/ / Learning music: music interval

Learning music: music interval

Learning musical literacy is a complex process that requires diligence and painstaking work on the part of the student. One of the stages of this process is the study of intervals.

musical interval
If we compare the studygrammar of the Russian language and music, the musical interval is like a syllable. The syllable usually consists of two letters, and the interval is a combination of two sounds. They can be taken simultaneously or sequentially - it does not matter.

From the distance between these sounds,depends on the name of the "syllable". Two adjacent sounds are a distance of one semitone. This is the minimum unit for changing intervals. Two halftones form a tone.

The musical interval is characterized by steps and tones. Steps are different notes. By the step size of the interval is meant the number of steps that are placed between the sounds of the interval.

The tone value of the interval is of great importance. Even homogeneous intervals can contain a different number of tones, so the step value does not completely determine them.

The tone value is denoted by the adjectives:

- small;

- large;

- clean;

- reduced;

- increased;

- twice reduced;

- twice increased.

interval in music
Write these adjectives before the numerals, which express the degree value.

The first musical interval is prima (1).It is a repetition of one sound. Still it is called pure prima. It is followed by a second (2). There are small (0.5 tone) and large (1 tone) seconds. Next in order: small and large thirds, quart, newt, quint, small and large sixths, small and large septims and octaves. Each interval in music differs from the previous one by one semitone.

Depending on the simultaneous orsequential sampling distinguish harmonic and melodic intervals, respectively. From what musical modes are formed by a combination of sounds, it depends whether the interval is euphonious or, conversely, to cut the ears.

Simple musical intervals are combinations ofsounds within one octave. Wider intervals, not exceeding the limits of the quintedzyme, are called composite. Other combinations are not considered to be an independent musical interval.

musical frets
The interval can be reversed, that is, you can transfer onefrom its sounds an octave down or up. It turns out that the lower sound becomes upper, and the upper one becomes lower. This changes the quality of the interval. If it was small, it would become large, and vice versa. Only a clean interval will remain pure. The conversion of a simple interval is a transfer to an octave of one of its sounds. The sum of the step quantities of the initial and inverted interval will always remain equal to nine. When the compound interval is reversed, both sounds are transferred. Moreover, the upper sound is transferred downward, and the lower one, respectively, upwards. The sum of the step quantities remains equal to sixteen.

Before proceeding to the study of the following topics,It is necessary to master the theory of musical intervals well. After all, this is the basis of musical literacy (after the notes, of course). There is nothing complicated here. A person whose goal is the study of music, easily remember all the names and types of Internet.