/ / Decor of cones: ideas, master class. Crafts from cones for the New Year

Decor of cones: ideas, master class. Crafts for cones for the New Year

Cones are a wonderful material from whichYou can make a variety of crafts. In addition, they have a subtle pleasant aroma of needles. Of course, initially this material does not look very attractive. However, if you connect a fantasy, you can make original decorations for a holiday out of the cones. At the same time, no special costs are required. Almost everyone can make a New Year's decor from cones. How to do it?

pine cones

Material preparation

The decor of the cones always looks extraordinary andbeautiful. The main thing is to know how to properly prepare material for crafts. Cones that have fallen from the tree still closed, eventually gradually open. At the same time, pine looks like small Christmas trees, and spruce ones - disheveled ejat. Of course, initially the decor of the cones looks extraordinary. However, over time, crafts begin to deform. To avoid this, when processing materials it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

  1. To avoid the opening of the cones even with temperature drops in the room, lower them for 30 seconds into the wood glue.
  2. To bumps, on the contrary, quickly opened,It is recommended to boil them for half an hour and then dry them on the battery. Also, the material can be roasted in the oven at 250 ° C for 2 hours. These methods can not only achieve the desired result, but also kill all bacteria. Material after processing will be safe and clean.
  3. To make the decor of the cones turned out beautiful, you can correct the shape of the material. It is enough to soak the raw materials for crafts in the water, then tie them in the right place with a string and dry them.
  4. To make the material brighter, you canwhiten. To do this, it is recommended to soak the bumps in a container with bleach for 5 hours. In this case, it is necessary to respect the proportions. One part of water requires one part of bleach. At the end of the cones must be thoroughly washed and dried.

New Year's decor from cones

What decor can be made of cones

Spruce and pine cones are naturalnatural material that is easy to work with. For the manufacture of decor from such materials, it is enough to stroll through the forest once and collect the required amount of material. After careful preparation of the cones you can make original and beautiful things. At the same time, you can save on purchases of expensive Christmas decorations for the room and for the Christmas tree.

It is worth noting that from such materialto make a lot of interesting decorative elements. These can be miniature Christmas trees, decorations for the Christmas tree, a wreath for candles or entrance doors and so on. From this material you can do almost anything. Enough to connect the fantasy.

How to make a Christmas tree

We will hold a small master class. From cones you can make small and original Christmas trees. For the manufacture of such decor are required:

  1. Cones.
  2. The gun is glue.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Cans with gold or silver paint.
  5. Circle and cone made of cardboard. It is better to use the material brown or green.

crafts from cones for the new year

Stages of manufacture

So, how to make a decoration of cones? To get started is to pick up and prepare the material. Cones better to take already opened. The material should be cleaned of debris, rinse well and dry.

After that, the bumps must be covered with a uniforma layer of paint. So the material will take on a more festive look. If you wish, you can not do this if you want to preserve naturalness. If the buds are colored, they should be dried well.

It is necessary to glue the circle to the cone.Moving in a circle, prepared cones should be fixed on the surface of the structure. It is worth starting with the largest ones, gradually reducing the size of the material. Cones must fit snugly together. Unusual Christmas tree is ready. If desired, it can be decorated. The unusual decor of the cones is able to give the interior a more festive look.

pine cone decorations

Party ball

Crafts from cones for the New Year can even replacethe most unusual things. For example, many have seen at large parties glowing balls hanging from the ceiling. A similar element of the interior can be made of pine cones. To create such crafts will be required:

  1. Balloon.
  2. Toilet paper.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. Paint brown.
  5. Cones.
  6. Tape.

Making a blank for the ball

Such crafts from cones for the New Year canmake in several ways. To get started is to make the workpiece. It can be purchased ready-made, or you can make it yourself. The last option is more interesting. You should take the balloon and inflate it to the required size. Now it should be pasted. To do this, the ball must be wrapped with toilet paper, previously soaked in a solution of PVA glue. It can also be done at home. To do this, mix 1 part of PVA glue and 2 parts of water. A ball covered with more than one layer of toilet paper should be left for 24 hours to dry.

After the specified time, the workpiece is recommended to cover with brown paint. Otherwise, the material will appear through the bumps. Now it should be dried.

pine cones

Making a ball

When the workpiece is ready, it remains to stick to itneatly prepared cones. You should not hurry. Cones should be located close to each other. Top need to stick a satin ribbon. The handicraft is ready. You can hang it on the ceiling or on the chandelier.

If you wish, you can stick a wand into such a ball by placing its second end in a pot. Get a kind of topiary.

Cones wreath

Из еловых шишек также можно сделать необычайное decoration. Most often they are used to create a New Year's wreath. Traditionally, such a product is woven from fir branches. Recently, however, wreaths have been made from satin ribbons and New Year's tinsel, decorating it all with balls and paper flowers. If you wish, you can create Christmas decorations from the cones. To work will require:

  1. Stapler.
  2. Scotch.
  3. Newspapers.
  4. Fir cones.
  5. Paint in a can, preferably brown.
  6. Scissors.
  7. The gun is glue.
  8. Beads, ribbons, branches ate and stuff.

spruce cones

Getting Started

First you need to make a basisfuture wreath. If there is no time, then you can buy ready-made in a specialized store If this is not possible, then the basics for the wreath should be made independently. It will be much cheaper. The newspaper must be rolled up into a long tube, and then rolled up with a bagel. The edges of the material can be stapled using a stapler. It is recommended to wrap this blank further with a chopped newspaper and then tape. This will not allow the finished product to deform.

