This article will be especially interesting for beginnerswebmasters. They should not only be able to design pages of the site and fill them with materials, but also prescribe the necessary meta tags. Similar tags are also used by developers when promoting video clips on YouTube and other interested parties.
General concept
From a huge amount you can choose the mainmeta tags: Title, Description, Keywords. The first contains the title, the second - the description of the page, and the third - the main keywords for which the site is being promoted. From this list it becomes clear that the Keywords Meta-tag, in fact, is the semantic core of user requests. It combines all the most important key phrases.
Role in promotion and search engine optimization of the site
To understand its meaning, we need to rememberfar 90's, when there was only one main factor in the ranking of web resources for all search robots. At that time, it was still not possible to translate into reality the amazing idea of Larry Page (one of several founders of Google corporation) on using Page rank to determine the Internet pages corresponding to the query entered by the reader in the search field.
Accordingly, the system simply analyzedThe article is about the presence in it of the word combinations specified by the user. Search robots controlled the density of keys in the text. With a great passion, the content of the tags was considered, in particular, attention was paid to such an element of the page as the Keywords tag.
History of appearance
Special tags (meta), which came up with TimBerners-Lee, founder of the World Wide Web, in 1989, allowed the author to provide information on the content, title and keywords of the article to the search engine. And the meta tag is not Title, unlike Description and Keywords. They were registered in a special container Head, which did not display the information indicated in it in the blocks of the site. Initially, the Keywords Meta tag was intended to facilitate the heavy work of search engines in identifying relevant Web pages for a user request. Now everything has changed.
The sad consequences: the Keywords meta-tag does not affect the ranking
What was supposed to be usefulturn to harm. The existing harmony was soon destroyed by a sudden competition for top-delivery (traffic only came from the first page of search for any queries). The benefit of the owner of the site has become directly dependent on the availability of resources in the top.
Unscrupulous website developers startedspamming with keywords in the field in which the Keywords tag should be specified. Guided by such an easy-to-cheat parameter, search engines could not. Keywords (Keywords) have completely lost their meaning. It is necessary to take into account that the search engines have long solved the existing problem. Company developers answered webmaster questions in an interview.
Google Inc. stated in 2001 that withwhen ranking sites, it will not take into account the words in this meta tag. The company "Yandex" did not give such an unequivocal answer to the events taking place, emphasizing that the keys can be taken into account by the robot. Experts conducted an experiment. A non-existent word was included in the page tag. It could only find the search engine Yahoo. From this we can conclude that other companies have already decided on their attitude to the tag. It is hoped that someday search engines will reconsider the decision, but the next ten years they are not going to change the policy.
Intermediate conclusions
You can summarize.Should I specify a meta tag Keywords? What will it do when promoting a project? Definitely, he ceased to influence the promotion in any way. The belief that filling in all fields of information about a page is the key to a successful promotion, has long lost its meaning. Moreover, if the keywords are chosen incorrectly, the Keywords tag can cause the owner’s site to fall under the filter. Search engines are still being punished for negligent developer spam. Therefore, you should specify only those phrases that are most often found in the text.
Meta tags Keywords: how to fill in correctly
Actually, if the developer creates a site onmodern engine (CMS), then go into details and understand this from him is not required. Simply enter the required data in the proposed fields, and the system will insert it into the right place.
If the webmaster creates a statistical resource in the Html language or acquires the initial knowledge of the sites, he needs to know the syntax of the Keywords tag.
Equally important is the exact amountcharacters enclosed in this meta tag. Most sources indicate a different number of letters, while emphasizing that the main thing is to choose the right keywords correctly, and then this problem will take on secondary importance. However, the experience of developers proves that not everything is as simple as we would like. Compliance with the exact occurrence of search queries in the articles on the page and their specific sequence requires considerable amount of time.
When counting the number of characters searchsystems take into account the spaces entered in the tags. Letters can be calculated using the usual Microsoft Word program (the data is shown in statistics) or convenient online services. The search results will get the most well-known services. Still, it is worth returning to the topic. Next you can see the basis of the tag.
Sample writing in code
It looks like this:
In no case can you simply register the keysa space! Each word must be separated by a comma. Meta tag consists of only 200 characters. You can specify both common words and phrases. They should also be on the page. Repetitions of words are permissible, but you should not get involved in them, 2 identical nouns are enough. If the topic is too large, then it is better to split the information into several articles. The resulting texts should be placed on different web pages. Then the wizard will be able to pick up a lot more keywords for each individual part of the article. At the same time, he will be able to achieve maximum coverage of the topic with search queries.
For what else can properly servemeta tag Keywords? It helps to deal with external site optimization. For example, if a developer buys links that offer GoGetLinks and GetGoodLinks eternal links exchanges, then he may not waste time creating a specific anchor (link text) for a URL. When a meta tag is filled, the wizard simply copies the text from there, avoiding the tedious work of recording new information.
The secrets of writing a tag
There are several tricks with whichenjoyed by experienced craftsmen. It is not necessary to specify in the tag more than 7 words or phrases. Quality has always exceeded quantity. It is better to use phrases than simple common words. If you specify low-frequency keywords, then you can move along them in search results. The more specific the request, the more likely the target audience will visit the site. Do not use conjunctions, prepositions, interjections and particles in this tag. Perhaps the phrase will be clearer to the user, but it should be noted that he still will not see the fruit of such efforts. Therefore, in writing key queries, it is better to focus not on readers, but on search engines.