/ / Actress Margarita Sergeecheva: biography, personal life, films

Actress Margarita Sergeecheva: biography, personal life, movies

Actress Margarita Sergeecheva was once,Perhaps the most famous girl of the Soviet cinema. But once, when behind her fragile shoulders were the leading roles in almost twenty films, the young actress suddenly disappeared from the screens. Where she was and how she lived all this time was unknown to the general public. She was found just a few years ago after being very seriously ill. Margarita Vladimirovna underwent a very complicated operation on the brain.


Future movie star 70-80-xx was born on May 241963 in the city of Novomoskovsk, Dnepropetrovsk region in a family of doctors. From the first years of life, it was evident that the girl has a clear acting talent, because at all family holidays she was in the center of attention.

actress margarita sergeecheva

On the set of Rita Sergehecheva started to go out as early as six years.And it happened so. She and her mother came to the performance of the Leningrad BDT. During the intermission, the curious little girl managed to get behind the scenes, where she met her with Efim Kopelyan himself. Efim Zakharovich was just fascinated by the girl and told about her on the "Lenfilm". Very soon Ritochka was invited. So, very simply and completely unexpectedly for herself, she became a film actress.

The first steps in the profession

Her first film was the short film “Spyglass” (1973, the role of Alyonka), then - “Captain”, «Where was it seen, where was it heard "(the role of LenaIlutina). At first, in her creative biography there were small roles, but already in 1974 Rita was approved for the main role in Ayan Shakhmalieva’s film about strange adults, who drew attention to her while working on “Captain”.

This TV movie was about the girl Tone,which spouses who do not have their children, took from the orphanage. The role of Rita was very serious and dramatic. The director even had some doubts as to whether the little girl could play it, because a tremendous internal tension was required. But the fears were in vain: small Rita Sergeecheva perfectly coped with the task. Her cinema heroine Tonya-Juliet, a cute little girl with white-haired pigtails, shocked all the spectators with her unchildish mind.

rita sergeecheva

Later there was another major role in the film "Children as children." This film even received the Interview Prize.

Now the young actress Margarita Sergeecheva for several years has become the most important childface of the Soviet cinema. Ayan Shakhmalieva invited her into her films for the main roles: Rita in “The Light in the Window”, Masha in the fairy tale “While the Clock Beats”, Gul Korolev in “The Fourth Altitude”.

"Adult" the role of a young actress

After graduating from secondary school Margarita Sergeecheva, whose films are stillMillions of viewers enjoy watching, became a student at LGITMiK, studying on the course of Professor Vladimir Petrov. She was very diligent, so the result of her work was a red diploma. External data of Sergeyecheva (a rather low voice for the girl and a small height) predetermined her role - travesty. After graduation, Rita was invited to play in the Bryantsev Youth Theater, but received her refusal.

margarita sergeecheva personal life

Actress Margarita Sergeecheva moved to Moscow andcontinued to be removed. Many of her roles are simply impossible to forget: Tatiana in the comedy “For beautiful ladies!”, Ritka in “Fools die on Fridays,” Nastya Filimonova in “Without the Year Week.” Each of her heroines is not only smart, cute, but also strong, understanding what she needs to do in this life.

What happened after the movie?

In the nineties came the difficult times. Актриса Маргарита Сергеечева долго думала и decided that she needed to change the profession. She receives a medical education, returns home and begins working on an ambulance. The patients loved her very much, and the children were completely crazy about her. She was always very kind, sincere and had great charisma.

margarita sergeecheva films

In 2007, a misfortune happened: Margarita Sergeecheva had a stroke, after which she was unable to work.

Allowance of three thousand rubles ...

Сегодня бывшая актриса с огромным трудом выживает on a scanty allowance for disability. She lived somewhere abroad, had already managed to become a very wealthy woman. Unfortunately, the stars of Soviet cinema do not even dream of such a thing. Margarita Sergeecheva, personal life which has always interested her fanstalent, shares the 11-meter St. Petersburg room with his mother, trying to survive on that negligible pension that the state pays for it. Mom, in spite of a rather respectable age (and she is already over seventy), has to work, because otherwise they simply cannot survive. There is not even enough money for ordinary products, but you still have to buy medicines that are very expensive. But even these drugs help quite a bit, and after a stroke, Margarita Vladimirovna has not fully recovered yet.

The personal life of a little star

Rita did not have, as is customary, school love: her guys were simply afraid. The first time she fell in love when she entered the theater, but nothing came of it.

She met her future husband already in Moscow,where she came after graduating from the Leningrad State Institute of Theater. They got married, but in the nineties, everything changed. Margarita Sergeecheva, whose personal life has never been shown off, once found out about her baby. But during pregnancy she became ill with the flu, plus she had severe toxicosis. And at that time Margarita was still actively filming. Mom, as a doctor with great experience, understood how this could end for an unborn baby. They held a family council and decided to terminate the pregnancy.

where is it seen where is it heard

Now she does not watch films with her participation:she doesn't like to look at herself, young and healthy, and realize that everything in her life has changed once and for all. Margarita does not even allow her mother to hang out her photos at home. Mom is sure that if at one time they had a sufficient amount of money, Rita could have been saved, and so together they try to at least slightly facilitate its existence. These strong women are not used to asking for help, they are used to coping with difficulties on their own. But it would be good if at least someone helped them, because twice a year Margarita Vladimirovna needs to do an MRI (this procedure costs six thousand rubles), besides, the same amount is spent on drugs a month. And they are trying to survive. True, mom is very afraid that when she dies, Rita will not be needed by anyone ...

The Guild of Cinema Actors does not promise to help, because Margarita Sergeecheva is not a member of the Union of Cinematographers.