/ / Original solution: a doll-box. Master-class detailed

Original solution: a doll-box. Master-class detailed

Back in the times of our grandmothers it was very fashionable.keep jewelry in caskets, made in the form of figures of girls in lush robes. Capacity itself to save valuables was hidden under puffy skirts. Such a doll-box and today is not only a practical thing for storing jewelry, but also a beautiful decorative element. We offer all creative people to learn to do such a thing with their own hands. We will carry it out from scrap materials. How to make a doll-box at home, learn from the following master class.

doll casket master class

Stage of preparation

In order to carry out your own original jewelry box, you will need the materials listed in the following list:

  • Barbie doll (or any other, similar in size);
  • a plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  • paper;
  • fabric crepe-satin white;
  • batting;
  • lace caprone blue and white;
  • satin tape;
  • decorative elements (beads, small flowers from ribbons);
  • sewing thread.

In the work on making such a product as a doll-box (master-class read below), we will use such tools:

  • scissors;
  • knife stationery;
  • needle;
  • compass;
  • thermo gun.

Doll-box: a master class. Stage of manufacturing and decoration of the bottom of the PET bottle

Using a clerical knife in a plasticcontainer cut off the top with a lid. Its height should be 10 centimeters. The neck is also cut off. From the bottom of the bottle we measure 10 centimeters. Cut off the "glass". From it we will form the lower part of the casket.

Приступаем к оформлению.From paper, we make circular patterns with a diameter of 7 cm, 7.5 cm, 8 cm, 8.5 cm. We transfer them to batting and fabric. From crepe-satin we cut out two circles - 8 and 8.5 cm in diameter. From the batting we make circles according to the patterns of 7 and 7.5 cm. Then we prepare the rectangular shapes. From the fabric, we cut out details with dimensions of 45 x 20 cm and 35 x 20 cm.

On the largest circle of crepe satin imposea workpiece made of batting 7.5 cm in diameter. Capturing both of these parts with a needle at once, sew a rectangular cut. When performing this action, we fold the fabric in uniform folds. The result is a bag with a round bottom. Similarly, sew and workpiece smaller. How to make a doll box from a plastic bottle next? We learn from the instructions.

barbie doll jewelry box do it yourself

The front side of the round detail of the first bagWe grease with glue from the thermogun and fasten it to the bottom inside the “cup” of a plastic bottle. Smooth and smooth the fabric with your fingers. Next, apply adhesive material on the walls of the container and in the same way fasten the side parts of the bag. When the entire inner surface of the part is framed, we throw the remaining fabric behind its sides and fill it under the outer bottom.

The second part ofplastic bottle. For its decoration, a second bag is used (smaller). Here, the rest of the fabric is displayed on the outside and is temporarily tied with an elastic or thread.

Stage dressing dress

Next, the doll box, a master class onthe fabrication of which you are learning should "wear" a lush outfit on yourself. We will carry it out of nylon lace. Sew it, prisobiraya uniform folds, on the bottom edge of the "cup". The next frill is done at a distance of 1-1.5 centimeters up from the first. Make sure that the bottom edge of this ruff covers the previous seam. Thus sew the required number of frills. When executing them, alternate white and blue lace. Using the same technology, make a ruffle and the second part of the plastic blank.

Next on the top of the parts remove the node.At the doll we remove the legs and glue it to the place where the bottle had a neck. Try to attach the parts securely. It depends on how long the box will last. Now the place of connection of the doll with plastic needs to be decorated. Take a piece of lace with a length of 30 centimeters and sew it, with folds, to the satin ribbon. Tie the resulting skirt at the waist of the pupa.

doll box made of plastic bottle

The next step in making crafts isdecoration of the upper part of the dress of the doll. The fabric, peeking out from under the lace, is cut to the top to the required size, covering Barbie's chest. We hem the edges of textiles so that they do not get worn. Decorate them with lace. Glue the top of the dress to the calf's calf.

Make a hat

In an elegant headdress will flauntour barbie doll (casket). We will do it with our own hands. To do this, we assemble a satin ribbon 30 centimeters long and thread it. In the center we leave a hole with a diameter of about 2 cm. We sew the edges of the tape. We collect the hair of the pupa in the tail, pass it through the hole in the cap. To hold the headdress firmly, on the inside, put on it a few small drops of glue and attach to the hair. Straighten hair and folds on the cap.

doll casket photo

Finishing Touches: Stand Design and Joining Parts

How to make a doll box,Was the master workshop on making it sustainable? To do this, we take a metal lid from the can and fasten it with crepe-satin. We lubricate the inside of this part with glue and fasten the bottom of the bottom plastic blank into it.

Now we connect both parts of the product by sewing on one to the other. Perform this mount in the place where the doll back.

Decorate the box with beads and small satin flowers, gluing them to the dress and hair of the doll. That's all. The original and very beautiful jewelry storage box is ready.

Doll-box "Bride"

This version of the product can be excellent.gift for the newlywed at a bachelorette party or wedding day. Inside the box you can put some small gift or money. We will carry out this craft from plastic deep plates. We need two of them. In addition, we are preparing a small doll, a white satin, nylon laces of the same color, thread, needle, thin foam rubber, decorative ornaments and a heat gun.

how to make a doll casket

Description of the work process

Plastic plates pasted over foam withinside and outside. We remove the legs of the doll and cut off the lower part of the torso with a sharp stationery knife. On one of the plates cut a hole in the foam, pour glue there. We insert the doll with a cut down and hold it with a hand until the glue grabs.

Next, we wrap the satin fabric and the top, andbottom of the product. We decorate them with lace in the same way as described in the previous master class. We decorate the dress and the inner surface of the upper part of the casket with beads, sequins, small bows of ribbons.

Since the product is made in the form of a bride doll,on her head she needs to make a veil. To do this, sew the lace together in two or three tiers. Next, we attach it to a narrow satin ribbon of white color, forming folds. We decorate with small flowers, beads, beads. We tie a veil under the hair of the pupa. We bond together both parts of the product, stitching them inside in one place along the upper edge. That's all. It remains to put a small surprise inside the casket and go to congratulate the bride.

doll casket bride


Vintage doll-box (photo toconfirmation) looks elegant, beautiful and very original. Such a casket for saving jewelry will take a worthy place in your home, and can also become an exclusive gift for relatives and friends. We wish you a pleasant creative process and a great result!