/ / Domain zones. List of Domain Zones

Domain zones. List of Domain Zones

About 20 years ago, the Internet densely entered ourlife, but until now most users do not quite imagine what a domain is and by what criteria it is chosen. The most popular misconception is that the domain of the 3rd level is poorly estimated and used in extremely rare cases. Is it really unseemly to use it, for example, in online stores, and what to do when choosing? And also what is the difference between the concepts - domain, domain name, domain zone?

domain zones

Concept and classification

So, first a little about the definitions.Domain name, or domain, is the symbolic name of the site for its identification on the Internet. For example, yandex.ru is a second-level domain name. The domain zone is the ending following the dot, in this example it is .ru, which means the site belongs to the Runet.

Most often, domain zones are divided into groups according to the territorial sign:

  • national (if you need a binding to a specific country - .by, .ru, .ua, etc.);
  • international (if there is no such binding - .com, .info, .biz, etc.).

Another classification implies a division of them by subject:

  • .info - for news and information portals;
  • .am and .fm - for radio stations;
  • .tv - for television channels;
  • .biz - for commercial sites;
  • .name - for resources associated with a certain person, and so on.

Some apply organizational domain zones:

  • .net - for Internet companies;
  • .com - for business;
  • .org - for non-profit enterprises;
  • .edu - for educational programs.

These domain zones belong to the domains of the firstlevel. If you add a word before the dot - you will get a second-level domain (for example, yandex.ru), and if there is one more point and word ahead, then the third-level domain (news.yandex.ru).

domain name domain zone

How to choose a domain zone?

Of course, in the first place, you should determine who will be targeted by the site.

For the Russian-speaking audience, the domainzone .ru, for Belarusian - .by, for Ukrainian .ua, etc. If you do not need a binding to a certain country, it is better to choose the international zone .com. Large companies with a branched Internet trading structure prefer to have a site with the same name in several domain zones. For example, dom.ua - for Ukrainian buyers, dom.ru - for Russian, dom.com - for international payments.

To clarify a specific country or region, use the list of domain zones.

Domain zone en

Russian Domains

Особенностью отечественного интернета является use in the address of the site not only Latin letters, but also Cyrillic alphabet - this is the domain zone .рф,. moscow, .online (for live broadcasts),. children (for sites with children's audience), .org (for public organizations) (for personal portals, blogs, etc.) and some others.

You can often find domain names with involvement in certain cities and regions - spb.ru (St. Petersburg), msk.ru (Moscow), nov.ru (Novgorod region), etc.

domain registration

How to choose a site name?

Internet resources are becoming more and more, allIt becomes more difficult to find the unique name of the site. Therefore, the variants with two or three words are gaining popularity through a hyphen. For example, simple-domain-name.ru. The abbreviation can be used, but on condition that it is generally known, for example, the National Bank of Belarus - nbrb.by. An incomprehensible gibberish from several letters is not the most successful variant, since the user hardly will remember it and will not be able to type in the future from memory.

The main thing is that the domain (domain name), domainzone were easy to remember and later play. Do not use misspelled words - cofe.ru or cofie.ru. Ask your friends by ear to write down the address. If a person could correctly enter it when pronouncing, then other users will be able to find you.

If the name of the company is not important to you, try using the keyword (phrase) in the name in Latin, for example, computer.ru.

blast zone pf

Why do we need third-level domains?

В некоторых ситуациях уместнее применять домены 3rd level, for example, if it's a blog or a portfolio. As a domain, in this case, .name can act. An example is ivan.ivanov.name. In this case, the second-level domain will be available for all other Ivanovs.

But of course, most often to third-level domainsresorted when they do not want to pay for the site. For example, if this is not a commercial resource, if the administrator so wants to practice the basics of web programming, if this is a trial version of the site. How to get the domain for free is described below, but for now let's analyze what it will take to open a domain of the second level.

new domain zones

How to get a domain?

So, the name of the site is invented, it remains onlyCheck it for uniqueness and register so that the site can start functioning. To do this, you first go to the WHOIS information service and check if the domain is free.

If the name is unique, go to the website of the accredited registrar Rutsentra - nic.ru. Here the registration of the domain zone will require the following steps:

  1. Familiarity with the rules for the provision of services andconclusion of the offer contract in electronic form. If you want, you can conclude a paper version by coming to the main office of RU-CENTER or by sending a printed version in a double copy (the second after the signing will be returned to you back).
  2. Filling in the form of the site administrator (inas a physical, legal entity or individual entrepreneur), filing documents. This step should be taken with special responsibility, because with the slightest mistake, the discrepancy of the data, you can not transfer the rights to the domain to another person in the future and you yourself may lose the opportunity to manage it.
  3. Create an order for a domain and related services.
  4. Formation of cost and payment in various ways - cash, non-cash, Internet payment, etc.

For those who for some reason do not want to pay money for the site or make their first steps in site building, there are free domain zones. What is it and how do they work?

list of domain zones

How to get a free domain?

Immediately it is worth mentioning that to get the domain of the 2ndlevel is almost impossible. And if such an offer meets you, then, most likely, a year after the place still have to pay, and quite a lot.

Much more often there are free domains of the 3rd level. How to find them?

One of the options is to contact free hosting and site designers - ucoz.com, narod.ru.

The second option - to enter in the search engine freedomains, to get to the English-language resources, where the chances of getting a quality domain are greater. Among the first you will find the site freenom.com, where you can not only register a second-level domain in zones GA, TC, CF, ML, but also bind your DNS, and then completely manage your own site for a fee. There are a lot of similar resources here, for example, registry.cu.cc, codotvu.com, freedomain.co.nr and many others.

New domain zones are gaining popularity - .cu.cc, .uni.me, .cz.cc, .eu.org .de.cc, .at.cc, .ch.cc and others.

As for domestic services, good conditions for obtaining a free domain are offered by .pp.ua (private person). Here you can conveniently place any personal website or personal blog.

The main question related to such domains ishow much is the search engine relevant to them and can you promote the site to the top on similar platforms? To do this, enter the site: ch.cc or site: at.cc (for Google) or url = "*. Ch.cc query in the search engine of interest, and see if such domains are indexed in the search.


Domain, domain name, domain zone is something that no site can function without. Summarizing all of the above, we can distinguish 5 key stages of connecting a domain and creating a website:

  1. The choice of the domain zone according to the most suitable for you principle - territorial or thematic.
  2. Create a domain name and check it for uniqueness through a special WHOIS service.
  3. The conclusion of a contract for the receipt of a domain with the Russian center RU-CENTER.
  4. Additional services connection.
  5. Payment in a convenient way.

This is all about obtaining a paid domain.In case you want to do this for free, the stages of only 2 - find a suitable service that will provide a domain of the 3rd level on conditions convenient for you, and create a unique domain name.

The only thing, in this case, can ariseproblem with the promotion of the site, because search engines prefer paid domains of the second level, which means that your site is unlikely to fall on the first lines of the search query.