Recently in Russia it has become fashionable to holdholiday halloween. In honor of it, parties are organized, in which guests dress up in various scary costumes, for example, an insidious vampire or witch. In order for the event to look as natural and scary as possible, different decorations are necessary, of which, the most basic, is blood. Accordingly, there is a problem, how to make the blood for Halloween, and it is difficult to solve it.
Самый дешевый и простой способ имитации – beet blood. We will need: beet young, alcohol or vodka, sugar, water, vinegar, if desired - berry additives and flavors. And now tell you how to make blood for Halloween from beets. On a small grater we rub the necessary amount, put it in a saucepan and fill it with water two centimeters higher. Bring to a boil and a little, with stirring, cook. Add a little vinegar and sugar, remove from the plate, cool it. We introduce additives and flavors, we add vodka. Alcohol and vinegar are conservatives, moreover, the latter makes the product more vivid and "bloody". We filter the mixture from the saucepan through gauze, two-layer, and all - artificial blood for Halloween is ready.
Нужно учитывать следующее – сахар определяет degree of density of the product. Beet cake can be boiled again, filling with sugar and vinegar, but the result will be worse quality. You can use it to water the "crime scene". To get non-bleeding blood, add a little gelatin to it. Store the finished product only in the refrigerator.
Now how to make blood on halloween basedsugar syrup. The following ingredients will be needed: sugar syrup - half a liter, red food coloring - two teaspoons, distilled water - a quarter cup, sifted flour / cornstarch - a quarter cup.
First of all, prepare the syrup. To do this, take: distilled water - 150 ml, sugar - 350 grams, citric acid - 2/3 tsp, soda - 1/4 tsp.
Heat the water, dissolve the sugar and bring to a boil.Then add citric acid and cook for 45 minutes over low heat, covered with a lid. Remove from heat, cool a little and add edible soda. We are waiting for 8-10 minutes and remove the foam. Mix the syrup with the elements that are left, and all - the blood is ready. Very simple way and looks very natural.
Dealing with the question of how to make blood onHalloween, you need to consider some important facts about her. For example, the fact that if you apply some imitations for a long time, the skin and clothing will definitely get dirty, and it will be very difficult to wash them. So be careful.
Actually, do not limit your imagination and experiment. Your Halloween holiday should go well.