/ / Movies that change the mind of a person. List, what to see

Movies that change the mind of a person. List, what to see

Every person periodically watches movies,the plot of which is forgotten the very next day. However, there are also films that change consciousness, capable of transforming the usual outlook, to make one think deeply. Such projects may not have the spectacularity created with the help of special effects, but they amaze with power and depth. What is worth seeing in order to change forever?

Films that change consciousness: about the meaning

Many people poison their lives with nonexistent,far-fetched problems, forgetting about the value of every minute. To cope with this help movies that change consciousness, for example, the German picture "Knockin 'on Heaven". The film project came out in 1997, but it still looks the same in one breath. In the center of the plot are two people who are united by a fatal disease discovered by them. Can they leave this world without ever having been to the sea?

mind-altering films

"Requiem for a Dream" - another vivid representativeThe group, which includes films that change consciousness. His viewing helps to reflect on how easily a person can bury his dream, depending on it. A young man and his friends can not cope with the addiction that destroys them. The mother of the protagonist Sarah also suffers addiction. The desire to become a star of the blue screen forces her to direct all the forces to lose weight.

List of films that change consciousness: the choice

Not all people before taking this or thatdecisions reflect on the consequences it will lead to. Choosing the best films that change consciousness, you can not avoid the "Butterfly Effect". The picture clearly demonstrates how even a minor action can affect the fate of the person and the people around him.

movies that change the mind of a person

Films that change a person's consciousness are notnecessarily are dramas that cause strong feelings. Deep thinking often compels comedy stories, for example, "Always Say Yes" to Jim Carrey. Often people reject new ideas, proposals, for fear or laziness denying themselves the right to change life for the better. How many gifts of fate do they miss because of this? What will happen if you promise yourself a day (week, month) to answer "yes" to any suggestions from others?

How to live on the planet

The list of films that change consciousness includes anddocumentary paintings that raise acute issues. Be sure to pay attention to the project "House", which invites spectators to a meeting with the Earth. The creators set themselves global goals, trying to force people to think about their own consumer attitude to the planet, the prospects that humanity expects.

Films that change consciousness cause strongemotion, is not an exception and "House". The public gets an opportunity to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of the Earth, and then see with their own eyes the results of the destruction, the source of which is the activity of the inhabitants of the modern world. What contribution is needed from each person in the name of saving nature?

What opportunities does a person have?

How many people can boast that they have achieved inthe life of everything you dreamed about? Especially for those who can not, created a documentary project "Secret". Like all films that change a person’s mind, the project makes an indelible impression. Its creators are trying to share with the audience the secret law of attraction. To embody the most incredible dreams into reality, to attract success, health, love into your world - all this becomes accessible to the person who has looked at The Secret.

best movies that change consciousness

Sensational picture could not getcontinued "Secret-2" introduces the audience with amazing discoveries that have a place in the universe of quantum physics. The goal of the project remains the same - to achieve a dream.

The film "Placebo" helps people who have losthope of recovery. It tells of the amazing resources with which the human body is endowed. Self-healing is natural for a person, only knowledge of the secrets of this process is necessary.

How to stay healthy

Far from all people think about howdangerous food, regularly decorating the tables. Long-term research conducted by a group of doctors and scientists, can completely change the viewers of the movie "Forks instead of knives" on animal proteins and fats. Enthusiasts have proven that these products become the source of a long list of dangerous diseases.

list of films that change consciousness

Интересно, что отказ от животных белков и жиров It is not only an effective preventive measure. Even a sick person gets a greater chance of healing by stopping the use of destructive food. Revolutionary conclusions supported by long-term large-scale tests, which gave unambiguous results. It is time to think about your diet, on which the duration of life directly depends.

Movies that change the world must necessarily watch everyone. After all, these pictures make us think.