The free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" reports thatBeeline is a trademark of VimpelCom, under which its affiliates provide telecommunications services. The most important of them are services of mobile (cellular) communication, fixed communication, wired (cable) and wireless high-speed access to the world Internet.
In 2010, Beeline was the second in Russia in terms of the number of subscribers after MTS.
In 2011, Beeline, according to InterBrend, was the most expensive brand (brand). And together with MTS entered the hundred most important world trade marks.

Mobile communication operator "Beeline" is one of the mostreliable operators and the most demanded of all operating operators in Russia. He also works in several countries of the post-Soviet space. In the sphere of its service there are the following categories of individuals and legal entities and organizations: private clients-citizens of the country; business clients who receive corporate services, etc. Beeline works with partner mobile operators. The coverage zone for Beeline is not only the whole of Russia, but also many other countries.
Beeline, as a multifunctional system,provides nine tariff plans to all its customers. To become a client of this mobile operator, it is necessary to conclude a service contract with him. Such a contract for a client consists of buying a so-called "sim card," that is, in fact you are buying your individual phone number in a cellular network.
Cellular operator "Beeline". How to find out your phone number
One of the most frequently asked questions among Beeline's users is how to find out your phone number.
There are several ways to do this:
1. First of all you can see it in the contract, i.e. on the proprietary packaging of your SIM card.
2. You can visit the nearest Beeline service office. How to find out your number, you will be told by the employees of the company.
3. You can dial * 110 * 10 # on the keyboard and by pressing the "call" key, you will receive a SMS from Beeline, your number from which you can find out.
4. Another way from the company Beeline. You can find out your number by using the USSD command. Dial * 100 * 18 # and "call" or dial the toll free number 067418.
5.Consider another "unofficial" version of Beeline, how to find your number. This method is used by many mobile subscribers. It is suitable for determining the SIM card number of any mobile operator. If you have two mobile phones in your possession, the number of one of which you know, then by calling the number known to you, you will see your highlighted number.

In addition, for users of mobile phones and smartphones will be useful information on how to find out your IMEI.
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) -international identification code for mobile equipment. This is usually a 15-digit decimal number. It is unique and allows you to identify each device using it.

It is assigned IMEI when manufacturing each telephone in the factory. It is designed to identify the device and is stitched in the machine. Usually IMEI can be seen in such places:
- typing on your phone * # 06 #, you can see it on the screen;
- looking under the battery;
- carefully read the packaging of the phone;
- having read the text in the warranty card.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated.