not yet understand exactly where she was located, but he hoped to find out when she would grow up.

Poem "Grandpa" (Nekrasov), a summarywhich we describe, tells, in particular, about what the main character was doing when he arrived home. The grandfather was a general, but despite this, he managed the plow well, even plowed the whole field alone. He did not sit without a minute. When he arrived home, the grandfather walked, enjoyed nature, communicated with his grandson, worked all the time (now in the garden, now behind the plow, then something darned, repaired). And he sang songs, told stories that were very interested in a boy who grew up in a good family, instilled in him an interest in the fate and history of the Russian people. Grandfather often sad when he remembered something. When Sasha was interested in the cause of this sadness, he replied that everything had already passed, everything was fine. After all, a completely different time is now, now it is easier for people.

analysis of the poem grandpa Nekrasov

Previously, in the country, he saw such a great deal of suffering that now everything seemed calm and peaceful to him. Grandfather often sang songs about free people, glorious campaign, beautiful women.

Right time dragged on.The grandfather always answered any Sasha's questions by saying: "If you grow up, you will know." The boy thus had a keen interest in learning. After a while he already studied geography, history. The boy could show on the map where Petersburg is located, Chita, tell a lot about the life of the Russian people. Grandfather because of past injuries began to fall ill more often. He now needed a crutch. He understood, looking at Sasha, that the boy would soon find out about the terrible events that had happened recently in Russia, about the Decembrist uprising. So ends the poem Nekrasov "Grandfather". We now tell about the history of its creation.

Kostroma work basis

to whom the poem is dedicated grandfather Nekrasov

Nekrasov in the early seventies of the 19th centuryworked on a cycle consisting of poems about the fate of the Decembrists: "Grandfather" (written in 1870), and also "Russian Women", which consisted of two parts: in 1871, Princess Trubetskaya was completed, and in 1872 m - "Princess Volkonskaya".

Appeal to this topic at first glancemay seem uncharacteristic for a poet like Nekrasov, indifferent to historical subjects. However, as Nikolai Leonidovich Stepanov noted, this was precisely an appeal to the revolutionary pages of the past, and not to history as such, a reminder of selfless figures and the first attempt at a revolution in our country.

Prototype grandfather

The plot of the work is the story of how the old Decembrist came to the estate to his son. He was freed from Siberia in 1856 according to a manifesto issued at that time.

Who is dedicated to the poem "Grandpa" Nekrasov?Sergey Grigorievich Volkonsky (years of life - 1788-1865) - the prince, the former major general, the famous Decembrist is considered the prototype of the main character. SG Volkonsky in the summer of 1857 arrived in the Kostroma province.

Governor of Moscow in August 1857sent Andrei Fedorovich Wojciech, his colleague in Kostroma, a special order about the establishment of supervision over this man, who had left for Bui district, on the estate of his daughter. By this time she was already widowed, since Dmitry Vasilievich Molchanov, her husband, who served under Nikolai Nikolayevich Muravyov-Amursky (the governor-general of all Eastern Siberia) was an official of special assignments, died in 1856. In Elena Sergeevna, daughter of Volkonsky, in 1854 born son, who was named after Sergei in honor of his grandfather. Thus, the poem "Grandfather" (Nekrasov) as the main storyline has a basis taken from life by Nikolai Alekseevich (from a trip by Sergey Grigorievich Volkonsky to Kostroma province).

The story of the creation of the poem "Grandpa"

Nekrasov about this trip could learn from hisan old friend - Prince M. S. Volkonsky (years of life - 1832-1902), with whom he often went on a winter hunt from Petersburg. This man was the son of S. G. Volkonsky.

Одним из главных источников при создании данной the poem served, according to a fair remark by Yu. V. Lebedev, the book “Siberia and penal servitude” by S. V. Maximov, published in the journal “Domestic Notes” (which was published by Nekrasov) in 1868-1869.

The most reliable sources thatthe poet had at work on these two poems, there was information taken from the third part of this book - "State criminals". It contained detailed descriptions of the Siberian life and references of the Decembrists. The author not only visited all these places, but also visited the famous Tarbagatai. Nekrasovsky story about him served as the ideological grain of the poem.

