/ / How to crochet gum? Decoration of clothes, hair decoration

How to crochet an elastic band? Decorating clothes, hair ornament

Knitting gum is accompanied by almosteach process of creating clothes with a hook or knitting needles. She just needed in sweaters, and hats, and socks. Therefore, it is worth learning the basics of its implementation. This will help you our article and a detailed description of how to crochet gum.

But there is one significant nuance.Speaking of crocheting gum, you can understand this phrase in a slightly different context. For example, that this topic talks about the manufacture of hair ties. So for those who decided to familiarize themselves with this option for creating jewelry, there will also be a lot of interesting things here.

How to knit a "gum" crochet? Main way

What does the name "gum" mean?The fact that this part should have such properties as elasticity and the ability to stretch and then restore the original shape. So, her knitting should be different from the usual technique. In the case of elastic, made with knitting needles, everything is much easier. There, elasticity is achieved by a simple alternation of facial and purl loops in various quantitative combinations.

Crochet gum pattern
Crochet gum has a slightly different character. We will discuss this further. So, where do you start and how to crochet a gum?

Beginning of work

As usual, we start with a chain of airloops. In the next row there will be ordinary double crochets. And now carefully. At the next stage, we will alternate the relief columns of two types. We are talking about convex and concave crochets. Before you start knitting the second relief line, you need to knit two air loops for lifting and turn the knitting over. To get a convex column, the hook must be entered from right to left under the double crochet in the first row. All other actions are the same as when performing ordinary double crochets.

Knit the next, concave column, you needdo so The hook is also introduced from right to left, but from the wrong side, performing the girth of the next double crochet in the previous row. You need to drown him in a knitting cloth.

Important Tips

Here, in principle, and all the nuances.Next, we continue to knit, alternating convex and concave crochets. Please note that, after knitting the first embossed columns, you might think that you are not having a rubber band. Do not pay attention to it, continue to work. Only when you finish the third row will the result be visible. This is due to the fact that in the first row the foundation is being prepared, and it fit in without relief. The second row still does not give a complete picture of the pattern. Only by completing the third, you will see what kind of gum crochet. For beginners it is best to try to knit this pattern of yarn, consisting of one well-twisted thread. It will be easier.

Continue until you reachthe desired width of the gum. Just as when knitting with knitting needles, you can perform this detail not only 1x1, but also its other variants, for example, 1x2 or 2x2.

Crochet for beginners
Do not forget that such a rubber band madecrochet, it turns out quite dense and tough. If you need a softer and more elastic, then you can achieve such qualities by tying air loops between the posts. For example, like this: first two convex double crochets, then an air loop, then two concave columns, and again an air loop. Performing the rotation in this way, you get a softer and more elastic gum.

Another way to crochet gum

There is another fairly commonA way to explain how to crochet a gum. Its only drawback is the direction. Gum in this case is not horizontal, but vertical. From this it follows that it will have to be knitted separately from the main web, and subsequently sew the parts of the product.

Суть данного способа заключается в следующем.The beginning, as usual, implies a set of air loops. Their number should correspond to the height of the future gum. Next, knit without crochet posts. Turning the product, in the next row, columns without a nakid perform only the rear wall of the loop of the previous row. This method allows you to create a relief resembling the technique of knitting gum. Elasticity suffers a little in this case. But the appearance is quite aesthetic and neat.

How to knit a crochet gum will be convenient for you, decide for yourself. Based on this, choose the method.


You can even crochet accessories forhair ornaments. There is a lot of ways, and elastic bands turn out unique and original. Try to make such a hairpin for your daughter, she will surely be delighted. And now we will consider the basic techniques for making hair ties with a hook.

Crochet hair tie
The photo shows the easiest wayallows you to decorate the usual hair ties. Even the beginning needlewoman will cope with it. Crochet hair tie knits literally in 5 minutes. We take the usual gum from the store and tie it with columns without crochet. Do not forget at the end to connect the first column with the last as shown in the photo. But that is not all. Although already in this form your rezinochka will be different from what it was originally. And if you also use a fantasy yarn, the result will be visible immediately after knitting the first row.

How to knit crochet gum
But that's not the point now, and with a normal yarn you can get a good result. For example such as in the following photo.

Crocheted elastic
To do this, in the next row knit air loops.The length of the chain to determine their own. If you want more voluminous rubber, then the number of air loops in each ring will be more. Having connected, say, 10 loops, we fix them on the same column, from which we started knitting. And so on. For a more magnificent gum, you can even have several rings of air loops knit in one column of the previous row. The result is a wonderful decoration. Most importantly, no one else will have such a hair tie.