Оригами – это уникальная техника складывания figures of paper. Thanks to this skill, you not only acquire a large number of beautiful and interesting toys and ornaments, but you will also be able to develop fine motor skills. Origami will help you and improve your character: from positive qualities in you will develop endurance, perseverance, patience and attentiveness. Agree, this is a useful set for every modern person. It will be even better if you attach a child to your hobby - this lesson will also be useful for him!
Итак, существует множество фигурок, но мы покажем you something original. This paper toy can change shape and transform the way you want it. We suggest you fold the origami "transformer".
Origami "transformer" is a toy thatcan have several variations. For example, there is a suriken - a throwing star of the Japanese - an ancient weapon. It can be transformed into an ordinary star and a tulip. And there are origami "transformer", which can be both a cube and a rose. As a rule, such toys are very popular with children.
How to make origami "transformer"?First, we will tell you about Suriken. Bend horizontally in half, then unbend and to this line again bend the two halves of your paper sheet. Now again you need to fold the sheet in half - again horizontally. We bend the corners from the right and left sides to the center. Now they are bent over the oblique. Repeat the same with another sheet, glue the parts with glue or tape. And your figure is ready. If you turn it the other side and turn the corners in the opposite direction, you get a six-pointed star.
Origami from paper "transformer" may be different. A cube that turns into a flower is called a Kusudama. It can be done like this:
In order to get the reference lines, bendleaf crosswise twice - a cross-shaped bend was obtained. Expand the sheet, fold it in half horizontally. Make a skladku and straighten again. Now repeat all the horizontal creases in the vertical direction and again straighten. Now we need to fold the double triangle. If you can bend the corners with the reception of the "valley", then your origami "transformer" will be two-colored.
Now we make folds of lightning with one and the secondhand - this will allow you to push the corners of our product inside. Repeat the same manipulations on the other side. The top of the product must be laid to the right. And then gently bend it inward. Two of the vertices on the side are raised upwards. The first module we made. It remains to make five more of the same. Attach these parts to each other with glue or tape. You should have a cube - a wonderful origami transformer. And now this, at first glance, uncomplicated figure, is ready to show the world and you the wonders of reincarnation. If you bend the corners of each small square to the center - you will get a fluffy ball. If these corners curl inward, you will get a rose. Just try to glue the pieces together in advance so that they do not fall apart at the moment when you are demonstrating the transformation to your loved ones.
You want to surprise your child with a new toy,which will not just be a beautiful figure, but a thing that can develop your baby? Then make for him such an origami "transformer" - this thing will be much more useful than all the development games that are sold in stores. One minus - the product is very fragile. But you can initially warn the baby that his transformer can tear, then he will be more cautious in handling. And by the way, then this toy will help you to bring up in your kid care and accuracy. So create your own paper masterpieces and give joy to yourself and your children!