/ / EVA Material - what is it?

EVA material - what is it?

Increasingly popular today are gainingcar mats, the manufacture of which is used material EVA. What is it and why are EVA floor mats for salons and luggage carriers become so popular among motorists?

eva stuff is that

Ethylene vinyl acetate

This material has a long "chemical" name and a formula (C6X10ABOUT2).In simple language, it is a foamed polymeric composite material. Its popularity is due to a set of positive characteristics. It has found application in completely different areas, ranging from the production of fashionable sneakers to the manufacture of strong and durable car mats.

Manufacture of EVA car mats

The manufacturer of the EVA material is largeoil companies. The material is supplied to the production in granular form. Then it is pressed and rolled into sheets in a special way. These sheets are already attached to a specific cellular structure.

The size and shape of the cells was checked for a long time.Experienced manufacturers have chosen the best combination. The cells were large enough to hold moisture and dirt inside themselves, and at the same time small and neat enough to look aesthetically pleasing.

material for car mats eva

Virtues of sevilena

Many to the question: "EVA material is what?"they say that ethylene-vinyl acetate is Sevilen. And they will also be right. There are several names for EVA, but the essence is still the same. It is a strong, durable material that ideally suited for the production of car mats.

Why is Sevilen so in demand? Thanks to what positive characteristics and advantages? Let's try to figure out a pretty decent list of advantages.

Hard and durable

The first virtue that material has forEVA car mats, - strength and durability. The cells that make up the mat are so strong and tough in themselves that the mat does not require any additional frame or side to hold moisture.

To Sevilena for the manufacture of automotiverugs used textiles or rubber. But these materials did not have such properties. Independently, without additional help, there was no possibility to retain moisture inside the mat. No rubber mats with notches or longitudinal recessed strips are compared to EVA cells.

material for eva floor mats

Dirt will not pass

EVA material is what?This is an ideal way to keep the car interior clean and tidy for a long time. According to reviews of car owners, cellular floor mats made of this material perfectly retain moisture and accidentally spilled liquids. You never dirty shoes or carpet in the cabin. The cells securely close the fluid. Its accumulation can be easily removed if you just flip the rug, the water will pour out and it will be clean again, just like the interior of your car.

Besides moisture, the material for EVA pads is excellentalso holds particles: sand, dirt, dust, debris, soil, etc. Remember how dirty the cabin was when you came back from the beach? A regular rubber mat does not hold up the sand, and it literally flies all over the cabin, settling even on the upholstery of the car seats.

Hot summers and harsh winters

In our country, quite severe winters and veryHot Summer. EVA material is something so durable and reliable that it can withstand severe cold and summer heat. Cellular floor mats made from Sevilen are designed to operate even at a temperature of minus (plus) fifty degrees Celsius. They will never crack and will not be covered with a scattering of small cracks. Under the influence of temperature, the material does not become brittle, as is the case, for example, with rubber.

In addition, chemicals used inwinter time to combat icing will not affect Sevilen. On the surface of the rubber mat, these reagents accumulate and can have a negative impact on the shoes of passengers or the driver. Thanks to the cellular structure, EVA car mats reliably retain harmful compounds and reliably protect carpet and shoes.

material manufacturer eva

Perfect security

An important factor of any material isits environmental safety. EVA is non-toxic, has no unpleasant smell and does not have any negative effect on the human body. Rostest certificate confirms this. And this is another positive characteristic, which cannot boast of rubber.

Quick cleaning

For those who clean the carpersonally, it is always a problem to put mats in order. With EVA material, cleaning becomes simple, easy and quick in time. One has only to turn the mat and pour the accumulated liquid from the cells. Getting rid of dry garbage is even faster and easier. In addition, the cellular structure allows cleaning through a large period of time. Textile and rubber mats cannot boast of this.