Many people are becoming popular thanks toto their spouses. Ruslan Sharipov, whose biography is a secret to the public, became a solo performer thanks to Nargiz Zakirova, who now shocks the public with her lack of hair and a strong voice. Little is known about this singer. He does not give interviews and does not post his biography online.
Group "Byte"

Он добились высокой популярности в Узбекистане.At that time, the singer wore long hair and matched in appearance to the music he performed. The performances of the team gathered crowds of fans, but Ruslan’s associates were very conservative. For example, they opposed the appearance of women in their ranks.
Solo career

The voice of the singer allowed him to build enoughsuccessful career and becoming famous in Uzbekistan and in the countries next to it. He was loved for the unusual presentation of songs and the special energy that prevailed at his concerts.
The unusual sound of the compositions was partiallydue to the fact that they were used techniques from rock music. Ruslan Sharipov (biography) at that time acted not only as a singer, but also independently composed songs. Some musicians claim that he was writing songs completely. Including arranged them.
Personal life

A spark immediately flashed between the young people, literally on the same day they submitted an application to the registry office. Within a month and a half, they were officially hit by a husband and wife.
Ruslan Sharipov (biography) - the singer who couldmake a choice not in favor of a stable career. He decided to follow the love. When the group refused to accept Nargiz in their ranks, he stayed with his beloved woman to be able to give concerts with her and spend as much time as possible.
She and Nargiz started performing for theircompatriots in the CIS countries. The singer recalls that at that time (she was only 18 years old) she considered their love to be eternal. She often compared her relationship with those of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

A little later, Sabina was born.Despite the fact that Ruslan was trying to build relations anew, Nargiz did not forgive him. As soon as the singer was able to return to the usual life, she went on tour with her solo project. They almost ceased to see each other and soon divorced.
In her interviews, Nargiz noted that after heremigration with her daughter to America Ruslan called her only 4 times. Currently, the singer has become a grandfather. His daughter Sabina gave birth to Noah's grandson, but she never began to communicate with her father.
What does the singer do now
Since the early nineties, few know whoRuslan Sharipov (biography). More than two decades have passed, but gradually his songs began to be remembered and even put in rotation on Uzbek television channels. Numerous interviews with Nargiz and references to the singer in them increased interest in the work of the singer on the Web.
Today it is one of the most famouscomposers and often performs on stage. His songs resonated in the hearts of fans. All people who have ever heard the compositions created by Ruslan note his very strong and beautiful voice. He is often invited to perform at clubs, and not so long ago he again recorded a duet with one of the most famous singers of Uzbekistan, Yulduz Usmonova.
Where can I find the song Ruslana

Для тех, кто говорит только на русском, поиск Ruslan's songs are fraught with difficulty. Not so long ago, his namesake, the young singer Sharipov, who also prefers to sing only in his native language, appeared in Bashkiria. On many sites, the works of two Ruslans are often confused. Therefore, first try to watch clips or search only known songs of this artist.