Now you can meet a lotmaster classes, dedicated to how to sew a doll in the style of a tilde. But not everyone knows what kind of toys they are. We suggest you to find out what a tilde is. Patterns and a master class on sewing are attached.
Who are dolls in the style of a tilde?
These are such lovely toys.The fashion on them was created by the Norwegian needlewoman Tone Finanger. She published a book, in which pages patterns were offered. The life-size tilde was depicted in beautiful interiors. As a result, needlewomen from all over the world took out a beautiful cloth and rushed to their sewing machines to sew an interesting doll.
Tilda toys are dolls with unusual figures, bunnies, seals, deer, dogs, teddies and mice, angels and much more. Their feature consists of several points:
- the eyes are made black dots (most often these are French nodules);
- on cheeks necessarily there is a blush;
- fabrics - natural and bright colors;
- size - small.
It should also be noted that the tilde doll ismore is a very interesting piece of interior decor, rather than a toy in the traditional sense. Therefore, to give such crafts is accepted, rather, adults, rather than children.
What materials and tools do you use when sewing a tilde?
The tilde doll is a toy made of natural materials. The most common use of linen or cotton. But wool, coarse calico, fleece or flannel will do. The same material is used for sewing doll clothes.

As a filler needlewomen like to use holofayber or sintepon. The toy can be stuffed and small pieces of other tissue.
As a decor use different laces, beads, buttons and other pretty details.
Of the tools you only need scissors, needles, threads, full size tilde patterns. You can make a doll and sewing machine. But most often they are sewn by hand.
A real tilde doll
Master class for tailoring:

- Make a pattern and cut out all the details.
- Then attach the pattern elements to the fabric and cut them out.
- Sew the parts in pairs. As a result, you should get handles, legs, head and body, wings.
- Place the filler inside the toy parts. Since the toy is small, the sintepon needs to be stuffed with a wooden stick.
- Sew all the elements together.
- To ensure that the pupa's arms and legs bend well, you need to stitch them with small stitches in the middle. Approximately there, where the person has the elbow and knee joints.
- Sew an angel's outfit. It consists of a set of shirts and panties, as well as a dress that is put on top.
- Take a skein of thread for knitting and make them his hair. You can loose, but you can assemble a scythe.
- Dress the doll. Wear clothes on the sides so that it does not hang.
- Embroider the face and make a blush.
- Sew the wings.
The doll is ready!
Zverushek can also be done in the style of dolls tilde.

Master class on creating a cute bunny:
- Make a pattern and cut out the light body of the bunny body, its paws and long ears.
- From the fabric with a pattern, cut out details for panties on straps and hats.
- Sew together the details of the handles and legs, ears and body.
- Fill the parts with filler.
- Sew ears and four legs to the body.
- Sew a panty-shorts and two identical-sized ribbons.
- Make a hat with fields.
- Embroider on the muzzle a spout, eyes and mouth. And on each foot make your fingers. To do this, embroider two large crosses next to each other.
- Put on the bunny panties and sew the straps. Places of connections can be decorated with buttons.
- Put on the hat.
A wonderful bunny-tilde is ready!
It's very easy to make a cat in the style of a tildehands. Patterns for its creation very often consist of only three parts - the paw, the body and the tail. Therefore, simply cut out the details and transfer them to the fabric. If you want to make the cat's body monophonic, and the middle of the ear from a cloth with a pattern or vice versa, then simply cut one ear from the pattern. When translating to a fabric, do not forget to indent.

When you already have two parts of the trunk,tail and front legs, you can start sewing. If the ears you do separately, then you need two monochrome backs and front colorful ones. Compromise all the details in pairs. Place each filler inside and sew holes. Sew paws and tail to the body. Embroider a muzzle and make rosy cheeks.
To somehow decorate a cat-tilde, make a bow, tie or some clothes.
Teddy Bears
Instructions how to sew a teddy bear in their own style:

- Make a pattern of the toy and translate it onto the fabric.
- As a result, you should get such details:two halves of the muzzle, one back of the head, two parts of the body, four ears, four legs and pens, as well as decorative patches in the form of a heart, diamond and rectangle. If desired, you can make ears of different shapes (there are two types on the pattern).
- Sew the ears in pairs.
- Sew together the two halves of the muzzle, and then sew the back of the head. In the seam from above, insert the ears.
- Trim the parts of the trunk.
- Pairwise sew all four paws - two handles and two legs.
- Attach the head and legs to the body.
- Decorate the patches.
- Embroider threads with a thread in the form of a triangle, eyes and mouth.
Mishka is ready!

The most interesting is that if you slightly modifya pattern, you can sew many different animals. For example, from the above patterns, you can make not only rabbits, bears and seals, but also dogs, lambs, guinea pigs and many other animals.