/ / Will there be a sequel to "Major"? TV series actors and roles

Will there be a sequel to "Major"? TV series actors and roles

Released in 2014 series “Major”I was surprised by the high quality of everything: from camera work to music. The audience with appetite "swallowed" the first part and anticipate the continuation of the TV series "Major". Persons who stayed behind the scenes and did this miracle: producer Alexander Tsekalo and director Konstantin Statsky.

Благодаря слаженной работе команды появился на light material that is appreciated by the public. The level of professionalism of each participant is impressive. The film turned out like a trendy overseas series, such as "Bones" or "Mentalist." For the professionalism and quality of the film, she was awarded the awards of the APKIT and Georges.

The cast of the first season

Первый состав был скорее экспериментом Александра Tsekalo than cold calculation. In this work, the producer wanted to experiment in everything, and not use the old tried and tested methods. As you can see, the experiment was a success, and the actors very realistically portrayed their characters.

Will the sequel
Surely every viewer felt the life of allwithout exception heroes. Pavel Priluchnyi - an actor, whose main task was to reveal the hero-major. His disposable appearance and charisma perfectly combined with the image of a glamorous disorderly boy.

Executive role of the head of departmentinvestigations were looking for a classic film scheme: a beautiful woman of strict nature, which should melt away from the charm of the protagonist. Karina Razumovskaya very much approached the role of her heroine - Victoria Rodionova. And as far as she coped with it - the viewers decide.

The father of the hero, Vladimir Sokolovsky, is a strong, strict, strong man. Perhaps even more than desired, Alexander Dyachenko approached for this.

Помощники капитана полиции Родионовой (Жека и Danya) is always where no one is waiting for them. Who approached these roles? Why cool actor Denis Shvedov? And Alexander Oblasov? They were in perfect harmony with the entire behind-the-scenes group and got used to their roles.

Is the second season canceled?

Konstantin Statsky refused to film the sequelTV series "Major" for a reason that no one discloses. And as soon as this happened, everyone held their breath, because the public was eager to continue the story. Alexander Tsekalo is not one of those who give up easily. He started shooting without Constantine. How and what happened to him, we can only guess, wait and see it with our own eyes very soon.

Continuation of the series
When asked when the sequel will be released“Major”, Tsekalo did not answer for a long time, but finally gave up and announced that the end of filming was planned in the summer, and the screen would be released in the fall. The release date is no longer dependent on him, but on the channel’s management, when the series is aired. So there is not much time to endure, but all patience is pleasantly rewarded. Thus, it will soon appear on the “Major” screens (continued), the release date is October 2016.


Главная идея первой части:love and life barriers make a boy a man. The mysterious death of Igor’s mother, as well as the investigation of his department’s criminal cases and a love story, is the perfect combination to attract the attention of a large audience.

When will sequel
The ending is so touching and ambiguous,that the question arises: “What will happen next?” Will there be a continuation of “Major”? It will definitely be! But his story is kept secret. In the meantime, are shooting at full speed. What is waiting for the audience? It is expected that Igor will avenge the death of his loved ones. And since the idea of ​​the film itself lies in salvation by love, then, most likely, everything will be decided not so bloody as the main character would like to be.


The main characters will remain in the same composition.Surprises from the movie “Major 2” have long been hidden from both journalists and bloggers. But recently, Vera Brezhnev published a photo of Pavel Priluchny in the network, which only confirmed the rumors about her participation in the movie. It turned out that we are waiting for new faces and a new plot.

Igor Sokolovsky will appear in a new look.Appearance is now more like a brutal man than a "sweet" boy (with this he provoked the curiosity of the public). After all, it is not at all clear, it has changed as a result of personal growth or in bad circumstances according to the plot. But let this riddle sweeten the premiere of the series.

Changed and filming location.The first season was filmed in Kiev, and when the sequel to Major is released, everyone will recognize the streets and bridges of St. Petersburg. This, of course, does not affect the quality of the frame, but only a little more “spice up” this piece.

Heavy everyday actors

Звезде проекта Павлу Прилучному пришлось много work on yourself to fulfill all the requirements of the director. Without the help of stuntmen, he performed all the tricks himself and drove cars: an ambulance, a fire truck, and an expensive Chevrolet Corvette. It's all very hard to imagine, but he managed.

The hero himself commented on what he wanted for a long timedo it all on your own, especially if you are in such great shape (candidate for master of sports in boxing). So far he has not broken anything: neither the car nor his bones. And will we see the continuation of the “Major” so traumatic for Pavel in the future, after the end of the shooting?

Karina Razumovskaya rather flatteringly responded aboutfilming process. She is very selective about the choice of films. Far from every script grabs. But she really liked the image, as well as the work with Alexander Tsekalo (Karina had already participated in the shooting of his film). All this tipped the scales in the direction of the answer "Yes." Therefore, the question of whether the continuation of "Major" with her participation, the answer is obvious.

Среди тяжёлых дней были и тяжёлые ночи.A few points needed to be removed in the cemetery. One fine evening, the entire crew saw the group ready. Considering that it was not evening, but deep night, many decided to go home to rest.

To sum up

Исходя из сложностей и преград, которые бывают у Each film, the question of whether the continuation of "Major", worries many. A positive answer is given not only by the proponents of the film, but also by its creators. And all that remains behind the scenes, let them be part of the lives of many beloved actors, and we will only enjoy the results of their work.