/ / Unexpected problem: how to find out your email

Unexpected problem: how to find out your email

Forgetfulness is one of the most interesting featureshuman nature. Sometimes it is useful to forget certain events and facts, but more often the loss of necessary information leads to significant problems. For example, the loss of an e-mail address will not allow you to receive the necessary correspondence. And then a person faces the question: "How do you find out your e-mail?"

What is the difference between e-mail

E-mail is almost the same as usual. It creates and sends mail messages. You can attach to the letter not only text and photos, but also media files.

how to find out your email
The e-mail address is unique for everyone.the user. Naturally, comparing with the usual address of residence e-mail is difficult. Electronic mailbox is a virtual creation. This is a repository of information on the network. It is created on special mail servers, you can access it from any device connected to the Internet. The address consists of two parts separated by an @ sign. The presence of this sign is a prerequisite. The first part - a unique nickname for the user, the second - the name of the mail server. The e-mail address is acquired when you register on the server. At the same time, it is necessary to remember another set of unique parameters: the password, the answer to the control question, the mobile phone number to which the address is attached. The latest data is needed to recover the password, which is the property of the owner and is not passed on to outsiders.

Features of accessing the address

So, having successfully passed the registration process, having received your unique address, you have safely forgotten it. Before you know your email address, remember the name of the server you registered with.

Usually use free: mail, yandex, rumbler.

how to find out my email address

  • If you open the corresponding page on theown computer, you can see the login that was used earlier in the "Mail" section. It is usually the first part of the address, and the server name is the second. The last one is in the address bar of the browser.
  • Individual mail servers have severaldomains, offering them to the user's choice. In this case, the problem of "how to find out your e-mail" becomes as many times as complicated as the number of domain names the server offers.
  • Using special mail programs,installed in the PC, leads to a situation where a person does not try to remember their address. Automatic application settings do not require constant input, as a result, information is forgotten. You can find what you need in the settings. It's usually enough to open a section of accounts. For unsure users, this becomes an insoluble problem. The person asks: "How do I find my email address?" - and does not find an answer, and the solution is simple - find the "Sent" section, look in the letters.

Active address is required

Confidence in the availability of an e-mail address can sway the inability to send messages to your mailbox. "Undelivered message" is a scourge of blocked boxes.

how to find an email in contact
If the postal address is not used withinthree months, it is blocked by the system. It is necessary to undergo the process of restoration Without an answer to the question of how to find out your e-mail, it's impossible. To break the vicious circle will help the familiar ones to whom you sent messages. True, you can search for a note in a notebook, perhaps you did it after registration.

Social Networking

There is a fairly simple way to determine your owncontact email data. Social networks in the process of registration offer to publish a series of contact data (section "Personal Information"), including e-mail. It is enough to thoroughly investigate the necessary page in the network. Personal data is often public.

ID - a set of numbers that uniquely identifiesregistration on separate sites, is often replaced by a login, a nickname, etc. The use of special programs is classified as a prohibited means. The hacking of the page is pursued administratively, no matter what the personal page is. The simplest way how to find out the email in "Contact" is to check: it's probably used as a login.

It is great that the world is full of good friends with whom you keep in touch, contact them. Perhaps they know the address you need.