/ / Analysis and history of the creation of the poem "Winter Nights" (Pasternak)

Analysis and history of the creation of the poem "Winter Nights" (Pasternak)

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak - one of the most famousRussian writers of the 20th century, whose prose and poetry are rightfully considered among the best. His most famous work, Doctor Zhivago. This is a novel that for the first time in the history of Russian literature combines poetry and prose. And opens the poetic part of the novel work "Winter Nights".

Pasternak created a hero, sensitively sensing and writing poetry. But in order not to distract the reader from the events of the life of Yuri Zhivago, the writer places all his lyrical creations at the end of the novel.

History of creation

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So, the poem Winter night "(Pasternak),the creation history of which will be outlined below was written as part of a larger work. It is this work that opens the collection of poems by Yuri Zhivago. Later, the verse was published more than once separately from the novel and was even set to music. But back to the story.

Set the exact date of writing the poemnow it is already impossible, since Pasternak worked on the novel itself for 10 years (1945 - 1955). However, critics are inclined to believe that the poet created his lyrical masterpiece shortly before the end of the novel. This assumption is connected with the fact that in those years Pasternak had already had his first heart attack. “Winter night” is a verse about the struggle of life and death, therefore, this topic should have been close to the writer. And at what other moment, if not on the threshold of the last moments of life, can such thoughts come to a person’s head?

Be that as it may, most literary scholars believe that the poem was written precisely in 1954-55.

As for the work itself, the novel"Doctor Zhivago" was recognized abroad, Pasternak was awarded for him the "Nobel Prize." For this, both the work and the writer himself were seriously persecuted in his homeland. He was no longer published and expelled from the Writers' Union. Pasternak wrote letters more than once, wanting to convince the government of his loyalty, but this did not help. Opponents of the writer turned to the content of the novel itself, calling it anti-Soviet. And the poem "Winter Night" was subjected to special persecution, as it was recognized vulgar, decadent and decadent.


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As noted above, the main themepoem "Winter Nights" (Pasternak) was the theme of the struggle of life and death. The work itself is very metaphorical, in every line and image of it there is a special meaning.

So, considering the entire text in the context of the struggle,it can be concluded that wind, blizzard and cold are symbols of death, and the barely warming candle flame is life. And this fragile light leaves the sick Yuri Zhivago just as he leaves Pasternak himself.

However, along with the grim theme of life and deaththere is a theme of love associated with natural phenomena. Feelings of people as if continue in nature. So, the human passion is accompanied by a blizzard, weaving on the windows of "circles and arrows." However, does nature and the “heat of temptation” influence the protagonist?


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The idea of ​​the poem "Winter Nights" (Pasternak)consonant with the theme. It is embodied in the struggle of man not only with death, but also with everyday adversities, human temptations. Thus, the lyrical hero resists both the blizzard raging outside the window and the temptation that burns his soul. Confusion reigns in the soul of a character; he cannot understand where good is and where evil is. The following semantic line helps to express this in the poem: angel, temptation, “crosswise”.

However, only spiritual strength (which the candle symbolizes) and love can withstand external threats (blizzards). Before the sublime feeling the darkness recedes, the house becomes cozy, warming.

Remarkable is the candle symbol.She, as noted above, is in tune with the hero himself. It continues to burn (live), despite the pressure of the outside world. The image of a fragile but continuing to warm the candles passes through the entire poem.

Composition of the poem "Winter Night" (Pasternak)

Analysis of the composition of the poem allowsto conclude that the work is based on the reception of the antithesis (opposition) of two elements: ice and flame. The blizzard that engulfed the whole world, swallowed everything around, breaks on the glass, it cannot penetrate into the room warmed by a candle.

The poem has a ring composition -The last line repeats the first, albeit not exactly. Consequently, this phrase is not only the key, but the differences in it are of great semantic meaning. So, at the end of the poem there is no “chalk and chalk” repetition and there is an indication of the time - February. Thus, the poet sums up the storm, which has already passed, which means the power of life and hope has triumphed.

winter night parsnip history of creation

Poem size

Poetic size provides strongemotionality of the poem "Winter Night" (Pasternak). Analysis of the structure suggests that the product is written by a four-pitch iambus with cross-rhyming, where men's (1, 3 line) and female (2, 4 line) rhymes alternate. And the so-called punching of rhythm, that is, the reduction of the 2nd and 4th lines, gives the poem a special dynamism.


Thus, the Universe and man, moment and eternity in the poem “Winter Nights” merged into one. Pasternak created an amazingly penetrating, emotional and philosophical work.