/ / Ideas about what is made of clay

Ideas about what is made of clay

Не так давно на прилавках магазинов появился a very interesting material called polymer clay. Naturally, questions about what they make of clay and how to work with it instantly fell down. The popularity of polymer clay has grown very rapidly, so today with its help numerous interesting things are created, pleasing all around.

It is necessary to understand what is made of clay, for it is not in vain that it is used so often. It starts with jewelry, jewelry, made and polymer clay.

With the help of polymer clay, we, allgirls, women of fashion, make beads on their own. In this there is nothing complicated. The technique of working with plastic clay is very simple, it does not take much time and energy, and costume jewelry is produced at a high, professional level, performed with a twist and superiority. We make beads from polymer clay and we are surprised at the result obtained - this is a very common practice when plastic clay is used. The brilliance and color of the beads produced from polymer clay make jewelry desired and desired. They are worn both in everyday life and at parties.

Beads polymer clay naturally notis limited. What else is made of clay in the decoration section? Yes all! Earrings, bracelets, pendants and rings. All this is created in different colors and inimitable shape. All the jewelry made of polymer clay, at the peak of popularity today and will remain there for a very long time. That's just costume jewelry here is not limited!

Of the items that make of clay, you can callall kinds of things for daily use. You can create a spoon yourself or decorate a frame for photos, put bright flowers on the wall made of polymer clay, create a beautiful glass for toothbrushes and place it in the bathroom. Polymer clay spreads everywhere! This material can be used where the soul wants to see it. Fantasy only opens the door to the mysterious world of polymer clay, where deft handles and imaginative use find application to this plastic material.

Someone wants to create a unique keychain ofpolymer clay, someone like Christmas toys or unique figurines. You can create everything from clay. Often it is used for decorative purposes, when you want to create a unique work of art. For example, when designing dishes or decorating gifts. Polymer clay is applicable everywhere, where strong temperature drops in the positive direction are excluded. Like any plastic, it can be melted, so it is perfectly suitable for daily use.

The technique of working from polymer clay is quitesimply, and each person probably started to learn it as a child. Each child learned to sculpt figures from plasticine, now these skills can be applied to polymer clay, which is very easy to sculpt, but after the heat treatment takes the form given to it and saves it.

In stores in a large assortment are presented.various colors of polymer clay. In addition, they can be mixed, bringing to a uniform color or creating the effect of blurry waves, which is also very fashionable today.

There are various ways of sculpting from polymer clay, as well as a combination of additional elements, which allows you to create delicious items from a simple material - polymer clay.

If there is still doubt about whatcan be made from clay, words can not be picked up. Look around! A hair ornament, a box, a piggy bank, a figurine, a picture frame, a mobile phone stand, a flower pot, a molded figure on the wall and many other items can be created from several plastics of polymer clay, which is already ready to add color to everyday life.