Throughout the long history of humanity femalethe image excited artists and became for them a true source of inspiration. The creators who sang in their works tenderness, beauty, unsolved mystery of the representatives of the fair half of the creators preferred the subjective attitude. For example, the well-known founder of cubism Picasso said that he was painting not a woman, but a picture.
The art of primitive society and ancient Egypt
Не будем брать во внимание примитивное искусство primitive society. On the found rock paintings a woman appeared portly, with heavy forms. Obvious was the desire to convey in the first place its main purpose - motherhood.
Women, who admired the men of ancient Egypt, in the visual arts appeared graceful beauties with light, not sun-scorched skin.
Middle Ages and the sinfulness of women
In the Middle Ages, women were associated with sin, and the use of cosmetics was condemned by church laws.
Pictures of women of the early Middle Ages are similar betweenoneself: they depict almost disembodied creatures with transparent skin, big eyes, high forehead, whose hair was shaved to meet the beauty standards of that time. The head of the ladies was necessarily covered, because only the husband could see his wife with loose braids.
Ideals of Renaissance Beauty
But in the Renaissance, the beauty of the body of the fair sex is already celebrated. It is not by chance that the paintings of Madonna women are transformed into ordinary portraits of the lovers of that era.
Известное полотно Рафаэля «Сикстинская Мадонна» – a display of his sweetheart Fornarina, with whom the artist lived for 12 years. The brilliant painter considered her an ideal of beauty and endowed with the tender face of his beloved other works in which he glorified the women of the Renaissance.
Baroque and Rococo
One era is replaced by another - Baroque, attributableon the years of rule of the French "sun king". Curvy shapes emphasized narrow waist in tight corsets. Famous paintings of women of the XVI-XVII centuries seem to say that naturalness is no longer in honor, but it is replaced by theatricality and stylization.
The ceremonial appearance is emphasized by elaborate clothes, and the huge collars of costumes and the obligatory wigs among noble beauties become the main attributes of the era.
In times of Rococo, when modesty and modestyridiculed, theatricality reaches its apogee. Women put make-up on their faces to make their appearance puppet. Petticoats are decorated in every way, stockings are in vogue, and women's breasts look out of the deep cleavage.
Naturalness is back in fashion
In the age of Enlightenment, naturalness re-enters fashion A huge amount of rouge and white, high wigs, stylized suits with corsets go into oblivion.
The images of the graces of the Romantic era were inspired by spiritual faces. Dark-skinned, slim ladies with wet eyes, carried away into the world of dreams, became the standard of beauty in that period.
Considering the paintings of women Bryullov - artist,who worked at the beginning of the 19th century, one can catch the romantic aspirations of a master who masters the painting technique. In each work clearly admiring and admiring the dreamy model.
Modern women: paintings (photos)
In modern painting there is no clear standard of beauty. All female images are beautiful and multifaceted. And some artists create stunning and realistic paintings of beautiful women.
When people look at the works of Mary JaneAnsell, it remains a mystery to everyone how it is possible to convey wonderful images of heroines, breathing life into each of them. Connoisseurs of modern art are stunning, and it seems to many that this is not a skillfully executed artistic canvas, but a real photograph of a modern woman.
Каждое произведение искусства, вызывающее особые the feelings of the audience is the embodiment of the artist's soul, and the magic of famous paintings created several centuries ago fascinates contemporaries to this day.