/ / How to make a reference word: a detailed description of the actions

How to make a reference word: a detailed description of the actions

If you work as a freelancer on the Internet,then you just need to know how to make a reference word. This knowledge will be useful to you even if you are an ordinary user of a personal computer.

What do we have to do?

How to make a reference word

To learn how to make a reference word, youyou will need to acquire a visual editor, which is used to fill not only forums and websites, but also so-called guest books. That is, the editor should be fairly common. Next, you need to copy the address that will be used as a link to the clipboard. Only after this, you can select the word or phrase you want. To make it a link, you need to use a special button in the "Insert / Edit Link" editor. As soon as you click on it, a window will appear. Here you will see several fields that will need to be filled. In the fields you need to insert the link itself, choose how it will open, enter information about it. After you fill out all the lines, be sure to save the changes.

Create Word Links in Excel and Word

Very often it is required to create links not only toInternet spaces, but also in such popular office programs as Word and Excel. If you have no idea how to make a reference word, then you will definitely benefit from our useful tips. Of course, these programs are known to many users, so our information will not be superfluous. The main thing is that you will not need to remember complicated for some users HTML-tags. So, what do you need to do?

First, select the word you want, click onRight-click on it and select "Hyperlink" from the menu that appears. When the window appears, you will see that there are several fields that need to be filled. It will be necessary to enter a word that will become a link, and the address of the page to which your readers will go.

The same method will help to remove the unnecessary word-link. Call the menu with the right button, click "Hyperlink" and delete the address of the page, without forgetting to save the changes.

how to make a word reference

We paste the word-link "VKontakte": the usual way

The simplest and most standard way to make the word "VKontakte" a reference is to use the url code. You just enter this phrase:

  • [url] _link to the page you like_ [/ url]

By the way, this method works also when youwant to link to a resource like "VC". Make the word reference for various forums and blogs to your page came from other sources, no problem, just enter your ID:

  • [url] _your ID_ [/ url]

What can I do if VKontakte does not see your link?

It often happens that you want to leave"VKontakte" some link in the form of a word, but users do not see it and, naturally, do not go to the right address. What to do in this case? In order not to think how to make the word "link" in "VKontakte", try using a special service called FaceUrl, with which you can quickly, easily and, most importantly, safely insert them.

Make a word reference in the contact

What will you need to do?Go to FaceUrl, click on "Text links" or "Link-button generator" (depending on the purpose you are pursuing), enter the address that your readers should reach, compose the text that will describe the link, select the color, font and background. Everything, your link is ready! The whole process is automatic, so if you are not a confident user of a personal computer, you will still understand how to fill in the fields. Believe me, your link "VKontakte" will be perfectly visible.

Having done these simple manipulations once, youremember how to make a reference word. The main thing is always to strictly observe all the points in order to achieve the desired result. But if you did not succeed the first time, do not worry, just repeat the action again.