The effect of censorship on the work

The plan of the poem "Grandpa" (Nekrasov) the author had tochange due to censorship. So, at the beginning of his acquaintance with the main character, Nekrasov writes that grandfather entered his house with the words that he reconciled with everything that he had to suffer in his lifetime. That is, this man realized that he had been correctly punished, reconciled with the regime that had crippled his life. In essence, however, this was not the case at all. We make this conclusion based on the subsequent speeches of the grandfather. Consequently, I wrote these lines in order to disguise my work (the poem "Grandfather") of Nekrasov from censorship.

The image of the main character

Grandpa is depicted gray, very old, but stillactive, vigorous, with whole teeth, firm posture and a meek look. Nekrasov pays special attention to gray hair in order to show how long this person spent in Siberia, how difficult he lived in that harsh land, what kind of suffering he had to endure.

Grandpa is glad to see tears in his native nature,since in Siberia it is completely different - merciless, gray, alien. He dreams that the peasant people will finally be given freedom, and all of them - nobles, peasants - will live in harmony with each other, they will be happy with everything.

We continue the analysis of the poem "Grandpa" (Nekrasov -author). The old Decembrist says: "There will be a free people!" He believes that soon all difficulties will cease, that is, he believes in the liberal reforms that Alexander II was conducting at that time, that an end to serf oppression would be put.

The story of life in Siberia

Grandfather said that "divas marvelous do"human labor and will. His belief in these qualities is confirmed by the story of how a livable settlement was built by a small group of people in Siberia, and bread was grown on the barren northern land in the far-off village of Tarbagatai. Now "beautiful tall" people lived there richly and happily.

Attitudes toward various social groups of people

Grandpa calls clerks, officials and landlordspossessors (i.e., greedy people). They broke the fate of the serfs, upset their marriages, thrashed them, robbed them, sent them to the recruits of young men. But there were in our country and good people who sincerely worried about the fate of the country, the people. They were among the Decembrists in the Senate Square in 1825.

poem grandpa Nekrasov summary

For the struggle and victory over darknesswe need reason, unanimity and united strength. The real grief, according to my grandfather, was that our country was devastated, lagged behind, and people were deaf to any attempts to develop it, to revive, because the people had suffered without it.

But the main character calls to remember that there are no "irresistible victories" in the world. That is, sooner or later all pests and villains will come to an end, their evil will return a hundredfold, and the people will be avenged.

Poem creation time

Nekrasov grandfather poem

Эта поэма создавалась во время нового public upheaval, which came in the late 1860s and early 70s, and was associated with the activities of the so-called revolutionary populists. With his work, Nekrasov wanted to remind people of the heroic feat that the Decembrists had committed, who openly opposed the authorities, and thereby emphasize the importance of liberation ideas in Russia. In addition, he sought to draw the attention of contemporaries to the fact that the position of the Russian people has changed little after the abolition of serfdom. Nekrasov raised the question of the need to continue to fight for the rights of workers, for social justice.

Topicality and relevance of the work

In the poem "Grandpa" the main character seeks to openhis grandson eyes on national disasters, instill the idea that it is necessary to serve the truth and good. And his speech is met with a lively response. Sasha, communicating with his grandfather, begins to look at the world differently, to think deeper. Now he hates the evil and the foolish, wishes good for the poor. In his grandson, grandfather sought to educate a future citizen. The urgency and relevance of the poem lies precisely in this. She echoed the tasks set by the leaders of the time, including N. A. Nekrasov.

poem Nekrasov grandfather

"Grandfather" - a poem that was created taking into accountcensorship requirements for literature of the time. In the work of Nekrasov, for obvious reasons, could not openly talk about the case in which the hero was exiled to penal servitude. The story about the Decembrist uprising sounds muffled in the poem. But the holy high idea of ​​serving the people passes through the whole work in a bright line.

The development of the theme in the future work of Nekrasov

The poet continued to work on the reflectionDecembrist themes. The next stage was an appeal to the feat performed by the wives of the Decembrists, who went to distant Siberia to hard labor for their husbands. In the poem about princesses Volkonskaya and Trubetskoy Nekrasov expresses her admiration for these best representatives of the nobility circle, who realized the meaning of the cause for which their spouses suffered.

poem grandpa Nekrasov composition

This concludes the analysis of such a work as the poem "Grandpa" (Nekrasov). The writing does not pretend to the full disclosure of the topic, but we have tried to consider everything in as much detail as possible.