/ / Tchaikovsky Museum in Klin - one of the first music-memorial museums in Russia

The Tchaikovsky Museum in Klin is one of the first music memorial museums in Russia

P.I.Tchaikovsky is the brightest diamond in the crown of world culture. His works are immortal and represent an invaluable contribution to the world's musical treasury. His name is known on all continents, which is why the flow of tourists to the Tchaikovsky Museum in Klin never stops. It was in this small town near Moscow that the great Russian composer lived and worked in the last years of his life. Despite the fact that more than 150 years have passed since his death, little has changed in the house.

Tchaikovsky Museum in the wedge

A bit of history

Tchaikovsky Music Museum in Klin is located inthe very center of this small town near Moscow, located between Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the house that Peter Ilyich rented before his death from the magistrate judge V. Sakharov. Subsequently, he was bought by the brother of the composer and in 1894 turned into a memorial to the memory of a great genius. Many believe that this house is the composer’s family nest, however, as you see, this is not true. Born PI Tchaikovsky in far Udmurtia, in the city of Votkinsk, in the family of a mining engineer, and only at the age of 10 he moved with his family to St. Petersburg. Throughout his life, he moved from one house to another, often living outside the country. Two years before his death, he settled in this quiet place, away from the bustle of the city, and enjoyed his solitude.

Creating a museum

После смерти композитора его младший брат Модест Ilyich Tchaikovsky, a playwright and translator well-known in theatrical and artistic circles, decided to take care of the inviolability and safety of his brother's property and create a memorial house-museum of Tchaikovsky in Klin - one of the first in Russia. He was assisted in this by the copyright heirs of the composer A. Soforov, his faithful servant and assistant, as well as the nephew of the Tchaikovsky brothers - V. Davydov. Klin house, of course, had to buy from its former owner. Soon the uncle with the nephew decided to settle in the estate. In order not to violate the integrity of the memorial, they built a small extension for themselves. Every day the exposition of the museum was replenished with new rarities: letters, manuscripts, autographs, little things that somehow had something to do with Pyotr Ilyich. At the same time, the number of its visitors increased.

Tchaikovsky Museum House in the wedge

Soviet time

With the beginning of a new era, the integrity of the museum turned out to bethreatened by. The Klin City Executive Committee decided to use the estate for other purposes - to organize an orphanage or any state institution, and only intervention from above prevented them from carrying out their plans. Museum-estate of Tchaikovsky in Klin was saved, but not for long.During the Great Patriotic War, the town was captured by the Nazis, who turned the second floor of the house into barracks, and on the first one they built a garage for motorcycles. Fortunately, all the rarities before the invasion of the Germans were taken to the composer’s homeland, to Udmurtia. After the war, the museum was reconstructed, almost all the exhibits were returned.

Structure and Description

Tchaikovsky House Museum in Klin isthe central building of the estate Maydanovo. It stands among a picturesque park on the high bank of the Sestra River. Not far from the estate runs a railway. This circumstance was decisive for the composer when choosing housing. After all, he often had to travel to Moscow and St. Petersburg or abroad. In addition, the beauty of the local landscapes inspired and tuned the great musician to the creative way.

excursion to the wedge Tchaikovsky Museum

Today, the Tchaikovsky Museum in Klin representsis a whole reserve complex. It consists of a memorial house with the internal and external decoration preserved in integrity, collections of notes, a library, and an extension in which, after the composer's death, Modest Ilich Tchaikovsky lived. The structure of the complex also includes an old park with manor buildings, and an outhouse, where there is an exhibition dedicated to Taneyev, the best of Tchaikovsky's students. The museum is especially popular with students of music schools, colleges, conservatories, faculties of culture and art history of various universities in the world, as well as all fans of the talent of the great musician. Excursion to Klin (Tchaikovsky Museum), in addition to a review of all these attractions, also includes listening to the recordings of his brilliant works. It also organizes chamber music concerts, various music festivals and competitions.

Address and timetable of the museum

Tchaikovsky House is located at:Russia, Moscow region, Klin city, P.I. Tchaikovsky street, 48. You can get here from Moscow by electric train from Leningradsky railway station to Klin station, and from there by taxi or bus.

Tchaikovsky Manor Museum in the wedge

Days and hours of operation: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm (the ticket office is open until 5 pm), Wednesday and Thursday are days off.


Today, the Tchaikovsky Museum in Klin представляет собой не только архивно-историческую value, but also great interest as the most beautiful monument of architecture of the pre-revolutionary era. The building is notable for original elements of the exterior decor, for example, a roof in the form of a conical turret, a small balcony-lantern, decorated with colorful glass, pilasters and reinforcement belt along the entire facade. Hurry up to visit the Tchaikovsky Museum in Klin! His hospitable doors are open to all fans of the great genius.