/ / How to sew roman blinds do it yourself: step by step instructions

How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands: step by step instruction

Curtains have always been a link ininterior, they can be pompous and pay all attention to themselves, and can be a functional element and simply complement or emphasize the interior. Any room is filled with a special atmosphere and acquires an original look, if the windows are decorated with textiles in harmony with its general decoration.

how to sew roman curtains do it yourself
Of course, you can buy ready-made curtains(Roman blinds, for example), ordered in a sewing workshop, but the real pride will only be stitched with their own hands. And if you have minimal sewing skills (know how to use a sewing machine and make basic patterns), then we can assume that the independent production of curtains will be successful.

What you need to consider before you sew roman blinds with your own hands?

At first glance, making Roman blinds canseem something unreal. In fact, everything is quite simple. This curtain is a rectangle of linen without any draperies and folds, its size strictly corresponds to the size of the window.

finished roman blinds
It can pass light, and can completelyprevent sunlight from entering the room. But in any case, the fabric should be thick, so that you get perfect and beautiful curtains, sewn with your own hands.

First you need to decide how the curtains will beto attach, this is what affects the required amount of fabric. There are two mounting options. The first option - when the curtain is mounted on the window. In this case, the fabric will be at the very glass, this option is perfect for windows with wide window sills. And if a set with portieres is envisaged, then everything must be harmoniously selected so that the ensemble is one. The second option is to mount on the wall. In this case, the width of the curtain should be greater than the opening by 20 cm, so that it would enter the wall 10 cm from each side.

How to sew roman blinds do it yourself: step by step execution

Having decided on the size of the curtains, you need to decide whether you will use the lining or simply fold the fabric in half. What do you need if you sew a curtain with a lining:

  • tape with a base of adhesive tape to the width of the curtains;
  • fabric and lining of the required size;
  • rods (they can be wooden or metal) according to the number of folds, about 7 pieces;
    beautiful curtains do it yourself
  • 3 rings for each set of scenes (diameter 10-12 mm);
  • weighting for the bottom of the curtains;
  • hanging plate (it can be made of wood, painted or trimmed with the same fabric);
  • cord, its length should be folded like this: 1 curtain width + 2 lengths (3 such cords will be needed);
  • pockets need fabric or ribbons.

pattern roman blinds
Measuring the window, add 5 cm to the side seams andtop with a bottom of 15 cm. With this in mind, buy fabric and lining. You take the main fabric, mark out the fold lines on the sides and press them down; you make the gateways from above and below so that a weighting agent can be inserted at the bottom. Take the fabric for the lining and also bend it and iron the edges. Now put a lining on the seamy side of the main fabric and stitch along all edges. To the top of the sew tape with a sticky base.

The next step is to sew roman blinds with your own hands.

Then, to make a beautiful drape,It is necessary to calculate the number of folds. The folds should be the same, so divide the entire length of the curtain by the required number of folds. For example, the length is 120 cm, you will make 7 folds, so divide 120 by 7 and get 17.1 cm.

sewing roman blinds
rods for rods
That's it at this distance will be sewnpockets for slats. Mark the lining side and sew pockets to it. They can be made from thick ribbons, from a webbing or from rolled up into a tube.

Now manually sew the ring, as shown in the figure.

rings on the roman blind

Next, pull the cord in each row of rings (bottom to top), tie a knot at the bottom or fix the cord in any way. Bring all the ends of the cords to one side, these ends can be braided into a pigtail.

weighting agent for roman blinds

Then insert rods into pockets (you cancut out of glass for windows), and in the bottom pocket you insert a weighting agent. Blind ready! It remains to attach to the wall pre-cooked timber with adhesive tape and attach a curtain to it. To fix the curtain in the raised position, you need to attach the hook to the wall, on which you will wind the cord to fix it in the raised position.

Roman Blind DIY Stitched

Now you know how to sew roman blindsby hands. It should be noted that the most elegant curtains come from a rich fabric with an elegant pattern. But this is up to you, your first curtain can be made of cheaper fabric, and if everything works out, then use more expensive options.