/ / How to sew a curtain to the curtain: useful tips

How to sew a curtain to the curtain: useful tips

If a person has a tailor’s education, it’s stilldoes not mean that he can sew curtains. Working with curtain and drape fabrics has its own characteristics, and in this case you need to know about some tricks. It is not so easy to work with chiffon, organza or nylon tulle, these materials slide under the foot, they "travel" back and forth during the cut. Even in order to cut a few meters of chiffon evenly, you need to work hard.

Ceiling height, and accordingly windows, inthe apartments are different, so you still have to cut, taking into account centimeters for hemming, filing tape and other nuances. Especially difficult to handle the bottom of an oblique line. This is not an easy task even for experienced craftsmen. Let's figure out how to make some types of curtains, without making mistakes.

how to sew the curtain to the curtain

Stitching curtains together

Есть варианты моделей, когда два разных отреза Curtains must be stitched together vertically or horizontally. How to sew the curtain to the curtain so that the seam is neat from both sides? This is not a garment in which the inside can be hidden inside or behind the lining. The window tulle appears through the window, and all the defects on the curtains will be immediately visible. There are several options.

how to sew the curtain to the curtain

Triple seam

In order for the seam to be neat, it will have todetach three times. First of all, the two parts are folded in cuts, and a line is laid 0.5 cm from the edge. Now, on the one hand, we have a beautiful seam, and on the other hand, the crumbling edges of allowances remain. All excess threads and thin fibers need to be cut. The seam is ironed using the squeezer.

Next, fold the fabric with allowances inside, andthe front side of the product lay the line so that the sections remain inside the formed drawstring. After this work, the allowances do not stick out, either from the front or from the wrong side. But now a stitched seam (drawstring) is issued, and on the product it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

how to sew loops on curtains

The fabric needs to be leveled so thatthe educated cant remained on top. Having laid it on one side, we lay one more line along the edge of the edge, so it will be attached to the canvas. We smooth the seams well and at the exit we get a beautiful seam that looks neat on both sides.

Seam decoration with ribbon

how to sew tape to the curtains

There is another option, how to sew a curtain to the blind.We double the two cuts together inside out, we split them together with pins so that the fabric does not move during the making of the stitching. Spare parts, retreating from the edge of 0.5 cm (on the front side). The allowances are obtained on the front side, and the beautiful seam is from the back. To hide the seam, we impose a decorative tape or tape on it and attach the trim along the edges, hiding sections under it.

how to sew the curtain to the curtain

How to sew a tape to the curtains?You should not take it in, before scribbling, so as not to deform the delicate material. If you pin the ribbon with pins, it will also fall in waves. It should be fixed only on the edge of the stitching, and then laid on the fabric, and with a slight tension held exactly above the seam, laying the stitch on one side of the tape. Then pave the second line on the other side of the tape, constantly adjusting it so that it does not form distortions and creases.

Layered curtains

Consider another way to sew a curtain toblind Such model of a curtain uneconomical in respect of an expense of materials. On one width twice more fabric leaves, than on a usual curtain. For a model with this design, the fabric of two colors is typed, the pattern of the panels of both parts is the same. The fabric is processed at the bottom and around the edges. Curtains are pinned to one another by the combined upper sides (untreated). Hooks are attached to this “sandwich”. When the curtains hang on the window, the upper layer is fixed by the pick-up, and the lower one hangs loose.

Hinged curtains

In order not to be mistaken in how to sew the curtain to the curtain, you need to make preliminary calculations on paper, draw the desired model and write the data in centimeters.

The curtains on the loops look original, they are suitable both for the bedroom, and for the kitchen, and for the children's room. To make such an interesting model of curtains, you need to know how to sew loops on curtains.

how to sew loops on curtains

The width of the loops can be arbitrary,the minimum length of the loop must be such that it can be slung over the eaves. In this model, the length of the curtain is calculated based on the length of the loops. To cut them you need to build a pattern-rectangle. Its width is equal to the width of the loop multiplied by two + seam allowances. The length of the rectangle is equal to the length of the loop multiplied by two + seam allowances. It is necessary to sew a rectangle (from the wrong side) along the length and twist. When all the loops are ready, they need to be folded in half and sewn to the upper edge of the curtains with ends. They are located at a distance of about 10-15 cm from each other.