/ / Alice Sapegina: biography and films

Alisa Sapegina: biography and films

Alice Sapegina was born in 1987, September 9,in the town of Lesnoy. It is located in the Sverdlovsk region. The girl's interests were very diverse, but several visits to the performances of the Yekaterinburg children's theater convinced her to become an actress.


Alice Sapegina
Alice Sapegina attended urban art school.While studying in high school, she informed her parents to make a firm decision to enter the Moscow Theater Institute. The family tried to convince the girl, offering another place of study and profession. However, she was adamant. As a result, relatives agreed with the choice of a future actress, helped her as much as they could. Raised funds for attendance at teachers. It was difficult for her daughter to graduate from the senior class as an external student. In April, the future student with her mother went to audition in Moscow. According to her, in case of failure, she was ready to go to the monastery and even jump into the Moscow River. Such actions, fortunately, were not needed.


Alice Sapegina's personal life
Alice Sapegina passed her exams successfully.Entered in VTU. Professor V. Korshunov took her to the workshop. Excellent external data, dedication and responsibility made one of the brightest female students on the course out of the provincial entrant. The girl has successfully played in a number of studio productions. She brilliantly embodied the images of the main characters in the performances of “School of gossip,” “Love is a golden book”, “The Barber of Seville”. In 2008 she graduated and received a diploma.


Alice Sapegina Filmography
Actress Alice Sapegina was accepted into thetroupe of the Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky. She worked in a special theatrical center called "The Cherry Orchard". Difficult repertoire, as well as difficult roles, became the key to the development of professional skills and the continuation of training. She played Soul of Milk in the play "Blue Bird". She worked on the production of "The Master and Margarita". Embossed the image of Nicole in the play "Crazy Jourdain."

In 2009Alisa Sapegina was admitted to the Lenkom theater troupe. There it is today. Alice Sapegina played in the play "Peer Gunt." Received the role of Marianna in the production of "Tartuffe". She worked on the play "Spanish Folly".

Многие начинающие актеры участвуют в телепроектах.Alice Sapeginu also did not avoid this fate. In 2008, she appeared on the screens for the first time. Then she portrayed herself in the parody project “Big Difference”. Further, the actress starred as Sergey's wife in the 2009 film “Fires of the Big City”.

In 2010 she played in the TV series "Interns". She got a very convincing, albeit small role of the woman in labor. Her partners on the set were Ivan Okhlobystin and Kristina Asmus.

Then she took part in a television projectthe company "Novella", which changed her life. We are talking about the series "The Institute of Noble Maidens". At the heart of his story are genuine historical events, as well as autobiographical memoirs of the era. Casting actresses was incredibly strict. All applicants should have been distinguished by the innate nobility of manners and appearance. Among the mandatory requirements - the lack of nail extensions, piercing and tattoos, long natural hair. During the shooting was not allowed to do a manicure. The actress came under all these requirements.

After reading the script, a young girl realized that herthe heroine is like her in many ways. Purposefulness, honesty, desire for justice, all this is the basis of the character of the actress. She did not just play the role of Sophia Gorchakova. She became her inwardly. The actress has spent an incredible amount of time and work to make her heroine extremely reliable. Alice studied memoirs, as well as historical works. She mastered the peculiarities of the French pronunciation, as well as the Old Moscow speech. She developed the ability to move at ease in the clothes of the described era. The actress learned to reliably transmit aristocratic manners, as well as the intonation of the pupil of the specified educational institution. The series appeared on the screens in 2009. He won a huge success. His reason lies in the interest of the audience to the turns of criminal and love storylines, historical realities, as well as the image of the main character. Refined manners and beauty combined with the principles of life and strength of character.

A family

Alice Sapegina's personal life will be reviewed.Further. Due to the large professional employment, the actress has little time left for herself. She does not want popularity, which is based on detailed stories about his personal life. He only reports that he has no children and is not married.


Actress Alice Sapegina
The filmography of Alice Sapegina will be discussed further.

  • In 2009, she starred in the film "The Fires of the Big City".
  • In 2010, she worked on the films “Out of the Fog”, “Interns”, “Love and other nonsense”, “The Institute of Noble Maidens”.
  • In 2012 she starred in the films "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" and "The Bros-3".
  • In 2013, she worked on the films “The Loop of Time” and “Secrets of the Institute of Noble Maidens”.