/ Shred area rugs. How to knit mats of shreds

Rugs of rags. How to knit mats of shreds

Skilled craftswomen to create their productsuse everything that comes handy. In the course are even unnecessary things that for a long time gathering dust in the closet. Of these, you can make, for example, the original mats of shreds. Consider several options that differ from each other technology.

patch mats

Kinds of rugs

Прежде чем приступить к работе, нужно decide not only on the texture and color of the material, but also on the manufacturing technology. Rugs of fabric scraps are completely different, but each of them can be attributed to one of the groups.

  1. Wicker. This category includes rugs consisting of braids, as well as made according to the weaving technology.
  2. Curvy. The bulk structure is obtained by partially fixing the patches on the base. The free ends at the same time fill the space and create a 3D effect.
  3. Knitted. Shred rugs are made with the help of a working tool - a hook. And the threads are replaced by long stripes.
  4. Stitched. Colorful patchwork patterns are created from original compositions in the form of rolled tissue squares in triangles.

Below are descriptions of the proposed production options. Also given tips on the design of raw edges of products and some secrets when using technology.

knitted rugs from rags

We collect a rug from fabric braids

One of the production options islayout of woven blanks. To do this, cut unnecessary things into identical strips of size (approximately 9 x 12 cm). Then fold each of the ribbons in half along with the raw edge inside. For ease of weaving, you will need a dense roller or a hard pillow. Attach the first three ribbons to it and start work. Interlace strips in the form of pigtails. By the end, which ends with secret stitches, sew a new ribbon. In the same way, increase everything in turn. Shreds rugs, braided in the form of braids, can be of various shapes. The easiest way to get round. Place the prepared ribbon in a spiral on the fabric base, twist it tightly. And then fasten the pigtail on the reverse side. If you want to make a square or rectangular rug, arrange the workpiece in a straight line. After that, carefully cut the sections with cloth tapes and decorate with fringe.

how to tie a mat of shreds

Fluffy Rugs of Shreds

Very original and simple design isassembly of small pieces of fabric. This will require 2 x 8 cm pieces. They need to be sewn on a solid base. For convenience, pre-draw it with a bright pencil or a ballpoint pen. The size of each cell is 2 x 2 cm. Then, glue “Moment” to each of the cross-shaped intersections of the lines lightly (one or two drops) with one fabric piece. This is done for the convenience of further manufacturing on a sewing machine. After the blank of the future mat dries out, fix the lines with an ordinary stitch, directing the free ends of the ribbons to the sides. For greater strength, do it twice. Using this technology, you can create ornaments of different colors, having the right piece of a certain tone according to the scheme. As a basis, try to take the simplest patterns for cross stitching. Or simply place the workpiece in a staggered manner.

how to make a rug of shreds

How to tie a rug of crochet rug?

Это еще один из простейших способов изготовления products. Indeed, there is absolutely no need for certain skills and knowledge on how to knit a rag of rags using a hook. Everything is very simple. Cut the fabric into long strips of the same width (3-3.5 cm) and wind into balls. Knit with single crochets. The joints of the strips decorate with dense stitches or remove the loose ends inside. If the fabric is not too dense, you can move from one strip to another, tying them together. Using the proposed technology, in addition to the traditional motley knitting in a circle, you can make very elegant rugs with ornaments. Prepare for work a few monophonic tangles of different colors. You also need to come up with a scheme in color design. Then execute blanks in the form of small squares. Arrange them, creating an intricate pattern, and sew together. So you can easily get a rug in the form of a flower or a fairytale hero.

Fastening patchwork on a mesh base

A hook may also be needed with a friend.method of making rugs. In this case, not a dense fabric, but a mesh cloth was taken as the basis. On it, the shreds are fixed by tying or with the help of an unusual technology. The photo clearly shows the whole process of work. For this you need a special hook with a hole at the reverse end, through which the working thread is passed. Pass the tool through five or six cells, then wind several rounds of patchwork tape over it. Gently pull the hook out and an spiral arc forms on the working thread. Repeat the step described above, directing the hook-needle into the following mesh cells. Try to firmly secure the resulting spiral segments on the base, moving along the perimeter (from the edges to the center) or parallel to one of the sides of the workpiece. With this technology, it is possible to use individually cut ribbons without previously connecting them together.

shreds mats

Products from rolled tissue squares

When doing this version of the rug is not at allbe sure to take care of the same structure and thickness of the fabric. The main thing is to cut squares of equal size. Workpieces before fixing on the base, fold twice diagonally. The result is small four-layered triangles. Iron them to secure the form. After that, place the blanks on the fabric base in rows, alternately sewing with machine seam. Every next one will cover the raw cuts. You can lay out the ornaments in circles, squares and any other geometric shapes. The finished product looks like “scaly” cloves. The described technology of quilting is one of the varieties of the original type of needlework “patchwork”. The combination in one product of several different colors of fabrics allows you to create real masterpieces of art for interior decoration.

Registration of product edges

With many of the above technologies knittedshreds mats are obtained with open cuts all over the web or part of the perimeter. How beautifully to process and decorate the sides of products? Choose from several options.

  1. Ribbon ribbons of fabric. To do this, use strips with a width of at least 5-6 cm. Hiding the edges inward, process the rug, carefully wrapping around in a circle.
  2. Формирование бахромы из рабочих нитей.This option is suitable in the case of making a rug according to weaving technology, in which the two sides do not require additional processing, while the other two consist of weft ends. Use them, fluff for pomp, or decorate with additional lengths.
  3. Hanging fringe on the treated edge.In some cases, rugs turn out to be completely finished and do not require additional decoration (patchwork, weaving of braids, crochet). However, if desired, you can hang an additional fringe, using tape pieces of fabric.

crocheted rug

Helpful Tips

Performing work on the technologies described above, you need to know certain secrets. How to make a rug from scraps beautifully and efficiently? We propose to put into practice several useful tips.

  1. In the manufacture of braids from various fabricsstructures, make a few "probes." This will determine the most optimal width of the strips for each material so that the finished woven billet is uniform in thickness. For example, ribbons of thin fabrics should be much wider than thick wool.
  2. In that case, if the edges have the property of heavily frayed, it is better to remove them inside. Therefore, when cutting into strips, make the necessary hem allowances.
  3. When making the base, use a double layer.tissue. Then shredded rugs will keep their shape better when setting up pieces. The tone of the lower layer, as a rule, coincides in color with the upper one. And the use of similar material textures will greatly facilitate the work.

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