/ / Payment system contact - the history of formation and the future.

Payment system contact - the history of formation and the future.

Платежная система контакт является первой Russian technology that allows international money transfers in European currency and US dollars. In addition, the system makes transfers in rubles within the Russian state. Payment system contact is a global network of credit and postal organizations, legal entities from Russia and foreign companies / systems that make payments and money transfers from individuals, without opening an account.

As is already clear to many, today the prospectsthe development of Internet banking is huge, many types of payment systems functioning in the Global Network have already gained immense popularity. This is indicated by an analysis of the work to which the payment system has been exposed by experienced analysts. In addition, after analyzing the work of the contact system, specialists were able to evaluate and carry out a forecast of trends that characterize the process of labor migration. Among other things, conclusions were drawn about supporting the adoption of certain bills that clarify regulatory issues in the sphere of migration of able-bodied citizens.

To understand why payment system contacthas gained such popularity and can be considered with great certainty very promising in the future, it is necessary to turn to the history of its formation. So, the year of foundation of the International system of payments and money transfers CONTACT, is 1999. To the rapid growth of the number of transactions in the system resulted in the ease and convenience of its use. For example, not so long ago - in 2008 the number of payments and transfers in the system only for the second quarter grew by 75%.

The main events in the functioning of the system are:

- the emergence of the possibility to pay for mobile communications of the mobile operator of MTS in 2004;

- launching of payments from payment systemsRu-pay and Yandex.Money in 2005. In addition, in the same year, the clearing center of the payment system of the contact - JSCB "RUSSLAVBANK" received the certificate of quality of the standard ISO 9001: 2000 and opened the 5000th point of accepting payments and transfers through the system;

- the appearance of a translation service in the US, connection to the Prominvestbank system - one of the banks of Ukraine, in 2006;

- the conclusion in 2007 of the agreement ona partnership between the payment system of the contact and Euroenvios, as well as the appearance in the same year of the possibility of repaying loans that were received at VTB24;

- the achievement in 2008, the indicators of netof the profit of JSCB RUSSLAVBANK of unprecedented growth rates - more than 160% in comparison with the similar index of 2007. In monetary terms, the profit of the clearing center of the system was 215 million rubles. In the same year, JSCB "RUSSLAVBANK" received rating A from the rating agency AK & M and the status "stable" - from the international rating agency Moody's I. S. All this enabled the Bank to consider the Borrower a high level of reliability;

- confirmation of the results of the supervisory audit,carried out by Bureau Veritas Certification Rus "compliance of RUSSLAVBANK with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 in 2009. The audit was conducted on the organization and implementation of settlements in the field of transfers and payments carried out between participants in the contact system. In addition, in 2009, an agreement on cooperation between the system and another 300 companies from Russia. This marked the achievement by the system of a huge number of partners from Russia - more than 550.

A huge number of points of reception and deliverypayments in many countries of the world, the simplicity and reliability, which characterize the payment system of contact, make the system very popular, not only in Russia, but also beyond its borders. The success of the system only confirms that the prospects for the development of Internet banking are enormous.