To hide the base material, coverpreparation of a uniform layer of paint. After the coating is completely dry, you can glue the cones, filling them with all the space. In conclusion, the wreath is beautifully decorated using satin ribbons, beads and twigs. The finished wreath is recommended to varnish to keep it for a long time.

Cone star

This Christmas decoration made of cones can be a great decoration for spruce. The process of making such a star is quite simple. To work will require:

  1. Ribbons.
  2. Metal skewers or strong wire.
  3. Fir cones of various sizes.

pine cones for the new year

How do

Wire must be made 5 of the samethe length of the skewers. They should be connected, bending over the center. This will be the basis for a five-pointed star. On a wire it is necessary to stitch cones, collecting an original composition. One of the twigs should be bent and tied with a satin ribbon. This will allow you to hang the finished crafts near the fireplace, on the wall or on the doors. Such a star can be fixed on the top of the Christmas spruce.

Christmas decorations

If you wish, you can make the original decor ofcones do it yourself for a New Year tree. Products are quite simple to manufacture, durable and beautiful. How to turn a simple lump into a work of art?

The easiest option is to use old ones.soft toys of small sizes. First you should paint the prepared cone in the appropriate color, and then attach the toy head to it. You can also add the tail, paws and wings. The result is an original Christmas tree toy.

There is an even simpler method of makingsimilar crafts. To get started is to paint the bumps in the desired color or cover with sparkles. In conclusion, it is necessary to attach a neat satin ribbon bow to the toy, or several pine twigs, as well as a string. The craft is ready to hang it on the Christmas tree.

master class from cones

With the help of felt and felt, you can create original fairy-tale characters from ordinary cones. Most importantly, firmly glue all the details. Otherwise, the toy will begin to crumble over time.

For the manufacture of decorations for the Christmas tree can beuse not only cones, but their scales. Before starting work, they should be carefully separated from the base. To make a toy, you need a blank. It can be made in the form of an animal figure. In this case, for the manufacture of blanks, you can use foam rubber and papier-mâché. To the surface of the base should be carefully glued the scales of cones, and then decorate all with sparkles, creating the effect of snowiness.

We are engaged with children

Cones are an excellent natural materialwhich can be used for classes with children. However, you should not use glue to fasten parts in this case. Usually for classes use clay. It should be noted that the process of making figures is very popular with children. In addition, the creation of handicrafts allows you to develop motor skills, as well as affect the mental development of the child. Before starting classes, you should familiarize yourself with several rules:

  1. Cones must be well dried out.
  2. A variety of sizes and shapes of the material allows you to develop the imagination of the child.
  3. Small details of the figures can be made of clay and other suitable materials.
  4. If a child has turned no more than 3 years old, then crafts can only be made from one lump. For older children, you can come up with a composition of several.

Chanterelle from cones

To make a chanterelle with children, you will need:

  1. Clay white, orange and black.
  2. Cones of various shapes and sizes.

To get started is to choose a material thatwill be suitable for the manufacture of the torso, tail and head. Cones should be interconnected with plasticine or good glue. The billet is ready. It remains to decorate it. For this plasticine should be molded paws, ears, eyes, nose and face of the animal.

Smart hedgehog

Этого зверька можно изготовить из одной красивой and a big bump that has already fully opened. It remains to decorate the individual parts made of clay. To complete the need to blind 4 paws, ears, nose, eyes and animal face.

 pine cones

You can also make a hedgehog's body of plasticine, andthen cover it with flakes of cones or small cones of the same size. If desired, the back of the animal can be decorated with mushrooms and apples. They can be molded from clay.

Cones and acorns

The decor of the cones for the New Year will look likemore original, if for its manufacture use acorns. From such materials you can create beautiful Christmas decorations. To work on the decor will need:

  1. Acorns.
  2. Cones.
  3. Thin satin ribbon.
  4. Sintepon or fluff.
  5. The glue gun.

how to make a decoration of cones

The process of making a gnome

From the acorn should remove the cap, and then done inhim a hole. Through it is necessary to stretch a thin ribbon and fix, making a neat knot. Between the acorn and its cap it is worth putting a piece of padding polyester and fastening everything with glue. This will be the head of the gnome.

On a bump it is worth sticking some sintepon so that you get a beard. Now you need to connect the torso with his head, taping everything with glue. The handicraft is ready.

decor from cones do it yourself

In conclusion

Cones, chestnuts and acorns are natural.materials that can be used to make original crafts. They can be not just a reminder of the time spent with the children, but also excellent Christmas decorations for the house and for the Christmas tree. If you approach the manufacturing process with love and due patience, you can get extraordinary things that are difficult to distinguish from the store.