/ / How to make modular origami "Flowers" with your own hands?

How to make modular origami "Flowers" with your own hands?

Beautiful gentle flowers that will be originallook like on the desktop, and in the bouquet of the bride, it turns out that even a child can do. The handicraft can be presented on the holiday to mom or girlfriend, in any case, better than a gift just can not imagine.

modular origami flowers

Modular origami "Flowers": material

To make bright happiness you will need colored and corrugated paper, glue, wire and floss threads.

Modular origami "Flowers": the basic scheme

Before you get started, you need to doa few simple blanks, performed according to the standard technique for many products. These are the so-called "modules". To produce one, you need a square sheet of paper (side - 5-7 centimeters). First it should be bent in half, then the lateral corners bend to the top. Then once again on the sides. Each corner needs to be bent from the middle to the outside. Now we straighten the structure. As a result, you should get a figure that looks like a shamrock. The tops of the corner will have to be hidden inside a small triangle. Then bend them up again. It remains to glue the upper sides of the side triangles. The flower module is ready.

modular origami vase master class

Modular origami "Flowers": collect crafts

The number of modules will depend on the fact,how many flowers in the bouquet you want to get. Three plants will also look great. If you are preparing a product in a kindergarten, then let each child produce one module each. The result is an impressive number of colors in your bouquet. For one product, you need five modules. So, if you want to make 5 colors, cook 25 pieces. To assemble the product, glue the middle of the modules, grasping the sides. That's all, one flower is ready. Rather, it is still his bud. Now we make a stalk. To do this, take the wire, push it into the middle of the flower, fix it in the bud. The wire should be wrapped in a thin strip of green corrugated paper or threads of mulina. In advance it is better to smear it with glue so that the article is strong. You can also make corrugated paper. To do this, take a square sheet, add it in half diagonally, shape it and glue it to the stem.

origami on March 8

Modular origami "Flowers": a bouquet

The more modules you make, the morethere will be flowers, which means that the bouquet will turn out to be more elegant. Now you have to collect your products in a heap. It is better to fix the stems with threads of mulina, gently wrapping them around the bases of the buds. Spread the last, giving the design a natural look. Now you know how to make modular origami. Vase (a master class for the manufacture of which you can already show yourself) can be performed in various techniques. The main thing is that it is organically combined with your gentle flowers and does not spoil the general romantic mood from contemplation of your creation.


Gift origami on March 8 or birthday -A great idea for a surprise. The bouquet is made simply, but it looks very unusual. Your relatives will not guess that you spent no more than an hour to make a masterpiece.