Given the popularity and demand for goodshand-made, a toy sewn with your own hands will be an excellent gift not only for a child, but also for an adult of any age: it can be presented as a souvenir or interior decoration. To make such a thing is easy. The main thing - to choose a simple pattern, in accordance with their experience.

Popular product options
A handmade toy can bemade in the form of a textile doll or an animal, and well looked like products made exclusively for decoration, and those that also have a utilitarian function. You can choose a suitable option from the following list:
- very gentle and romantic tilde dolls;
- cute and funny coffee toys;
- functional and fun pillows in the form of cats and owls.
In fact, there are many types of toys, including specifically textile dolls. The above are the most popular and the easiest to make.

Materials and Tools
In order to make a beautiful and neat toy made by yourself, please be sure to use the following tools and materials:
- template, blank, sample (can be printed on the printer);
- paper for the pattern;
- pencil, eraser;
- scissors;
- the cloth;
- pins;
- a piece of chalk;
- a needle with threads;
- filler (sintepon, holofayber);
- sewing machine;
- decorative elements (beads, buttons, finished plastic eyes and nose (for animals), satin ribbons, etc.
As you can see, nothing complicated and expensive is required (unless a machine). Most likely, even the beginning needlewoman has already listed all of the above.
How to sew a soft toy with your own hands: the sequence of work
Whatever model or type of toy you choose, the steps will be as follows:
- Find a suitable pattern and print in the required size (1: 1) or build it yourself on paper.
- Cut the workpiece parts.
- Spread out the items on the seamy side of the fabric and trace the outlines with chalk or remnant. Do not forget to leave seam allowances.
- Cut fabric parts.
- Connect the corresponding elements with the front sides inward.
- Scrape the stitches.
- Sew through the seams on the machine, leaving a small hole for reversing.
- If the shape of the part has a lot of fillets, do it very carefully on the allowances so as not to damage the seam and the cuts. This will not allow the fabric to fold out after eversion.
- Perform the inversion operation from the wrong side to the front.
- Fill out the form with filler.
- Unnoticeably sew up the hole left by hand. If a toy consists of several separate elements, it means that each is manufactured separately, and then you sew everything into a finished object.
- Sew additional decor. Embroider or attach the finished eyes, nose and other details. The toy is ready.
So, you learned how to sew a soft toy.It’s easy to make simple products with your own hands. Of course, in the manufacture of each gizmo will have its own nuances, for example, it may be necessary to dye the white fabric in the desired color for the face, arms, legs, and torso. In the manufacture of coffee, or, as they are called, attic toys, this operation is mandatory. It is possible to paint fabric both before cutting, and after. It depends on the number of elements prepared for painting and the convenience of work in one way or another specifically in your case. In addition, you can make hair dolls, say, from yarn. On the design of the person talking generally separate.
Textile dolls
If you decide to make soft toys with your ownhands, patterns should choose the most simple (of course, if you do not have enough experience). Textile dolls are very popular now. They are made in the form of realistic people and humanized animals. Some products may consist of only two parts - the front and back halves of the body, in which the head, arms and legs are made as one piece. Clothing is sewn separately or is generally made non-removable, even without a pattern. If experience and time allows, it is better to choose options consisting of individual elements, that is, all parts of the body are performed autonomously, and then the character is assembled from them. Such toys look more realistic and neat.
All that was said in the previous section,applies to the manufacture of little animals. To sew soft toys with their own hands, patterns can be built independently. If you don’t draw very well, but you don’t want to use a ready-made template, try creating a simplified animal pattern, and it’s better that all elements are cut out in one piece with the body.

Coffee toys
Хотите узнать, как сшить игрушки своими руками (for beginners there is nothing complicated, so do not be scared), who else will be flavored? Then this section is for you. Patterns for these products are taken the most simple. Funny and cute things usually consist of two parts. The material of the base take white cotton fabric. Coffee toys are also called attic, as they resemble souvenirs darkened from time found in an old chest. In order to give the fabric an appropriate brownish tint, the material or cut parts are kept in a decoction of coffee or tea. This, in addition to color, also gives a pleasant aroma to the product. Often, these toys are painted with acrylic paints with a pre-primer painted fabric, for example, white glue. A thin brush draws the expression of the faces (as a rule, animals do this in this technique), and you can also apply various funny inscriptions.

How to sew toys with their own hands: patterns for beginners
This section presents several options.simplest patterns. On the first blank, it is easy to sew a textile doll. It is enough to make a couple of parts of the body and four arms and legs, and then proceed according to the instructions above.

If you prefer the characters of the animal world,Use one of the options below. The cat with the following scheme can be turned into a comfortable and cute pillow, if you make the details of the appropriate size.

On the next billet easy to sew an owl. It can also be used as a pillow or just as a small souvenir.

Как видите, игрушка, сшитая своими руками, не It only looks beautiful, but it is also sewn easily. So to make such gifts or products to decorate your home is not difficult, even for a beginning needlewoman.